Lyrita Horn Speakers

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Wow.... this Altec subject is very touchy...
Hi Rajiv,

If that's the case, please do see an ENT specialist, and also a psychiatrist. Because your ears aren't good enough to hear what you are missing, as well as social skills are zero. [

Ears aren't sensitive, but for sure, the eyes are sharp enough to catch these acrimonious eye-sour jottings! In the absence of ground, shooting the messenger comes handy!!

Sad,and it was up there with few THANKS from the supposedly role models .. Seriously, need some humorous sarcasms,but.. :)

Is there any knob available in e-bay, to control the "writing-tones" ?
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All respected real and so called seniors/experts,

Please stop tarnishing the integrity of this forum by fighting. We are all here to learn and share the knowledge.

Don't know whether there are FM's having other hidden agenda...

Just my observation....
I agree Venu... I do not know why certain FMs have been getting affected and have been provoking a lot of us on various threads. But then, the moment we have responded in just 2-3 posts, people 'ears' etc have become sensitive!! Bloody awesome!

Personally I think Rajiv & Co and stop being Lyrita fanboys (i don't have anything against you Virenji, you do know that, I hope), and start understanding that there are other options for people who want to look beyond, want to experiment (my money and time after all) and then reach for a long-term solution.

As a mod, i can tell you one thing, any more derailment will not be tolerated. GeorgeO, sir, kindly remove all irrelevant asides, snides by Rajiv, Srinisunder and me from here. As I am noir moderating this particular Forum.

Enough said. I always did consider rajiv a friend, which is why I had been ignoring his snides (even in my own Altec thread) but then, I am not Jesus, my patience will run out. If and when Rajiv comes to his senses, he will see the truth in this, apologise and be friends again. And that i am leaving to his grace.

Here everyone contributed to tarnish each other or bias to one supplier/manufacturer whom those people like (sorry to say - not only the names popped by you). One more request is to the super Moderators is to remove from Moderator positions those who have any commercial interest (Dealers, Manufacturers, etc.). Do not know what is happening here!

About Reviews: The forum must have official reviewers and others who post review is only writing their personal opinion...

Just my 2 paise...

This is my last post ( guys only mentioning this thread) here...

I have not put any provoking post or snides here against Manav.. Only Ranjeet has put against me as trolling, so replied otherwise i have not posted anything wrong here..:cool:

I agree Venu... I do not know why certain FMs have been getting affected and have been provoking a lot of us on various threads. But then, the moment we have responded in just 2-3 posts, people 'ears' etc have become sensitive!! Bloody awesome!

As a mod, i can tell you one thing, any more derailment will not be tolerated. GeorgeO, sir, kindly remove all irrelevant asides, snides by Rajiv, Srinisunder and me from here. As I am noir moderating this particular Forum.

Enough said. I always did consider rajiv a friend, which is why I had been ignoring his snides (even in my own Altec thread) but then, I am not Jesus, my patience will run out. If and when Rajiv comes to his senses, he will see the truth in this, apologise and be friends again. And that i am leaving to his grace.
gvenu said:
The forum must have official reviewers and others who post review is only writing their personal opinion...

Not possible --- all reviews are personal opinions. True, they me more or less informed by more or less experience, and more or less unbiased according to the person's tastes and view point.

I believe we can take all this in our stride if we just remember that the words we are reading are those of another human, and that nobody is perfect or all-knowing. Some people get a little dogmatic at the keyboad (yes, I'm looking at myself!); some people get carried away with their passions.

If one wants objective, skip, for instance, all the words in a Stereophile write up, and go straight to the measurements. That's objective, but most people here would agree that, even those with the knowledge to interpret those graphs etc, would not use them to dictate a purchase.

Or there's always hydrogen audio. Actually, I find a daily dose of Hydrogen audio very refreshing --- but would I give up HFV for it? No way! :)
Request Moderators to clean up these thread(s) as it is affecting the carmaderie and decorum of our forum.

Here everyone contributed to tarnish each other or bias to one supplier/manufacturer whom those people like (sorry to say - not only the names popped by you). One more request is to the super Moderators is to remove from Moderator positions those who have any commercial interest (Dealers, Manufacturers, etc.). Do not know what is happening here!


Good point Venuji. I think we have a case here of a moderator having conflict of interest.

Off late, I have also seen informative posts well within forum rules being deleted. Wonder who and why these posts are being deleted?

Would appreciate if the moderator names himself/herself. Only edits parts of the post and also leave a comment as to why a post was edited. I hope that is not too much to ask of a moderator. IMO, this will also act as a warning for other members.
As a mod, i can tell you one thing, any more derailment will not be tolerated.

Just sneaked in #158; read all those rainbow colored sheer personal attacks, loaded with surgeon referrals & sweet Fanny Adams social skills; Not even sugar coated pills, they are.

Pity! Four thanked it,and two of them were supposed to be role MODels.

Kettle calling charlie black!!

Shoot the message, but not the messenger, please..
Just sneaked in #158; read all those rainbow colored sheer personal attacks, loaded with surgeon referrals & sweet Fanny Adams social skills; Not even sugar coated pills, they are.

