Marantz Owner Thread...

I definitely agree, the 7000n is a pm7005 with networking capabilities. Also I think your speakers are higher sensitivity than KEFs and so the amp plays louder and gives an image of more headroom. But I do agree, even with my limited experience, the Pm7000N seemed clearer than the Nr1200. But the Sr5015 was not available for demo. Is the Pm 7000n 60W + 60W or a total of 60W at 2 channel drive??? The specs say output power: 60W
60w per channel
Yes, the NR1200 I auditioned was also no match for the Pm7000n. But networking is really important. Airplay would be my main source.
I don't know what is your budget, but look at PM8006 + WXC 50 combination. If that fits in (85K + 28K) it'll be an awesome kit. Else you will be served pretty well with 7000N. Marantz amps are very conservatively speced, easily 50% more powerful than their rating.
Q500 is rated 87dB at 8 ohms, that's a moderate sensitivity. Though what will also matter is the lowest impedance.
Either way you have a good thing going.
I don't know what is your budget, but look at PM8006 + WXC 50 combination. If that fits in (85K + 28K) it'll be an awesome kit. Else you will be served pretty well with 7000N. Marantz amps are very conservatively speced, easily 50% more powerful than their rating.
Q500 is rated 87dB at 8 ohms, that's a moderate sensitivity. Though what will also matter is the lowest impedance.
Either way you have a good thing going.
Pm8006 is not an option as networking and airplay is a must as airplay would be the main source. Also getting tv sound is a must through optical.i would like to keep it simple and go for one thing does all.
I have tried all the settings, but Yamaha gives more theater feel :). May Audyssey app tweaks help.
Audyssey, does make a difference. Read the detailed audyssey thread in avsforum for the settings. Aim for the subs to be between -9 to -11 and then lift up the subs to +5 or +6. Also note that reference is set at 0 so close to that you get the right effects of audyssey.
Pm8006 is not an option as networking and airplay is a must as airplay would be the main source. Also getting tv sound is a must through optical.i would like to keep it simple and go for one thing does all.
Hi, I m using the SR5015 from last 7+ months with my KEF Q150s and I'm satisfied with the music in stereo mode and also Pure direct mode. I haven't extensively used a stereo amp, so I can't for sure how much gain would be there with a dedicated stereo. I would suggest you pick the 5015 and use it for a while and if you feel there's something lacking, pickup a integrated amp a bit later.

I'm planning on upgrading the speakers to Q550s, or something else.. let's see how that goes.
On a side note, how's your experience with Q500?
Hi, I m using the SR5015 from last 7+ months with my KEF Q150s and I'm satisfied with the music in stereo mode and also Pure direct mode. I haven't extensively used a stereo amp, so I can't for sure how much gain would be there with a dedicated stereo. I would suggest you pick the 5015 and use it for a while and if you feel there's something lacking, pickup a integrated amp a bit later.

