Multiple bad experiences with The Revolver Club, Mumbai

The Moderators should take a stand about whether such threads should be permitted or not. Because this is a one-eay conversation. If permitted, the other party should also be contacted, and asked to respond with their side of the story. As of now, we have no option but to accept whatever is stated by the various posters. Not that they are lying, but this is made out to be black and white, with no shades of grey. After all, buying equipment involves importers, distributors and dealers, with customs officials and couriers at opposite ends of the chain. There are often unforeseen delays at each link.

TRC is one of the very few brick and mortar establishments left in what is largely an online market. By slagging them, without a right of rebuttal, we are only diminishing our own buying options. By all means follow up on your orders, but a public venting is unfair, without them being given a chance to reply.
The Moderators should take a stand about whether such threads should be permitted or not. Because this is a one-eay conversation. If permitted, the other party should also be contacted, and asked to respond with their side of the story. As of now, we have no option but to accept whatever is stated by the various posters. Not that they are lying, but this is made out to be black and white, with no shades of grey. After all, buying equipment involves importers, distributors and dealers, with customs officials and couriers at opposite ends of the chain. There are often unforeseen delays at each link.

TRC is one of the very few brick and mortar establishments left in what is largely an online market. By slagging them, without a right of rebuttal, we are only diminishing our own buying options. By all means follow up on your orders, but a public venting is unfair, without them being given a chance to reply.
Reliability and Good Customer support is the backbone of any Business to flourish/sustain

As a Customer/Purchaser it is one's right to get the product in good condition in the expected time and after sale service
Reliability and Good Customer support is the backbone of any Business to flourish/sustain

As a Customer/Purchaser it is one's right to get the product in good condition in the expected time and after sale service

No issue with that. Except that that was not the point of my post.
The Moderators should take a stand about whether such threads should be permitted or not. Because this is a one-eay conversation. If permitted, the other party should also be contacted, and asked to respond with their side of the story. As of now, we have no option but to accept whatever is stated by the various posters. Not that they are lying, but this is made out to be black and white, with no shades of grey. After all, buying equipment involves importers, distributors and dealers, with customs officials and couriers at opposite ends of the chain. There are often unforeseen delays at each link.

TRC is one of the very few brick and mortar establishments left in what is largely an online market. By slagging them, without a right of rebuttal, we are only diminishing our own buying options. By all means follow up on your orders, but a public venting is unfair, without them being given a chance to reply.
The thread did not sound like venting. The OP has provided a lot of facts and supports. And this being a users forum, such experiences getting shared would only help other buyers in their purchase decisions. And then there are other users who have shared their experience with the dealer - some happy too - so we are getting a more representative picture. I guess even the dealer can create an account on the forum and respond officially - so they have a chance to reply if they wish. Let’s promote more expression & dialogues, not curb them.

We should indeed allow such threads and I hope the moderators continue to do so. Members have before this too, aired their purchasing grievances, whether with dealers or other FMs here. Like for example this:

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The Moderators should take a stand about whether such threads should be permitted or not. Because this is a one-eay conversation. If permitted, the other party should also be contacted, and asked to respond with their side of the story. As of now, we have no option but to accept whatever is stated by the various posters. Not that they are lying, but this is made out to be black and white, with no shades of grey. After all, buying equipment involves importers, distributors and dealers, with customs officials and couriers at opposite ends of the chain. There are often unforeseen delays at each link.

TRC is one of the very few brick and mortar establishments left in what is largely an online market. By slagging them, without a right of rebuttal, we are only diminishing our own buying options. By all means follow up on your orders, but a public venting is unfair, without them being given a chance to reply.
The only restriction I think is there on the forum is for sellers to not promote the brands they represent and make sale on the forum, rest there is not restriction on them about registering on the forum and answering to the queries/grievances of the customers.

Firstly it is not the customers headache how rusty or smooth the chain between the importer-distributor-customs-courier is, only after all this is done should he/she put it up on their site or store for sale.

