Its raining vintage TTs

I would like to join in the group buy scheme for Lenco l 75. I do have a stock plinth for my Lenco L 75 but a new one can be used for comparison and further improvement
Received the V Blocks today from Alexey.


They are precision made and fit perfectly.


They have improved the frequency extremes, which I was getting while using my DIY makeshift V Blocks, to a great extent. Yes, I can hear the difference.
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Congrats Sann for acquiring this lovely lady and a big thanks for letting her niece to come my home
And a big salute to Om and Ramesh (Blore)

This rain also brought a spell of shower for me, and I got a Lenco I haven been dreaming for all this while.
I grew up listening to an idler wheel HMV Calypso, which my father bought in 70's, and it sounded fabulous, I still miss the sound which it reproduced.

So here is my Lenco GL78. Thanks to Sachin, Om and Joshua for their help and encouragement.




yes, to the direct drive philosophy.


I don't think there is anything wrong with this philosophy. One need not get carried away by one technology or the other. From a huge amount of personal experience I can tell you there is no perfect thing. Finally the turntable, tonearm, cartridge and the whole chain makes the difference. Look at how Kuruvila has discovered the joy of Linn while he as the most illustrious and revered decks in his stock. I am not saying that Linn is better than others, but just that his combination is working for him.

DDs are still my favourite from a performance and ease of use perspective and not to say that I disrespect any other thing. Each one to himself.

I endorse Anil's views on DDs. I was not a fan of Direct Drives until I experienced the clean mids produced by SP-25 and now I have a Technics SL-150 which is also good. All systems have their plus and minus but it is up to us to bring the best out of them.
The intention is not to directly compare and reject one for the other. Its all about personal choice and what sounds good to one's ears. I've grown up listening to idlers and got my direct drive in 2008. It was obvious that my Technics SL3200 was far superior to all the idlers I've heard over the years, from a functionality perspective - perfect speed, fantastic tracking, no rumble, ease of maintenance, bragging rights and what not. But having said that, I've not really owned one of the 3 big idlers - the 301, the 401, the L75 and of course, the idler-BD hybrid, the TD124. People have described the plus of using one of these 4 machines with a good tone arm, plinth and with mods in some cases, over the regular mass market turntables. I've also noticed some differences since of late (what I have now, versus what I've heard in the past) so am tempted to find out. That's all. I am in the process of moving to the SL1200 or the EMT 938 over time but want to check out the idlers before taking the final dive. Can't spend too much time starting the next financial year as I have to focus on my career as well (which will involve re-location) so have to act fast and make the most of the limited window of time that I currently have :)
Hi reubensm,
Technics 1200 is a workhorse,all the Techics IMO,but L-70/75 sounds better.Recently Omishra,Sann,and Svaze did comparison with Thorens TD-150,Lenco L-75,cart(Dl-301) and Phonostage(Pearl-2) was common.Technics sounded thin.There was no competition between Technics and L75 which was without plinth and crappy tonearm(homemade V block).

I agree with Sachin, Technics 1200 is a great player, and I was always fascinated about it, when I looked at the dead stable speed on the strobe, the build quality, ease of use, clean sounds, it still maintains its place.
However, when we heard it along with Lenco, I found (my own personal experience) it had thinner vocals compared to thick, lush, and absolutely clear vocals of Lenco.
Lenco had the punch, attacking energy in instruments, rhythm and details which were probably contributing to it sounding more enjoyable to my ears.
I am sure with the changed V blocks, it would sound far better than it sounded on day we heard it along with both the other great players.
Note: These views are based on my own listening experience. YMMV
I think Anilva had also talked about this earlier
Comparing TTs is extremely subjective business as we are talking of a) TT, b) Toneram c) Cart and d) Phono
a-b has a synergy which is unique
b-c has a synergy which is unique
c-d is another synergy which is unique

no not all b's work with an a, not all c's work with b and c-d can really change the sound in a big way ..but the phono is something we can practically keep constant as else a comparison is impossible :(

Of course it is not as complicated practically as it is mathematically as some TT-Arm combos will be consistently better or worse than other.

From my limited exposure, characteristics like Thickness/thinness of Sound, Bass response etc are very specific to cart and even orientation of the cart !( eg my DL103 gives better bass with a lower VTA and better high frequency with the VTA is higher !)

So Reuben, it might be as simple as finding a cart which gives that body (if it is a problem) on the technics ! owning another TT can be justified if you want to..but practically if it is only tonal characteristics you are looking at you could very well find that with what you have !
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A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.