Making baby steps into Hi-fi

Thank you, Rikhav, Naturelover, Nikhil, Bibin, arj, musicbee, mpw, Dave, apk, Ranjeet!

rikhav, the huge soundstage is indeed a signature trait of all the Rethms.

mpw and Ranjeet a lot of experimentation awaits! I tried out a couple of positions yesterday. I'm keeping what seems to work for now. I'll definitely need to keep working at it, just to see if I'm missing out on a better setup.

arj & Dave, I will be taking my time with the amp. I definitely don't want my last purchase for a long time to be a wrong decision!
Prem, I have 2" pyramid foam (pasted on plywood, and positioned with a slight upward slant) on the first reflection points. There's a removable panel on the TV with wedge foam, and a rug. That's all the treatment I have.

I've also felt that the Rethms do much better in rooms that tend towards the livelier side than in rooms that tend toward the deader (highly treated) side! My room is quite narrow, and that's why I've used the treatment on the FRPs. I will definitely experiment with position by removing the panels also.

About the rug, what you said definitely makes sense. The subwoofer fires downward, and the exit of the labyrinth is also downwards. A carpet under the speakers will definitely change the character of the sound. I'll try placing the speakers on the rug.

My room is not exactly small, but the way it is constructed, and the bathroom that juts into it behind my listening position limits the usable length of the room (in terms of seat position) by about 3 to 4ft behind the listening seat. The room's also quite narrow.

The room is approximately 9ft on one side and 12 ft on the other (w) x 18ft (l) x 10ft (h). It is of a trapezoidal shape, with no one side parallel to the other. The wall behind the speakers has a slight slant too, making it more tough (actually impossible) to get an even speaker-to-wall distance behind the speakers.
This is the first time i opened this thread, had a look at the trishnas and I'm like what the hell is that weird looking speaker?

And i went back to the first post and spent the last half an hour reading the whole thread.

Yours is Quite a journey, i should say... A journey i probably would/could never take, but definitely enjoyed reading about!

Congrats and happy listening :-)
Thank you, Raghav! It has indeed been quite an interesting journey, spanning the last 3 years or so! I hope I'm very close to the end of it, heh heh :)
About the rug, what you said definitely makes sense. The subwoofer fires downward, and the exit of the labyrinth is also downwards. A carpet under the speakers will definitely change the character of the sound. I'll try placing the speakers on the rug.

when I place my downward facing dog er.. sub on any kind of floor mat/rug, the sound worsens I wonder why

Trishna's are looking good Hydra. Congrats! These were sounding good with CJ amplification when I heard them(do not remember exact models but both preamp. & amp. were from conrad johnson), so perhaps tube based amplification should be on your list as well.
when I place my downward facing dog er.. sub on any kind of floor mat/rug, the sound worsens I wonder why


He lives! :p

The sub (and the rear-labyrinth) in this case fires downward, but not directly onto the floor. The wave comes down from a height of about 6 inches from the floor, and the wave is separated by an inverted "V" shaped part of the speakers's body (lower section of the speaker). I'm not sure if this makes a difference, but I'll definitely try the speakers with and without the rug under them.

Trishna's are looking good Hydra. Congrats! These were sounding good with CJ amplification when I heard them(do not remember exact models but both preamp. & amp. were from conrad johnson), so perhaps tube based amplification should be on your list as well.

Thank you, Sidvee! My first preference is definitely Tube amplification. An SS Class-A amp is lower on the list. The way things are moving, I'll most likely stick to a Rethm Gaanam amp. It will be far more than I planned to spend, but it is an easy decision, and one that is certain to work! While I save up enough, I will definitely on the lookout for similarly priced alternatives that will be as good.

I'm still a tube newbie, so I'm not quite sure if I should stick to a SET design (which is what I think I should do, based on what i know currently), or explore push-pull designs also (I definitely don't need as much power). Perhaps a Leben could also be an option? Those are available in India. I don't think they have SET amps, though.
I'm still a tube newbie, so I'm not quite sure if I should stick to a SET design (which is what I think I should do, based on what i know currently), or explore push-pull designs also (I definitely don't need as much power). Perhaps a Leben could also be an option? Those are available in India. I don't think they have SET amps, though.

I would recommend Line magnetic highly, both SET and push pull options are available and they are also relatively reasonably priced.

My room is not exactly small, but the way it is constructed, and the bathroom that juts into it behind my listening position limits the usable length of the room (in terms of seat position) by about 3 to 4ft behind the listening seat. The room's also quite narrow.

The room is approximately 9ft on one side and 12 ft on the other (w) x 18ft (l) x 10ft (h). It is of a trapezoidal shape, with no one side parallel to the other. The wall behind the speakers has a slight slant too, making it more tough (actually impossible) to get an even speaker-to-wall distance behind the speakers.

Hi Hydra,
Am no expert, but you may be able to get more space between the speakers and your listening chair if you put your Diwan in a vertical position (i.e parallel to the left side wall), and not horizontal, as it is now. Assuming that the Diwan is not very tall, it should not interfere with the sound waves, and you can get the extra 2 odd feet to play around with.

Again, you know your room best - I am sure you would have checked all possibilities.

