Maranz NR1501 Chepest 7.1 HiDef Upscaling amp in grey??

Thanks for posting the prices. The marantz avr is a sweet deal esp for people with an inclination towards music.
I have sent you a PM, pl check.

No problems iaudio. I am tempted myself to go for marantz but I am withholding since I am still in learning mode! I have responded to your PM btw.
BTW there are reasons to believe that big grey operators operate as big dealers in other countries and get volume discounts there procurement cost may be lower...

This is true especially of Dubai. Though not related to hi-fi scene, at least one computer dealer i know operates this way. He buys products at distributor prices in Dubai and then re-exports them to India where he has a family business selling assembled computers!
i need a demo of marantz to finalize it. black is available in alfa on request. only thing i missed to check is the voltage rating of it. olny issue i got to know is video processing is not as good as denon 1910 but my htpc is already doing the decoding through 5770, so will it matter?
where can i have a demo of this in mumbai with matching speakers, and please suggest budget speakers which pairs with it for music
Are you sure about Wharfedales, Spirovious?

From what I read Wharfedales typically require higher power to drive them properly and NR1501 has approx ~50W/ch output. Besides, the unit consumes only 250W power. Notwithstanding Marantz reputation for conservative rating, it seems in this case the power rating is much more closer to the actual value.
Well Tannoy need 30w as lowest power,50w as continuous & 100w as Dynamic.
Wharf are rated @ 6 ohm & Mar 50@ 8ohm,so it can drive wharf safely @ normal volumes.
Offer: NR1501 for 22,500 from HifiMart

I know, Marantz NR1501 is of low power (50w/Ch@8ohm) also doesn't support 3D (HDMI 1.3a). Rest specs are favorable.
If not this, any other 7.1 Receivers below 25k (including shipping/customs/voltage converter) available?
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!