The below post may flame some war, but I just want to point out something.
The vintage drivers like Tannoy and Altec's were designed in the era where the push was on to systems that sounded warm. The whole analog stage was designed with rolled off highs. The tube and class A amps again had the rolled off high frequencies. So, if one is used to that and prefers that sound, the vintage drivers will work very fine and give lots of enjoyment. However, for someone not aware of this, it can come as a shock to listen to a design which is not so great at doing high frequencies and may sound unclear.
Having said that, I do not have a first hand experience with vintage altecs or tannoys. But I did read lots of user impressions of those when I was looking for studio monitors. The main contenders for me were JBL 43xx and JBL 44xx series. Both were highly regarded. The 43xx series was designed to sound more like vintage monitors of JBL and Altec, with the mid-bass hump. Although this made the 43xx series bit in-accurate, it was still very popular. This prompted me to read more about the vintage altecs. Then I came across a post of big fan of Altec 604 when he listened the JBL 4410 series speakers. It's an interesting read.
JBL 4410 vs Altec 604
As said above, I dont have a first hand experience with Altecs. But just wanted to bring another viewpoint. If one knows what to expect, there won't be any heartburn or disappointment.