That is quite a lot of questions. But worth pondering over. Really appreciate you asking these..
1) Do you have a max power number in mind? Can we "cheat" toward home/lower-power (say <10W)?
I don't have fixed number of Watts in mind. But based on the bass-alignments I have in mind, I think 10 clean watts would be more than enough looking at SPLs seen in below pics:
left pic: bass reflex, right pic: closed box

If I ever try to experiment with a Linkwitz transform in the closed box, I will definitely need more. But I really don't want this driver to struggle trying to reproduce frequencies below 80Hz.
2) Are you thinking actual corners (read: boundaries) be used or just the corner cab shape?
Currently just looking at a corner cabinet shape. Inspiration comes from here. Samples pics attached (But want to study about boundary effects using this planned prototype speaker also

This will be my first DIY-project. It will be kind of "open source", so I hope all you guys can ship in with ideas, thoughts and help :) Components at hand: 476mg compression driver H4365 horn 1501fe woofer 4365 speaker grills dbx4820 dsp Crown CTS-1200 amps
View attachment 68132
3) If wall/corner location, do you have baseboard/molding that you need to allow for (need/want riser? If so what size out from wall & how tall?) Please check/consider also any close furniture--ie must forward lobe fire over chair/sofa arm, etc.?
At my listening position, I the chair that I usually sit for listening to music, my ear height from ground is about 105cm. Hence I would ideally want the horn's center to be around this height, cabinet dimensions, specifically cabinet height needs to facilitate this criterion given that the first horn I will partner with the woofer cabinet will have narrow vertical directivity.
4) Any preference on directivity besides trying to match horizontals at XO--is less-constant (some beaminess) better for your tastes?
As of now, my approach to a speaker design is to take care of directivity matching properly, while also ensuring good time domain response. Hence I have not yet discovered my preferred directivity index in the kind of rooms I listen to music. In fact the entire exercise of building this particular project along with a wider radiating design here:
https://www.hifivision.com/threads/a-3-way-active-crossover-design-study.86092/ and
https://www.diyaudio.com/community/threads/a-3-way-design-study.376620/ is to discover my tastes in speakers, controlled directivity designs at least to some extent.

Future plans include a coaxial top with this/twin SB acoustics Satori WO24P-8 based woofer modules.
5) Any HVAC supply or return vents you need to not block in proposed area(s)?
6) Do you have preferences for terminus/vent locations?
No preferences based on where they are in the cabinet. Only preference is that it/they should properly do their job and not cause too much port pipe resonances, if at all I use them.
7) 100% committed to active from the start or will you develop active and build passive (do you strongly care to physically align voice coils by staggering or tilting baffle)? Will it always be high-passed, too? If so, can it be line-level and separate amp?
I am more comfortable playing around with active filters. I regularly design/use IIR and FIR digital filters on my job. Hence more easy for me to work with them. I have found that the convenience and tweakability offered by a DSP crossover cannot be matched by a passive crossover or analog active crossover. I may switch to passive if it feels good enough upon experimentation. I don't much care about physically aligning voice coils since I have a DSP. All drivers will have individual amps powering them and I have a 6 channel DSP for now. I also want to have the flexibiity/ability to EQ out EQuable (linear time invariant) artifacts in the frequency response of the drivers. DSP makes this easy.
8) What kind of acoustically-absorbent materials might be convenient to use to address standing waves (please don't say 'just foam' )?
I am looking for wool/polyfill for filling the sealed cabinet (for closed). Ideas come from here:
https://www.somasonus.net/box-construction-methods and
and my discussions with FM augerpro over at diyaudio forum. Not planning to use foam, at least as of now. Don't want to use fiberglass material unless it is necessary. Also not planning to use a cuboidal shaped cabinet for now. Trying to minimize parallel walls. I even like the looks. I use VituixCAD to study about port pipe resonances and axial modes in the cabinet. Eg here for axial modes in a closed cuboidal cabinet:
9) Got a link to Troels' 120L previously referenced? I could only find an OB but didn't have time to look harder.
Here it is:
10) What about something with gasketed cleat frame (and machine screw T-nut etc) for removable baffle (grille frame in front for aesthetics)? Then, make a "furniture-grade" cab for the rest (maybe a rear panel, too, but 2 boards at most for any future changes, say). I have seen people make only a nice top and nice trim pieces/moldings near the floor (is this floor, too, BTW?) and wrap the rest in fabric complementary to the room, etc. It's more work, but the flexibility might be justified in this case (these are really hard configs to do)
I will think along these lines
11) Suggest use of Hornresp, AJHorn, Akabak, MJK sheets, (etc) to better look at axial/longitudinal standing wave/harmonics & offsets.
Thanks. I will look into other softwares when I reach a point where VituixCAD becomes limited. Had used a bit of hornresp in the past, may use it again if needed. Akabak, I have to learn
12) Might be worth making some mock-up (cardboard/whatever) and obtaining domestic approval for use in the smaller room. The smaller room will likely "drive" the permissable size. This will be problematic trying to match horizontals at 800 because big horns on little cabs looks funny. Maybe start there and bang-out mouth size for that. Center-to-center in big 2-ways means vertical polars are toast pretty early--it's good to try to aim the bottom vertical null right at floor-bounce if you can jockey the geometry there.
Cardboard/foam board mock up already done and got approval

As you said, C-C approx 1/4x wavelength at crossover is long gone. I am looking at around 1-1.4x C-C at crossover wavelength (Kimmo's "thumb rule"

For more details about its advantages and disadvantages, please read here from post no 312:
http://www.htguide.com/forum/showthread.php?44128-VituixCAD-v2/page9 ). 20cm woofer radius + 5-10cm distance from woofer frame edge to cabinet top edge + 10cm from cabinet edge till horn centre (for this horn:
https://josephcrowe.com/products/copy-of-es-600-bi-radial-wood-horn) means a total distance of about 40+cm C-C between the radiators. 800Hz has 43cm wavelength. Nicely in the ballpark range. For now, I want to play around with radial horns like ES 600 and Yuichi A 290 in configurations like this:
If I go for another horn top, an axisymmetric waveguide/horn, I will use a freestanding configuration like this:
Thought process and leanring more about horns is in progress: current favourate resources:
https://sphericalhorns.net/ ,
https://kolbrek.hornspeakersystems.info/ ,
Regarding floor bounce null, Toole says without floor bounce, it feels un natural, maybe for him. I will experiment and find my preference. I will also play around with nice room boundary interference simulator in VituixCAD to learn more..
13) If you are in a hurry and committed to active, maybe just grab one of the recommended "pro" designs and look at lining/cross-batts & filling (polyester pillow stuffing and fiberglass ok?). Example close to your target: 22.5 x 20 x 17.5 external 4.55 ft3 tune 47 (F3 48), 2 ports 4" Dp 2-3/8" Lp

But this project is supposed to be a learning experience and discovery build for me. So dont want to go with established "pro" designs
14) Not sure it's worth it w/o going after more bass, but understand your position & you already have the nice drivers. What it plays, it can do w/o moving very far (clean).
Still contemplating on the bass alignment. I may not use bass reflex (bass reflex with closed ports gives closed to sealed box performace?), closed with Linkwitz transform with low max SPL options If I feel it doesnt suit my tastes. I dont want to bother the driver with much low bass too..