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He lives! :p

The sub (and the rear-labyrinth) in this case fires downward, but not directly onto the floor. The wave comes down from a height of about 6 inches from the floor, and the wave is separated by an inverted "V" shaped part of the speakers's body (lower section of the speaker). I'm not sure if this makes a difference, but I'll definitely try the speakers with and without the rug under them.

Thank you, Sidvee! My first preference is definitely Tube amplification. An SS Class-A amp is lower on the list. The way things are moving, I'll most likely stick to a Rethm Gaanam amp. It will be far more than I planned to spend, but it is an easy decision, and one that is certain to work! While I save up enough, I will definitely on the lookout for similarly priced alternatives that will be as good.

I'm still a tube newbie, so I'm not quite sure if I should stick to a SET design (which is what I think I should do, based on what i know currently), or explore push-pull designs also (I definitely don't need as much power). Perhaps a Leben could also be an option? Those are available in India. I don't think they have SET amps, though.

The Leben is a good push pull option. Same ballpark sticker price as the Gaanam last I checked. I'd considered both and gone for the Gaanam. Had borrowed a Leben to try in my system at the time. Great amp but perhaps not ideal with the Saadhanas - tonally didn't match well with the rest of my setup

On the positioning, you should experiment with pulling the speakers forward a bit more. Also, try different listening heights
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I would recommend Line magnetic highly, both SET and push pull options are available and they are also relatively reasonably priced.

Thanks, Sid. I'll definitely look into those. Do you know who deals in Line Magnetic in India?

Hi Hydra,
Am no expert, but you may be able to get more space between the speakers and your listening chair if you put your Diwan in a vertical position (i.e parallel to the left side wall), and not horizontal, as it is now. Assuming that the Diwan is not very tall, it should not interfere with the sound waves, and you can get the extra 2 odd feet to play around with.

Again, you know your room best - I am sure you would have checked all possibilities.


apk, this is definitely one option I will be trying out. The Divan is medium height (about 16" from the floor, incl. foam). It should have been a bit lower, but the 4" foam should take care of any issues. I actually used a spare 2ft x 5ft table to make the Divan. I lopped off the table's feet halfway, and made 2 divans out of them, heh heh.

The reason I haven't tried this yet, is that the Divan on the LHS of the chair would crowd things a bit there. I clean my house myself, and ease of cleaning the place is also (somewhat) important. Also, I don;t know if reflections from the wall behind me might cause trouble (I do have lots of wedge foam left over with me, so a panel can be made to fix that if it becomes an issue).

One other thing I noticed is that pulling the chair backward doesn't seem to change things any, with the rest of the arrangements being the same. But I'll be the last person to rule out trying this out with various other speaker positions! And if it makes the music sound better, I can live with having to put in a little extra effort to cleaning the place :) I can also consider relocating it completely.

The Leben is a good push pull option. Same ballpark sticker price as the Gaanam last I checked. I'd considered both and gone for the Gaanam. Had borrowed a Leben to try in my system at the time. Great amp but perhaps not ideal with the Saadhanas - tonally didn't match well with the rest of my setup

On the positioning, you should experiment with pulling the speakers forward a bit more. Also, try different listening heights

Thanks, Jai! The tonal match is also indeed very important!

I did try pulling the speakers a bit more into the room yesterday, and yes, it did improve the presentation. Now I have the speakers pulled 3.5ft from the front wall, and 14 inches from the side walls (I brought them closer to the side walls too). The depth and width of the staging has improved even with this minor adjustment. Thankfully, the center focus is still undisturbed.

For further pulling in, I might have to implement apk's suggestion and move the Divan, so I can move the chair further backward, else I'd be sitting a bit too close to the speakers.
Try the speaker toe-in now. Start with 5 deg, going up to 15 deg max. Also, instead of decreasing, increase the distance from the side walls while doing experimentations with toe-in.
Ghatgepatil, Rethms are to be fired straight. No toe in whatsoever. Even a 5 degree sounds bad
Hydra, sidewall distance has to be at least 18 inch. Increase back wall distance by another 6 inches
Try the speaker toe-in now. Start with 5 deg, going up to 15 deg max. Also, instead of decreasing, increase the distance from the side walls while doing experimentations with toe-in.

Ghatgepatil, Rethms are to be fired straight. No toe in whatsoever. Even a 5 degree sounds bad

Ghatgepatil, what Prem said. Rethms hate toe-in. I've seen this in every single Rethm setup I've listened to. They've probably been designed to fire straight into the room.

Hydra, sidewall distance has to be at least 18 inch. Increase back wall distance by another 6 inches

I'll try this, Prem. By back-wall, you mean the wall behind the speakers, right? I'll try and make it 4 feet (wall behind speakers to speakers). The speaker-to-sidewall distance was 22 inches earlier. I'll try moving the speakers between the current setting and that much, once they are pulled in more into the room.
22 inches sidewall is fine. I thought I had read 14 inches was your sidewall distance. Yes I mean from the wall behind the speakers
^^ You're not mistaken. I tried a sidewall distance of 14 inches yesterday night, with a rear-wall distance of 3.5ft. The sidewall distance was 22 inches before that. :)

I'll try a rear-wall distance of 4ft and sidewall distance of 22 inches (the max I can give) and lesser tonight.
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