LG 50PK550R Owner's Discussion Thread

I just checked my TV today. After increasing the brightness to above 45 I am able to see green dancing pixels. Wow!!!It is not at all seen from the distance if 7 feet where i sit to watch. But when i come within 1 feet distance to the TV i see them. It is only seen during scene's which have a lot of black background. I will wait for replies from you guys in regards to the visits by the LG service guys before raising a complaint myself in bangalore.
Thanks Srinivas.

So it is not a problem that affect random panels. Higher chances of LG owning the problem and fixing it.


Have a LG representative visit today. I'll explain the problem and try to get it fixed somehow. Need to know if it's a hardware or software problem. Will post the discussion tonight.

Suggest to hold on to your purchase decision (LG or Pana) for some time (if you can).
Shall be buying 550 tomorrow or day after. I am getting price of 67K. Just wanted to know anything to lookout for before buying?


Shall be buying 550 tomorrow or day after. I am getting price of 67K. Just wanted to know anything to lookout for before buying?



Hey Sid,

Is it from a LG dealer or multi-brand shop like Croma? Try getting from an authorized dealer. You may get it for 62-64K.

Tell the dealer that it should be unused display and if you notice anything suspicious it will be returned promptly. Ask him to sign the warranty (maybe later once delivered).

When delivered do some quick checks (applies to all Plasma display):
1) Carton should be in good condition and not torn. Any sign of major wear would indicate mishandling.
2) Be there when they unbox the display. Check if the internal packaging is intact. The display, remote and stand should be in their holes. They should not hurry the unpacking process.
3) Do NOT allow service guy to lay the display horizontally even to fix the stand. The set should be in vertical position at all times.
4) While moving the fixed set, make sure they hold by the bezel and NOT apply pressure on the panel.
5) Ensure service guys look skilled enough to handle the display. Ask them politely to wash their hands before they start the procedure. Hand them a clean towel too.
6) Ensure the bezel is protected by sticky film layer and no obvious damage.
7) Check for any visible scratches on the screen or bezel.

You will have to live with the set for couple of days before noticing any glaring problems (dead / stuck pixel, dust, line bleed, etc.), if there are any. Hope this helps.
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so Shaiju did the Lg representative show up or not.

@ Siddh, Apart from what Shaiju has told you should also keep these in mind as well.

1. First of the packaging should be in good condition, they have a brown duct tape on the top with 2 staple pins at both the ends of the carton they should be intact and untouched

2, the packaging will have three white bands on the outside if any one is missing, that is the first sign that something is wrong, because the centre one needs to be cut for it to be opened since it is difficult to slide it half way of the cartons legth, so it's a good chance if the screen has been used before there will be 2 bands rather than 3

3. Once they lift the outside packing, the thermocol should not be broken, if it is that means it has been mishandeled during transit and plasmas are very much fragile.

4. the plastic wrap covering the plasma should be totally intact, they use a very sticky tape which when opened usually tears the wrap alongwith it, so if it has been opened before there will be tear and wear on it, also check the polybag which contains the remote and other accessories it should not be opened, it has to be sealed under any conditions, don't take any excuse from the dealer if it is open.

5. take some break in images with you in a Pen drive and play them for atleast 5 minutes, any kind of dead pixels will be easily visible on a dark solid color, also if the panel has a uniformity issue, which has been explained in the earlier pages of this thread will be easily identifiable with the break in images, especially the darker colors.

6. at the back of the panel there will be 4 screws, this is where the wall mount brackets are fixed, so if these 4 screws are not there this is another sign that it is a display or a used piece, usually they forget about these screws.

7. the screen has to be transported in vertical postion, do not lay it flat on either side while transporting, it can lead to screwing up the gases inside the display.

8. when the person who comes to install the screen, tell him to use the spirit level and not any measurement tape, i have 2 big holes in my wall just because of that.

Hope you get yours in good condition. BEST OF LUCK
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Thanks Srinivas.

So it is not a problem that affect random panels. Higher chances of LG owning the problem and fixing it.