Pity! Four thanked it,and two of them were supposed to be role MODels.

Kettle calling charlie black!!

Shoot the message, but not the messenger, please..

are you deliberately ignoring the snides by Rajiv? or is that not insulting enough or colourful enough by your standards? make a positive contribution to the thread dude, instead of crying foul for your buddies who had it coming for a long time.
are you deliberately ignoring the snides by Rajiv? or is that not insulting enough or colourful enough by your standards? make a positive contribution to the thread dude, instead of crying foul for your buddies who had it coming for a long time.
Absolutely not !! Rather, I inched towards your views very much..

As a mod, pls remember, you are a shepherd not a flock ! Not a stick wielding cop too.

I could not stand to see two mods pressing the THANKS button on , nothing but spittoon and personal attacks .That's what triggered me to poke my nose here.

Simple! You could have edited those few lines of personal attacks, indeed .

If you think I'm taking sides , I know not anybody there , have no opinions, no club membership and honestly all these hifi talks about horns are Greek to me

Sad, the only first impression you gave it to this novice is ; Judges may also loose decorum!!

Yet, I admit , I enjoyed your posts than others.. Very informative, Manav
Just sneaked in #158; read all those rainbow colored sheer personal attacks, loaded with surgeon referrals & sweet Fanny Adams social skills; Not even sugar coated pills, they are.

Pity! Four thanked it,and two of them were supposed to be role MODels.

Kettle calling charlie black!!

Shoot the message, but not the messenger, please..

Absolutely not !! Rather, I inched towards your views very much..

As a mod, pls remember, you are a shepherd not a flock ! Not a stick wielding cop too.

I could not stand to see two mods pressing the THANKS button on , nothing but spittoon and personal attacks .That's what triggered me to poke my nose here.

Simple! You could have edited those few lines of personal attacks, indeed .

If you think I'm taking sides , I know not anybody there , have no opinions, no club membership and honestly all these hifi talks about horns are Greek to me

Sad, the only first impression you gave it to this novice is ; Judges may also loose decorum!!

Yet, I admit , I enjoyed your posts than others.. Very informative, Manav

@Simon - I don't know any of the guys involved... so nothing is personal (from my side at least).

That said, sometimes (and only sometimes) its necessary to stand up to bullies (yes even cyber bullies) who toe the line "my way or the highway". I've never heard any of the old Altecs so I don't what's it about them, but when one individual believes they are best then that's fine, but pushing that opinion on every thread without any proof that the Altecs are the real deal is taking things too far. So yes I thanked that thread because I finally found someone with b***s standing up to someone who obviously has some personal stake in Altec or relishes attacks on everybody who is not an Altec fanboy. Again, nothing personal here... I don't even know any of the guys personally... but I've always found Ranjeet's reviews to be excellent, offering value, detail oriented and with comments about both the pros and the cons. Now if the Altec fanboys could do that instead of declaring "it is because I said so", maybe more folks would pay attention. The way things are going I'm probably going to give the Altecs a miss simply because of how the Altec fanboys are behaving... precisely the reason I abhor anything Apple (though I'm married to a woman with an iPhone, iPad, iPad Touch, and an iMac).

Perhaps you should listen to your own opinion and knock some sense into the cyber bullies instead of siding with them (even if they are your friends).

@Mods - Maybe clear the bad remarks including mine... but I don't see the need to remove Ranjeet's review (personal view) of the speakers. If it comes to that then lets remove all negative reviews of Bose too, while we are at it.
Mods - Maybe clear the bad remarks including mine... but I don't see the need to remove Ranjeet's review (personal view) of the speakers. If it comes to that then lets remove all negative reviews of Bose too, while we are at it.

I agree!

@simon the only reason I stopped down was to ensure that the 'gang' does not gag the other voices, including ranjeets.

You can have your own opinion of it. But, from the looks of it you do have a mind if your own and surely can look pay the surface to see what's up?

I for sure will not stand for this bullying.
So, gotta hear an Altec first or make someone 'known' hear it ASAP and report back what's he heard! :D I am too far into the hinterland.:cool:
@ musicbee

I fully endorse your views and thanks for bringing it out ..

Imagine yourself in the shoes of a father when two of your children are fighting over what is right and wrong ; and sadly the father THANKed the child who used all the slangs to win over the other, instead of admonishing the kid.

On top of it , off late , with all these baggage of mugs our man warned the rest with the crown of his mod authority .. Sad, but true.

Simple .. He could have deleted those personal attack liners and joined happily the bandwagon with you and me.


Mr. Simon,
One wonders where you were when Rajiv and Co were apparently targeting Malvai and others in that now famous Altec thread. Why this sudden urgency of "support"? Were you blissfully unaware at that time? Just a little curious, pal.
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Ranjeetrain did an honest reply and it must not be tampered with. Secondly those who are showing concerns for people such as Rajiv and others, must see the way these guy behaved inthe Altec thread of Manav Malvai, before showing sympathy to jealous freaks.
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