I'm planning on upgrading the speakers to Q550s, or something else.. let's see how that goes.
On a side note, how's your experience with Q500?
Well, the Q500 have been excellent. I love the KEF sound. One observation I have is that the Q300 with a sub or Q700 towers sound better and more airy and dynamic due to them having bigger drivers. Just my 2 cents. Otherwise no regrets. Awesome speakers.
Any issues with the Sr5015? I have just become scared of buying avrs due to concerns about their longevity. Are integrated amps really more durable? Will the PM7000n really last longer than any avr? Do share your experience with the Sr5015.
I am recent owner of PM7000n and drive Elac B6.2's with it. I have got into separate stereo setup quiet recently. My main source earlier used to be RXV-683 and TSi300. I still use the same for my movies. But the experience on marantz has been divine. I am not an audiophile , I wouldn't be able to justify the terms spoken. But my music which are flac's / spotify sound more refined now , a certain heaviness is gone and I am able to peel the music into layers. The Cello's the Strings etc sound more refined. I am completely happy with PM7000n , and even at 30-32db or units of sound the music fills up the room without any distortion. To that extent I am sure that the 7000n will be able to drive more demanding speakers ( Argho sir - Oberon's are something in my wishlist) and you will be able to enjoy some high quality music for sure. Again this is my view , as I slowly learn the nuances and try to appreciate the various aspects of high quality music.
Well, the Q500 have been excellent. I love the KEF sound. One observation I have is that the Q300 with a sub or Q700 towers sound better and more airy and dynamic due to them having bigger drivers. Just my 2 cents. Otherwise no regrets. Awesome speakers.
Perfect, I was wondering how the 550s will sound when compared with the Q350s, as I already have SVS PB2000, will I really benefit from the Q550s was the question I was trying to get an answer for. Yesterday I had a long conversation on the same, so I guess it's better to go with 350 than spending lot more on 550s?
Perfect, I was wondering how the 550s will sound when compared with the Q350s, as I already have SVS PB2000, will I really benefit from the Q550s was the question I was trying to get an answer for. Yesterday I had a long conversation on the same, so I guess it's better to go with 350 than spending lot more on 550s?
Despite having the Q500, my suggestion would be to go for Q350 and use the sub if needed. Otherwise Q750 if you want a 2.0 stereo experience. But you won’t go wrong with the Q550 as well, if you want a tower form factor. All sound similar with the bigger drivers bringing more airiness to the sound.
Despite having the Q500, my suggestion would be to go for Q350 and use the sub if needed. Otherwise Q750 if you want a 2.0 stereo experience. But you won’t go wrong with the Q550 as well, if you want a tower form factor. All sound similar with the bigger drivers bringing more airiness to the sound.
Okay, it have become tricky mainly as I don't have an option for an audition with 350s and 550s. That's the most annoying part.
Hi everyone, looking for some suggestions.
I am presently using a Denon x1400h which I had picked up pre-owned(very good condition). It's been more than 2 years and I am feeling the itch to upgrade.
My choice has come down to Denon x2700h and Marantz 1711R. I don't even bother about 8k or pre outs - I want my setup to be as simple as possible. My choices are all about availability and affordability. Now the dealer says that x2700h is also out of stock and is insisting on the 1711R. I have done my bit of research and have found this receiver to be good BUT underpowered. My question is, can it drive my setup(please see my signature)? Although I don't listen or watch at very high volume, won't the power be so less that eventually, the power supply of the Marantz will get hampered?
I have a medium sized room - 250 square feet approximately. Usage - 50% movies 40% music and 10% others.
Please shed some light!
Hi everyone, looking for some suggestions.
I am presently using a Denon x1400h which I had picked up pre-owned(very good condition). It's been more than 2 years and I am feeling the itch to upgrade.
My choice has come down to Denon x2700h and Marantz 1711R. I don't even bother about 8k or pre outs - I want my setup to be as simple as possible. My choices are all about availability and affordability. Now the dealer says that x2700h is also out of stock and is insisting on the 1711R. I have done my bit of research and have found this receiver to be good BUT underpowered. My question is, can it drive my setup(please see my signature)? Although I don't listen or watch at very high volume, won't the power be so less that eventually, the power supply of the Marantz will get hampered?
I have a medium sized room - 250 square feet approximately. Usage - 50% movies 40% music and 10% others.
Please shed some light!
Please save some more cash and look for nothing less then the Denon 3xxx series. Nothing against 2700 but it is not a major upgrade over the 1400. If you still want to restrict on budget and 7 channels is enough for you I guess the marantz 5xxx series will be cheaper then Denon 3xxx series but again expensive compared to the 2700.
Hi everyone, looking for some suggestions.
I am presently using a Denon x1400h which I had picked up pre-owned(very good condition). It's been more than 2 years and I am feeling the itch to upgrade.
My choice has come down to Denon x2700h and Marantz 1711R. I don't even bother about 8k or pre outs - I want my setup to be as simple as possible. My choices are all about availability and affordability. Now the dealer says that x2700h is also out of stock and is insisting on the 1711R. I have done my bit of research and have found this receiver to be good BUT underpowered. My question is, can it drive my setup(please see my signature)? Although I don't listen or watch at very high volume, won't the power be so less that eventually, the power supply of the Marantz will get hampered?
I have a medium sized room - 250 square feet approximately. Usage - 50% movies 40% music and 10% others.
Please shed some light!


We had one of our forum members based in Bengaluru who used Dali Z7s on NR1606. I am sure the NR1711 will work effectively. It is sufficient for the space you have mentioned. NR series has L and R pre outs where you can add a power amp if required to fuel the Dali Z7s

If already used a Denon, you may like the Marantz sound signature. The SR series is a different league and quality. The main difference is the Audyssey setup versions in the models (Multi EQ, Multi EQ XT and Multi EQ XT 32)

The auto setup (Audyssey) sets conservative levels which can be increased manually to get optimal performance of the AVR.

All depends on how much you will use the AVR and what quality of sound you expect coupled with features / functionality. You can also perhaps see other brands like Yamaha or Pioneer if you want to try something different.

Audition as much as possible ...if not possible then read reviews and see online videos which can give you a fair idea around the performance.
How do most of you guys listen to music? Pure direct / Direct/ Stereo?

On my SR5015, I like to use Pure Direct most times, it sounds good to my ears. Not getting into any technical details. Just am curious to know feedback from other Marantz avr owners using avr for stereo as well.
How do most of you guys listen to music? Pure direct / Direct/ Stereo?

On my SR5015, I like to use Pure Direct most times, it sounds good to my ears. Not getting into any technical details. Just am curious to know feedback from other Marantz avr owners using avr for stereo as well.
I somehow found Pure Direct and Direct too dull sounding.

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