Have a LG representative visit today. I'll explain the problem and try to get it fixed somehow. Need to know if it's a hardware or software problem. Will post the discussion tonight.

Suggest to hold on to your purchase decision (LG or Pana) for some time (if you can).

I sure will as i am too bullish on this product. Have had really great experience with LG products in the past got LH50 and LG265 fridge as well.
Ok, so here is the update on LG senior service visit.

Spoiler: Did they fix the problem completely? No.
Ray of hope: Tech guy agreed to R&D another set and get back.
Should prospective buyers stay clear of this model? NO! Go buy this set and enjoy. If you have a good panel the green problem can be fixed.

Interested? Read on...

There were 2 guys, one was a non-tech senior and other was experienced with service settings. Without saying the non-tech guy kept saying it is not a problem so I was more interested in the tech guy.

At first they found it difficult to accept that the green pixels were a problem. After some demonstration of greens on black areas of the picture, the tech guy started to show some inquisitiveness. I showed them the 2 videos posted earlier and the settings suggested on AVS forum.

He then set out adjustment with the service remote. Behold, there it was inside the service menu everything from model, region, preset color temperature, RGB settings, panel brightness, panel contrast, et al. He tried some adjustments and asked me to check the greens. Sometimes better but never worse. Finally he toned down the panel brightness from 128 to about 100 along with G-setting and things started to really improve. I asked him to leave color temperature at Warm.

Almost 1.5 hours into trial and error he understood the problem and said greens were a bit overblown. With the new service setting I notch up the brightness up to 59 without seeing any major greens. Toning down the panel brightness is a bit like keeping the menu brightness low. However, the good thing is that the picture remains sufficiently bright without losing detail.

Now, to the speck of dust. Non-tech guy says "not possible". I did the torch trick and showed him the dust. Somewhat reluctant but he said will try to get rid of it.

So guys, at the end of 2 hours there is hope that the problem can be fixed by LG. I called the Mumbai branch senior and asked for 2 things:
1) Get rid of the greens. If it is possible via service menu then provide a firmware update.
2) Suggest R&D to enable certain features like CMS and Picture Wizard. He said advanced calibration were not included as a) in India not many people bother about the calibration b) it jacks up the cost a bit. Both reasons were not acceptable. We are ready to pay a small price rather than go through this trouble.

The way forward is to keep pushing LG. The problem can be solved. Each one of us should drop a problem email to [email protected] as it picked by HO. Maybe give them link to this thread as Mannu suggested. Also put a complaint / suggestion through LG website. It assigns a complaint number. Let us then consolidate and start speaking with HO. What about writing to Whathifi and AV India magazines? They may review this set soon.

Sorry, about the long post and my animated writing.

For now, I am at peace. To be mean as the non-tech guy said, "Sir, so you are not the only one with this problem then". Hehe!
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Hey Shaiju,

Thanks for the long mail. So whats your plan. Can you please write up a post which has some details which we could mention in the complaint to the LG guys? Technical stuff would be good to make them understand that we are serious about this issue. Probably all the LG PK 550 Owners should take the inputs from your post and raise a complaint. In the worst case we would be ready pay the extra cost to enable the calibration settings for this TV? What do you say.
Srinivas, as of now I am contacting couple of people who have been able to get into the service menu but stuck due to lack of further instructions.

Also thinking of right ways to put across this problem to LG so that they take concrete steps.

LG service guy did some changes in G-gain and B-gain from service menu in addition to panel brightness. My 2008 Samsung LCD had these options in the user menu. LG India what the heck were you thinking?

My brightness is now at 59 and contrast at 60 (break-in period).

Watching NGC HD and things have improved. I just held my breath momentarily seeing some amazing clarity than what I saw yesterday (HD channels just repeat their programs).

On the extra moolah, hmm, I think we already pay a premium over our western counterparts. Does anyone know if Samsung C550 has CMS?
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I am around 95 hours into my break in period, and the PQ has drastically improved for me, it was already excellent before but now i just stare and stare at my display, The PQ has just turned to fantabulous on this display, the only gripe is with the brightness that i have to keep at a low level (green pixels), i am watching the world cup quarter final matches and the PQ has turned from amazing to simply awesome, i was just staring at it in awe but then the 12 minute break came and i thought of going online LOL. Just jaw dropping, mind blowing PQ. i felt as if it has doubled from previous levels(though it might be an overstatemnet). Atfirst i couldn't believe my eyes, but it has set in now.

