LG CX Discussion (No Price Talk)

Yeah final onus is on Hotstar devs (or Disney to give a shit about their service in India and lean on Star). The Android Hotstar app is thankfully updated for DolbyVision, HDR and also does 5.1 sound on selected titles, but weirdly enough doesn't shift to 16:9 full screen on the Krait Dragon scene in Season 2 Episode 1 of the Mandalorian, while the Hotstar app on Fire TV does it on the same scene. I tested the scene out on the same TV using native Android app and on the FireTv 4k. Per Sony aspect ratio is completely controlled by the app (the options to change aspect ratio aren't available on native apps) so maybe this is another weird quirk of apps on different platforms having different features maybe?
I have been watching the mandalorian on the cx through the inbuilt disney app and its bitrate hovers around 5 mbps. The quality is borderline full hd . It seems lg has not updated the Disney hotstar app in India to 4k , while as usual the rest of the world has 4k.
I am planning to raise a stink through their customer care and would encourage others to join in.
We pay a premium for their TV's as compared to the west and cant even use our screens to their capacity . I am not happy.

I raised a complain to Hotstar for 4k DV support in LG WebOS. It was pretty standard answer that we will forward your request to our Dev Teams. On asking for a support request ticket number to track, the executive seemed a little pissed however provided me with ticket # 7009144. Not sure what can be done further.
I raised a complain to Hotstar for 4k DV support in LG WebOS. It was pretty standard answer that we will forward your request to our Dev Teams. On asking for a support request ticket number to track, the executive seemed a little pissed however provided me with ticket # 7009144. Not sure what can be done further.
Hotstar pixalates really bad in 75" LED TVs. My Sony 75" 8000H pixalates hotstar Disney plus so bad that I can only watch it from my LG CX 65. "Luca" film looks completely different when my 11 year old sons were watching them on my room LG CX as a continuation from the 8000H they earlier began watching it, they said to me the hall TV (Sony 8000H) has an issue that needs to be repaired!
Hotstar is an absolute garbage app from a technical perspective.It offers the lowest PQ and it lags the most.
Agreed about the laggy and one of the most unintuitive UI, PQ in live sports leaves much to be desired however in some of the movies and shows in DV are quite good PQ wise. e.g Wanda vision
Hotstar is an absolute garbage app from a technical perspective.It offers the lowest PQ and it lags the most.
On the lg cx the pq even in hd was quite good. No lagging at all. But Netflix is better in hd.
We should all follow up with hotstar to up their quality and maybe they will do something.
I have personally given them hell today.
Thank you for sharing your setup
I heard bose has rave reviews espically Bass Module, any suggestions for good movies to play first in new oled
Can you feel surround effect, can you say dimensions of your room, I am also planning to have good surrond sound system
still in thinking phase
JBL 9.1 I heard it is compact and good atmos effect but will cater 20FTX10FT room?
for that cost I can also go for 5.1 AVR setup with 7.1.2 proofing.
I found that JBL in both 5.1 and 9.1 versions has rolled off upper frequencies. means bass is loud and vibrant but sounds (like voice, background music and metallic clicks etc) are not clear. It's a muffled bang. I am looking for a similar setup for my cx55 haven't found one yet.
Hi all the fellow CX owners ,

As some of you are aware since last week QN90A is installed in my room and CX is waiting to be shipped to parents room so I have no idea whether CX has received any fresh updates in the interim . I heard recently that LG has added DV gaming @120 ...
Hi all the fellow CX owners ,

As some of you are aware since last week QN90A is installed in my room and CX is waiting to be shipped to parents room so I have no idea whether CX has received any fresh updates in the interim . I heard recently that LG has added DV gaming @120 ...
Nope not aware. Maybe we need a thread in which the popular high end TV's count can be kept. Will give us a good idea where the Indian market is atm.
Nope not aware. Maybe we need a thread in which the popular high end TV's count can be kept. Will give us a good idea where the Indian market is atm.
Maybe we should start a new thread but what I want to know is whether all or any of the CX's in India have received any firmware update in last week , could you please check that for me...
Getting a lot of judder while watching the euro cup through tatasky. Expert modes with their motion handling switched off are unusable. Gives you a headache .
Using normal mode or cinema mode. Anyone got the settings for watching sports ? I will set the sports mode to the suggested settings and test. Currently the sports mode with default settings is too garish.
I fully agree with you as just couple of days back i was comparing HDR night shots on my QN90A with my Samsung S20 plus n the QN90A just completely destroyed the phone , Okay conceded that QN90A are HDR/Brightness kings but most FALDS n even OLEDs like CX with 800 nits peak HDR will outperform the gimmicky 1000 nits HDR on smartphones.
I fully agree with you as just couple of days back i was comparing HDR night shots on my QN90A with my Samsung S20 plus n the QN90A just completely destroyed the phone , Okay conceded that QN90A are HDR/Brightness kings but most FALDS n even OLEDs like CX with 800 nits peak HDR will outperform the gimmicky 1000 nits HDR on smartphones.
The problem with phones is the bad software and not the panels. From a panel point of view, phones are brighter and use RGB OLEDs which have purer spectral distribution than WRGB OLEDs. Samsung AMOLED panels are the best displays on the market out of any display in any form-factor being produced now, and anyone who debates it doesn't know what he's talking about.

The problem is the broken widewine DRM system, horrible tone-mapping of HDR and just complete lack of care as to how to represent HDR properly. You can even adjust the display's brightness when you view HDR on youtube and the entire tone-curve changes. Not to mention Netflix doesn't work beyond 1080p on phones and DV just isn't there.

These problems are not on iOS devices and hence OLED iPhones look so good for HDR viewing. Vincent Teoh from HDTVTest even did a complete test on the iPhone 12 pro and found the display significantly superior to any TV and close to his $30k reference monitor. Check it out here:

HDR on mobile phones are complete joke nothing like TVs. They have tiny color gamut, pretty sure no support for Rec.2020 is the reason.
You have no idea what you're talking about. There is a professional gamut test on phones available at Displaymate and they do significantly higher gamut than most TVs out there. RGB OLED panels used in phones have a much purer way to produce colours and hence can easily exceed what TVs with LCD panels (transmissive) or WRGB OLEDs (white colour mixed in makes spectral distribution impure).

Rec. 2020 is just a colour space, and has nothing to do with a panel itself. And the top of the line AMOLED panels do significantly higher than DCI-P3 colour space, which no TV currently can do to my knowledge.

This is from Displaymate's review of the OnePlus 9 Pro. They haven't tested the S21 Ultra yet, which has an even newer emitter and should do better than this:

In the top image, the phone can do 110% DCI-P3 colour gamut, which would be significantly higher than any TV rtings has tested till date.
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