Modern 15inch drivers vs Altecs & Tannoys

To quote none other than the Original developer of Linux . . .

I started Linux because I wanted to see it on the desktop...
I do hope that the desktop people would try to work together ...
and work more on the technology than trying to make the login screen look really nice.

--Linus Benedict Torvalds
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Then, in Industry, one has the increasing focus on this quarter's results, rather than long-term benefits, for themselves, or for anybody else.

aah the famous Quarter to quarter problem. many a company is under-performing due to this ie Short term > Long term. This is why Michael Dell is changing dell back to a Pvt ownership than public Limited.
I don't know why a certain subset of "audiophiles" wants to pretend that science never sullied the greatest of hifi designs, or that it is some recent element that has contaminated the field.

Imagine being an engineer or designer in the days when stereo itself it was young and new ground was being broken in acoustic reproduction! All deeply scientific stuff --- as it is today.

I can believe that maybe this not only makes a difference in the experience of the designers, but probably also influences what their employers tell them to produce.

Quality of materials and tolerance levels in machining are surely much superior to what it was in the period when those vintage drivers were produced. However, how the technology would evolve is purely dictated by what the market demands. This by and large is a tug of war between quality and cost. It is not necessary that quality wins every time.
+1 on that one, Comrade. :clapping: I wouldn't have put it across any better myself. :thumbsup:

Man, I daresay that I feel deeply flattered. ;)
I do confess that I am not very used to folks agreeing to me so 'blatantly'. :D :p
BTW, whats your take on this discussion? Modern coaxials Vs Altecs/Tannoys etc?
I say, lets take that further before we get rapped on the knuckles for attempts to form a mutual admiration society. :lol:

Man, I daresay that I feel deeply flattered. ;)
I do confess that I am not very used to folks agreeing to me so 'blatantly'. :D :p
BTW, whats your take on this discussion? Modern coaxials Vs Altecs/Tannoys etc?
I say, lets take that further before we get rapped on the knuckles for attempts to form a mutual admiration society. :lol:


:lol: Good one, tritiya
Well, my take on this issue is that my heart says "Tannoys/Altecs" etc while
my head screams "Modern Coaxials" (with appropriately compatible amplification and active crossovers, of course). No tube amps for me anymore unless they are OTLs or the like.

Postscript - More often than not, I am one who listens more to his head than his heart. Finally learned it, the very hard way.

I must add that there's a certain magic to a good actively crossed-over co-axial set-up that not only emulates but also tends to be fuller than a so called full range driver design. Its very hard to describe in words.
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From the original post.

The choice is now down to the drivers. I have my eyes on vintage Altecs 416-8B woofers and corresponding treble horns and of course, Tannoy MG 15 Dual concentrics (or Tannoy MG 12s).

The point is that mentioning such a system here might be slightly, if not considerably, out of context.

The OP had commenced the thread wrt modern 15"(co-axial) drivers V/s Altecs & Tannoys. It might be a good/better idea to stick to that, I guess. This setup is in another league altogether. Its like apples and oranges in a way.

The OP has not restricted himself only to coaxial type drivers as he clearly states that he is looking at the Altec woofers and corresponding horns apart from Tannoys. My post linking the for sale thread is certainly not out of context.

Any thoughts on the JBL D130 driver? People say its a mid-bass driver but whether it be Altecs, Tannoys or the JBL, I'm looking for deep bass driving. The D130 is considered by many to be one of the most iconic bass drivers of all time. Here is an article on the same (please see the insert letter image as well. quite touching).

You cannot expect this driver to do justice with the Trance music, if you listen to that.

For other genres, it might serve as an option.
I'm not at all into doing a "versus." For starters, rescuing/obtaining these drivers is a considerable task, and mating them with cabinets requires the DIY urge and ability. Going the "vintage" way is a labour of love, and calls for special skills and abilities on top of a great deal of enthusiasm.

I had the pleasure of hearing Rajiv's Altec setup yesterday. I'm not going to do any sort of attempt at comparison, but, just taking the experience "stand-alone" I can say that I was really blown away! It really was music as I never heard it. One recording, Quicksilver Messenger Service, "Happy Trails," I have been listening to, man and boy, vinyl and CD, since about 1972 (it was made in 1969) and it is one of my current regular-listen favourites. Sitting in front of Rajiv's speakers, I really did hear the music in a different way, and it was much more like being at a live concert.

It was a wonderful experience.
Thad, wish you had taken some pics :) Rajiv seldom posts pics of his Altecs

I had the pleasure of hearing Rajiv's Altec setup yesterday. I'm not going to do any sort of attempt at comparison, but, just taking the experience "stand-alone" I can say that I was really blown away! It really was music as I never heard it. One recording, Quicksilver Messenger Service, "Happy Trails," I have been listening to, man and boy, vinyl and CD, since about 1972 (it was made in 1969) and it is one of my current regular-listen favourites. Sitting in front of Rajiv's speakers, I really did hear the music in a different way, and it was much more like being at a live concert.

It was a wonderful experience.

Nick, thank you. It is always a pleasure to meet and interact with you. If I may impose on you again a copy of the Quicksilver CD would be great.

I'm not at all into doing a "versus." For starters, rescuing/obtaining these drivers is a considerable task, and mating them with cabinets requires the DIY urge and ability. Going the "vintage" way is a labour of love, and calls for special skills and abilities on top of a great deal of enthusiasm.

Nick you are 100% correct. Going vintage is not plug and play,neither is it inexpensive. Also, using "modern" ideas/theories with these drivers is a recipe for failure.

Any thoughts on the JBL D130 driver? People say its a mid-bass driver but whether it be Altecs, Tannoys or the JBL, I'm looking for deep bass driving. The D130 is considered by many to be one of the most iconic bass drivers of all time. Here is an article on the same (please see the insert letter image as well. quite touching).

The D130 is a very good driver. You will not go wrong with it,but don't expect bass below 40Hz. The Altecs and JBL were not designed for that.

If you want deep bass the Tannoy's will do that for you but in a large (200l) cabinet.

From TannoyMG15

Every time I hook up a new pair of speakers I run a test CD to check left-right, polarity, etc., at it's not often you actually hear "something" from the 31 Hz warble tone on the test CD, but here it was.

I have a bad phone pic ...if he doesn't mind me posting, I will.

Nick, go ahead please post them by all means.

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have you considered the elliott sound products sub woofer that works below resonance so is relatively independent of the driver? I found their ideas very successful
have you considered the elliott sound products sub woofer that works below resonance so is relatively independent of the driver? I found their ideas very successful

I always thought Elliott used a different approach wherein they concentrated on the bass equalization aspect of their sub-woofer amplification. Is this true?
Rajiv's system is outstanding. After going and listening to it it made me also decide to go down that path. I respect what he has to say because he has been there and done that, unlike a lot of ill informed people who voice opinions freely with neither knowledge or experience. (I'm not referring to any specific post here so please dont think I'm starting a flame war)
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