
. But after a run in of around 30 hours, its a bunt rather than a hit out of the park,
Over the years I've moved from Macbook playing Audirvana to Intel NUC to Allo USBridge to Bluesound Vault to Silent Angel and now the Lumin combo. I'm not looking for great resolution or soundstage, just good tonality. I've tried streaming as well as playing files from the SSD. Both are disappointing.
But these are early days. The recommended burn in period is 300 hours. And I'm using ethernet connections, not fibre. Fibre components are in the pipeline (Trendnet switch and SFP modules, Corning ClearCurve cables).
Moreover, I use a Google wifi mesh router and the U2 is connected to one of the mesh nodes over wifi. Both the router and the node to which the U2 is connected are powered by proprietary Google wall wart power supplies. I am in the process of changing these to LPS.
Let me see what happens after the above changes. But I will not praise my components just because they have cost me a pile!
PS: My source - Qobuz for streaming HDtracks for downloaded music files