Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see the finished product. I am going to follow this design logic for my Lenco, with the chassis tilted 90 degrees. Love the tonearm.
This package arrived last week, direct from Germany. This has been on my wishlist for quite a few years, and finally I have it:yahoo:. All thanks:signthankspin: to fm Sachin, who made this possibleSachin, you are great :thumbsup:
looks impressive what cartridge / stylus is being used ?
Raghu this looks Awesome, could you post your impressions in the change in the sound ?
Thats one nifty tonearm you have !! it looks like a 12" ?
Also is it the tonearm wire you have taken out of the Tonearm slot on the Baseplate ?
what a stunning tonearm!!
Any plans to fill the left over holes, sand and paint the lenco chassis. That would make your TT absolutely stunning.
need to close 2 holes one is 24 mm round and another small rectangle cuing leaver hole. I am planing to close 24 mm hole with the round bobble lever. Don't have idea how to close that rectangle slot.
sachin and RP have inspired many on this forum from a phono perspective
You reckon....hmmm you really referring to me?
If that's right, I think my inspiration has come from this forum. Like you and the others we are very expressive with this obsession of ours with detailed reviews, learnings, articles leads and this way we learn and contribute to this forum which will help everybody.
Ready for sanding:
Great going Sachin. A couple of photos with the motor sitting?