LG OLED CX55/65 Buying Group Thread (for all locations across India)

Hey guys,

Glad to find this thread. From Hyderabad at Bajaj electronics for lg cx 65 1.75l and gx 65 for 2l with 7.5k cash back and additional warranty and some lg assured gift mostly 2k I may get Is it a good deal? It is lasting till 30 Nov.

Thanks in advance.
Is the CX 65 for 1.75 lac include 4,5th yr warranty? Cashback is additional on this ?
Hey guys,

Glad to find this thread. From Hyderabad at Bajaj electronics for lg cx 65 1.75l and gx 65 for 2l with 7.5k cash back and additional warranty and some lg assured gift mostly 2k I may get Is it a good deal? It is lasting till 30 Nov.

Thanks in advance.
Super good price if it includes warranty for 4th and 5th years.
Thanks. Well, I got it installed in Puducherry which is a second base. Stand will take about a week, I was told. As an interim and quick measure, Reliance Digital agreed to fix it on the wall. Once the stand becomes available the TV would be mounted on it. I did not want to stare at the package box till the table top stand arrives. The bracket is in fact very good, South Korean made.
I hope they give you the stand for free and take the wall mount back because the prices have a huge difference

The stand costs around 8k and the wall mount is around 3k.
Hey guys,

Glad to find this thread. From Hyderabad at Bajaj electronics for lg cx 65 1.75l and gx 65 for 2l with 7.5k cash back and additional warranty and some lg assured gift mostly 2k I may get Is it a good deal? It is lasting till 30 Nov.

Thanks in advance.
Which showroom is this? Any contact info?
^^Bajaj electronics, Hyderabad. They have a website too. Tirupathi, ( [email protected] )is the nearest city to Chennai which is having a port to ship it to Andaman. Oh but you already have placed an order. Maybe for a friend you could use that.
^^Bajaj electronics, Hyderabad. They have a website too. Tirupathi, ( [email protected] )is the nearest city to Chennai which is having a port to ship it to Andaman. Oh but you already have placed an order. Maybe for a friend you could use that.
Yup. Figured since I was pushing across borders anyway might as well get the cheapest price in mainland and compensate in shipping effort.
Will be useful for a friend.

How many of you have taken the 4th5th year warranty and how much did it cost? Is it from LG or from dealer like Resq?
my strategy is this
1. you need the item on a one-off basis: for stores it's a daily affair. He's already relying on your desperation.
2. you have to know what something is worth (the cold hard $ value) before you negotiate - implies knowing how that product was made, material cost AND ALTERNATIVES.
3. YOU DON'T ASK for the price: you tell the store what you are willing to pay and why (the alternatives). Don't waste your offer-first-mover opportunity on asking him for his opinion - it'll usually be something ridiculous because he wants to protect his price margin info.

Example I need a 5 ohm speaker because my old driver broke:
1. did some research Speaker Drivers and winding my own coil So, convenience wise 2-2.5k (internet -shipping), but material cost wise no more than INR 500/. My alternative is to wind it myself and repair (cheapest INR 100 roughly) - do I have all the components/sources, yes except the Aluminium former.
2. The temptation would be to lie and gloss over your hurdles during negotiation but the store will know for sure everything about this business. Therefore:
3. Patience but here the store can waste your time/money depending. Why do you suppose they put up shop in SP Road? They can sit and you have to storm their muddy-moat/shabby citadel every attempt. (but for him it's home - he's already used to it and living in it) (which means finding a way to live economically in SP Road and discovering its sekrets - maybe)

Stores have numerous tricks to create the impression you are getting value! I WOULD NOT waste my time with them, negotiating/bargaining/checking with other shops - YOU ARE ALREADY paying for an overpriced item. Almost any import is x3-4-10 times the cost of manufacturing. Instead use the opportunity to learn more or do without! You won't win against a system that's rigged against you! (note the cost of rice and ask yourself have you won?) My thread on this very same topic - documenting some of my experiences

You WON'T WIN in India against a competent storekeeper: you will leave thinking you did so. (Buyers are losers by definition)
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Andhra Pradesh telangama seems to be hot bed for cx65. Flying off at mouth watering rates.
Anyone still on the fence, grab it from Bajaj Electronics Hyderabad or Nellore. They re looking to clear stock tonight being the last day of offer.

Shouldve waited and cast my net wider to the neighboring state. These are Diwali rates!
My extended warranty didnt go through guys.
It was not approved as apparently the installation had to be completed by 30 Nov. (According to the dealer he is unable to punch it in)
Did anyone of you get the extended warranty done?
November month ends and so do the offers apparently.

Got extended warranty online by my own effort online (with timely help from FM bubblez).

Total Nett Price for OLED65CXPTA - 192990 (including GST)
Extended Warranty AMC 4th 5th yr - 26550 (including GST)

Thank you all and peace.
^^ @ Rs.220000 you have bought a five years of excellent viewing experience ahead. All of this for the price lesser than what most people pay in top tier Indian cities for this package. What's more, you do not even have to worry about flight fares or the possible high end logistics fare. Like the saying goes, you are not in planet Venus. Just in an island across the bay of Bengal and with today's technology, nothing is impossible.
Yes, my efforts have paid off . Eagerly waiting for the arrival of the panel. Thanks for your help in all your quick inputs @Donivlapog

But I'm only human, so can't help but think that I could've cast the net wider to AP Telangana and shaved off atleast a 10k-15k more

I think now o have to make peace with the process and enjoy the product
^^ @ Rs.220000 you have bought a five years of excellent viewing experience ahead. All of this for the price lesser than what most people pay in top tier Indian cities for this package. What's more, you do not even have to worry about flight fares or the possible high end logistics fare. Like the saying goes, you are not in planet Venus. Just in an island across the bay of Bengal and with today's technology, nothing is impossible.
Anyone else desirous of availing company extended warranty can use this link. Price still shows 70 percent off at 22500+gst.


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Yes, my efforts have paid off . Eagerly waiting for the arrival of the panel. Thanks for your help in all your quick inputs @Donivlapog

But I'm only human, so can't help but think that I could've cast the net wider to AP Telangana and shaved off atleast a 10k-15k more

I think now o have to make peace with the process and enjoy the product
I guess the compromise ifor the 10k is the good dealer I got. Who is proactive and helped me with a invoice copy and serial number photo at 15 minutes to midnight last night.
got the table top mount and installation done yesterday.. after 10 days wait
Did it rob the sensation of owning the quality product a little? My Blaupunkt which wouldn't play Netflix got me swearing and cursing at the product and after I got it running don't even feel it is a good product! Electronic devices are like first impression is the best impression.
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