@ Shaiju good piece of news you posted there, can u post in detail what they changed in the service menu,

Also lets work out a strategy to get something going for the expert modes, picture wizard etc, also talked with preet27, Chad has replied that he won't be able to help so it's upto us guys, if we can get that done this display will be unbeatable for 2010 in VFM department, atleast in the Indian market. lets write into different magazines as you said, also we can write into techtree and gadgetguru etc parallely talking with LG,

Also if you could get in touch with the LG service guy who came, can you copy the different settings that are there now in the service menu and share, it could be helpful to have an estimate of what has to be changed, it could act as a starting point and if other owners get their serivce guy to reach a better level or find something else that does more good we can exchange those and ask LG service people to try those on our own sets

Ah well break is up back to the game, I AM LOVING IT !!
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... can u post in detail what they changed in the service menu
Also if you could get in touch with the LG service guy who came, can you copy the different settings that are there now in the service menu and post here...

I thought of the same. Could not take pics as he was randomly changing settings in service menu. He got in to a PK550 service menu for the first time though I felt he understood the problem and did a decent job. Wish he would talk a bit more as I had to coax him for answers.

Told the guy that there are owners from north and south reporting similar problem. He said they could get in touch respective regional senior service personnel who, in turn, can get in touch with him. Just give him couple of days to experiment with another set.

I too have contacted preet27 and asked for service menu pictures. Maybe I can guide him of what I saw (and recollect).

These are the original settings in W/B menu:
Warm on HDMI1
R-gain 192
G-gain 164
B-gain 141

R-offest 128
G-offest 128
B-offest 128

Panel brightness: 128
Panel contrast: 128

As far as I remember he changed the G-gain + R-gain and set the panel brightness to 100 or so.

Will try and get the exact settings.

Edit: Order Kites HD on Showcase. Loving it. No, not the film but LG. Ms. Mori keep biting her lips irritatingly and has a single expression slapped on her face.
100 crores down the drain.
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We can all report this to LG customer care. I will include the request to include adv calibration settings too.

You both have seen the service menu. Just curious. Do you see any option to turn ON the THX/ISF modes? Do you need to change the model from PK550R to PK550 for getting it?
Guys, I sent a mail anyways to the LG email id Shaiju had shared.

Broad content were on this lines ..

"Overall the set is very good except for small niggling problems which I would like to bring to your notice

Issue with green dancing pixels at brightness above 52. The darks suddenly start showing green dancing pixels and this phenomenon has been observed in many other Pk550 across india. Please refer to link below

No service menu or advanced calibrations which can fix this issue and enable certain features like CMS and Picture Wizard. This has been checked and proved even at another Pk550 in mumbai. Please refer to the link given above, again for details.

Hope that the problem can be fixed by LG by providing a firmware update. These settings are available default in all EU and US models. "
That's great. Think Sri mentioned he dropped an email as well. There are few 550 owners on teambhp.com. That site has a lengthy registration process, too many questions. I gave up half way.

Looked up few things on WD TV Live and Plus. Plus has Netflix; a service that is not available in India.

Still don't have a comfortable understanding. Will google some more tonight. On ebay.in it was available from Rs. 7500.
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Guys, I tried using the USB drive for seeing some movies...only formats it could pick were avi and divx...

but i saw on some forums that thru service menu/ remote...it can be changed to play any format ( i guess)


set EMF to 1 and DivX to HD. Don't modify anything else or you will brick your tv.

Any ideas ??
Vivek, too many warnings on that site. Plus it works only on certain EU LCD models. PK550 already has USB enabled and the only setting(s) required is to "enable all formats" as opposed to "enable USB".
Yahoooooooooo guys finally picked my tata sky HD box... hope installation happens sooner.....let me njoi my TV for what its meant to be :)
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