Its raining vintage TTs

Re: Its raining vintage LENCO TTs

Ok now it's raining LENCO all over. After Sachin & Shafic, Sann is the new brother on Lenco board :clapping::clapping:....hmm Sachin, Shafic, Sann....shd I change my name to 'S'haskar to get a Lenco:confused::confused:..?? :D:D

Anyway here is an interesting thread from 'Lenco heaven' on mounting turntables on aluminum columns mounted to a huge granite plinth. If you notice, the owner of this system has threaded holes every 5cm so almost any turntable can be bolted to the plinth. Apparently this makes for a "rock" solid platform.



Yes boss, feel too bad about not being able to devote time to source packing material and getting down to pack the stuff. Will do for sure.

BTW, hope my LPs are kept aside safely.:D

Hee heeya.... Yakku yes, I have the LPs safe but as of today, they want to go to their new home at Chennai !!!:D They are asking for the postal address I have told them that I will receive the same in my email today.


Since there are so many lenco owners now, please take some time to read this thread on Audiogon . this really has all the basic knowledge on the Lenco L75 mods

to understand the parts read these threads

Tips and tweaks for improving the sound

if you want bearings for the original could all do a group buy from this guy in sweden

a jelco/linn/decca/mission arm is a drop in replacement for the lenco arm if you choose to change it. For any other arm you need a different mounting
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Dear Sachin, this was my wish to do lot of DIY in simplest TT. I wanted only little mechanical parts with least electronics in it. Thank you for guiding me. This is my Thorens TD-150, acquired some time back. This is Thorens TD-150 MKii - motor, platter and plinth, that's all!

Waiting for tonearm, mat, dustcover. Now works flawlessly without any play or motor noise.




Okay so tonearm arrived, its Cabezon 301 ( Rega RB-301 OEM).


With Isokinetik Isotone tonearm rewired kit.


I am not sure what this (below) sets?


This is antiskate for sure.

Okay so tonearm arrived, its Cabezon 301 ( Rega RB-301 OEM).


With Isokinetik Isotone tonearm rewired kit.


I am not sure what this (below) sets?


This is antiskate for sure.


That cannot be antiskate. That would be in the lateral direction and not in up-down direction. It must be downward force adjustment.
If you are talking about the slider marked 0, 1, 2 that's the antiskate setting. It means it should handle tracking force upto 2 grams. You will find that you can happily use even DL 103 at 2.5 grams. In case you want to continue using this arm for 103, headshell spacer to increase effective weight (and the corresponding heavier counterweight) are highly recommended.

BTW, is the Cabezon mod limited to the wiring or is there anything structural too?
That cannot be antiskate. That would be in the lateral direction and not in up-down direction. It must be downward force adjustment.
Yes, it seems that big black knob is for VTF setting and slider marked 0, 1, 2 that's the antiskate setting.

If you are talking about the slider marked 0, 1, 2 that's the antiskate setting. It means it should handle tracking force upto 2 grams. You will find that you can happily use even DL 103 at 2.5 grams. In case you want to continue using this arm for 103, headshell spacer to increase effective weight (and the corresponding heavier counterweight) are highly recommended.
You are correct!
BTW, is the Cabezon mod limited to the wiring or is there anything structural too?
Yes it seems only wire mod to RB-301.

See below quote from manual -
Cartridge tracking force adjustment
1. Ensure that the tracking force adjustment knob is set to the zero position.
2. With the cartridge permanently fitted in the correct position adjust the main bal-
ance weight so that the arm is floating with the stylus just 1mm clear of a record.
(This adjustment should be made with the anti-skating knob to zero. Note: Even
at zero there will be some small residual anti-skating force. Therefore it may also
be necessary to gently touch the arm bearing carrier to stop the arm moving out-
3. Rotate the tracking force adjustment knob to the required tracking force. If in
doubt it is usually advisable to use a tracking force that corresponds with the
upper limits of the cartridge manufacturers range.
Anti - Skating (bias) adjustment
Set the bias adjustment knob to the same number as the tracking force. Note:
This is not critical and a figure of 1-1.5g will normally be suitable for moving mag-
net cartridges and 1.5-2g for most moving coil cartridges.
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Congratulations Sachin on the Lenco!

Looks like in good shape. All the best for getting it up and running to it's full potential.

did bearing maintenance today.It takes little more than 3 mins to stop completely, smoother than before.My Thrust plate(Black disc in second pic)has developed a dot in the center as ball sits on it.I have now flipped it to other side,need to order new one.The hardest part was to remove C clip.



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sachin, in my bearings case i put a coin below the thrust plate and raised the spindle a platter ran better after that . This might not be a case for you as i had a slight scraping in the spindle..
I get a grinding sound when switch in off position.I am sure its not from bearing.I think its from brake,part no 15 in pic.It has some rubber kind of material on it.I am thinking of removing it and stick another piece of soft rubber,or will completely remove brake as I don't need it.
Pic from Lencoheaven

i think that is needed to operate the lever for engaging the idler..but not sure.
try the "raise" tweak" above
I get a grinding sound when switch in off position.I am sure its not from bearing.I think its from brake,part no 15 in pic.It has some rubber kind of material on it.I am thinking of removing it and stick another piece of soft rubber,or will completely remove brake as I don't need it.
Sachin can you loosen the screws and retract it a little bit ? That way you keep the original part intact on the chassis itself.
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Part # 15 should have some kind of felt material stuck to it. Don't remove or loosen it. I believe it has a critical function in making the platter stop nearly instantaneously when you turn off the TT. Personally, I consider this feature a very good feature.
Part # 15 should have some kind of felt material stuck to it. Don't remove or loosen it. I believe it has a critical function in making the platter stop nearly instantaneously when you turn off the TT. Personally, I consider this feature a very good feature.

Probably performs as part of the brake?
Part # 15 should have some kind of felt material stuck to it. Don't remove or loosen it. I believe it has a critical function in making the platter stop nearly instantaneously when you turn off the TT. Personally, I consider this feature a very good feature.

+1, this function is same as 301/401 idler. Brake with a felt tip. But with the motor 'on' (platter running) it's supposed to get disengaged from the platter and shd not make any noise. Once the on/off switch is put to 'off' posn, the brake moves and mechanically stops the platter. With the platter off, just check if it's moving away enough frm the platter-sim when the power switch is moved to 'on'.


This rain also brought a spell of shower for me, and I got a Lenco I haven been dreaming for all this while.
I grew up listening to an idler wheel HMV Calypso, which my father bought in 70's, and it sounded fabulous, I still miss the sound which it reproduced.

So here is my Lenco GL78. Thanks to Sachin, Om and Joshua for their help and encouragement.




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