Suri Hurray :yahoo: ! Congrats on the smooth transaction ! was waiting for this,thought let it come then I'll comment !
Well I will not talk bout the price you paid,Its understandable that you have thought very well before ordering it hyeah: !!
I however would like to just ask one question,Why did you choose to buy the recession buster kit instead of any other ?? offcourse keeping price in mind you might've taken the decision,but still just curious !
I myself wanted to buy some kit,But due these import,customs hassle dropped the idea !!
Anyways have you looked at this Fountek Kit ?
Its one of my Fav kits,comes with ribbon tweeter which sort a my Fav at the moment hyeah: (been dying to lay my hands on pair of them )!!
Anyways do post the pics and update Us with the latest !!
Hi Sreekanth,
i chose the RB kit primarily because it was so cheap that it seemed incredible value for the money ($59 for the vifa woofers,tweeters and assembled crossovers) and also because I wanted to make a pair of bookshelves for my son who is in a hostel and studying in college. He likes to listen to music, and i thought this would be perfect for abuse by him and his friends in his room at the hostel.
i saw the Fountek kit and it looks high end, and definitely worth it!