Kuartlotron Error Correcting Super Buffer

Folks, an update ...

Could not post impressions on the 25K volume pot due to the holidays. Now that the Christmas tree and decorations has been packed and stored, I have more room to change out gear in my setup. Placed the K Buffer in my chain this evening with the 25K pot and have been listening for some time now.

Bass response and transients are much better with the 25K pot. I also like that I can now turn the volume knob all the way up to 11 o clock and the loudness tracks the knob turn. Can go up more but with my amp 11:30 is plenty loud. On my setup the 25K pot is definitely the way to go. Thanks Josh and Omishra for the guidance.

Will post again after listening some more ...

Thanks for the recommendations.

Until this point I was trying to find the right impedance value for my K Buffer.
Now that I know 25K is the sweet spot I can start looking around.

Alps is a candidate and so are a few others.
Thanks for the recommendations.

Until this point I was trying to find the right impedance value for my K Buffer.
Now that I know 25K is the sweet spot I can start looking around.

Alps is a candidate and so are a few others.

What all have you shortlisted nikhil?
In my almost 50 transactions on aliexpress, except delayed shipping/long delivery time, I never faced any issues. I ordered 3 of these pots and looks decent quality.
I dint faced delay in shipping, but the shipping time will be more and max of 60days
Some products received in a month
is it recommended to use a volume pot of 10k/20k ohm with this buffer or can we use 45-50k ohm potentiometers also? Are there be any issues with it?

You may have to try and see in your setup.

I found that the volume control ran out of steam with the CITEC 32K pot that came with the kit i.e. no change in volume after the 10:30 - 11:00 o clock position (with 6:00 o clock being zero). Changed to 10K pot but the bass thinned out and was really not that good.

Currently the 25K pot is working just fine in my setup. Volume tracks the knob turn very nicely. Have not taken it past 12:00 as my amps are pretty loud.
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