Living in a democracy TRC has all the rights it needs, they can very well register on the forum and share their side of the story.
The Moderators should take a stand about whether such threads should be permitted or not. Because this is a one-eay conversation. If permitted, the other party should also be contacted, and asked to respond with their side of the story. As of now, we have no option but to accept whatever is stated by the various posters. Not that they are lying, but this is made out to be black and white, with no shades of grey. After all, buying equipment involves importers, distributors and dealers, with customs officials and couriers at opposite ends of the chain. There are often unforeseen delays at each link.

TRC is one of the very few brick and mortar establishments left in what is largely an online market. By slagging them, without a right of rebuttal, we are only diminishing our own buying options. By all means follow up on your orders, but a public venting is unfair, without them being given a chance to reply.
Just because they are one of a few brick and mortars available, can they take us for granted? I don't think so. You think it is a one way communication. Did you check my screenshots? They didn't even care to reply at last. Whats your say on it?

This is a niche market. If these establishments aren't kept in check, most will take us for a ride and we will not have a place to go at last. (Price inflation of Subwoofers and other components is an example.) Yes, there are great online and offline stores. I have nothing against them.

I am posting a screenshot from google reviews here.

Screenshot 2023-05-15 at 7.56.01 PM.png

If this is how they behave towards a person, I don't know what to say.

Mahatma Gandhi once said,
“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work – he is the purpose of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to serve him."

As said earlier, Customer service is the backbone of any industry. If an establishment cannot have good customer service, They will take the back seat.
if one goes by G401fan logic then we cannot say anything about our experiences ? . If there are buyers who have good experiences with TRC , they can always share and help . This is not the first thread of this nature .
Exactly. As cooldude has mentioned...
There have been various posts by fms on their greviances with certain sellers. Not just online but even brick and mortar ones.
Surprisingly no one has objected till now to anybody posting their side of the story.
So many posts, with most missing the original point: the right of reply, and the view from the other side
It is very likely that TRC does not have a Hifivision handle, and is, perhaps, even unaware of this thread. But, that notwithstanding, their business would be impacted. It is for the Moderators to inform them before permitting such a thread.

To put things in perspective: the Hifivision forum was started by the promoters of Hifimart has thousands of customers. It is possible that a few of them may not have had a sterling experience. If a disgruntled customer of Hifimart was to vent his grievances on this forum, would the Moderators allow it? I may be wrong, but in the last 15 years of membership, I don't recall any such thread.
So many posts, with most missing the original point: the right of reply, and the view from the other side
It is very likely that TRC does not have a Hifivision handle, and is, perhaps, even unaware of this thread. But, that notwithstanding, their business would be impacted. It is for the Moderators to inform them before permitting such a thread.

To put things in perspective: the Hifivision forum was started by the promoters of Hifimart has thousands of customers. It is possible that a few of them may not have had a sterling experience. If a disgruntled customer of Hifimart was to vent his grievances on this forum, would the Moderators allow it? I may be wrong, but in the last 15 years of membership, I don't recall any such thread.
I disagree. Customer forums are for open discussion and TRC can always check what people are saying about them online and then join this forum and offer an explanation. It’s not like someone from TRC is banned from joining this forum, if it is important for their business to do so.

Regardless of who started this forum, we all find it useful. If anyone thinks it is biased/HiFiMart is being unfair then the internet is an open place. There are other forums that may be started by non commercial operations to join and discuss.

The point of an open forum is to discuss matters like this. If mods crack down on every criticism of stores, then there’s no point of a forum like this.
The Moderators should take a stand about whether such threads should be permitted or not.
Why should the moderators be involved? If this thread and any post is in violation of any forum rule, you should use the "report" link and bring it to their attention.
Because this is a one-eay conversation. If permitted, the other party should also be contacted, and asked to respond with their side of the story.
No it's not a one way conversation. There is no restriction on TRC joining HFV and responding to any of these posts here.
As of now, we have no option but to accept whatever is stated by the various posters. Not that they are lying, but this is made out to be black and white, with no shades of grey.
You, me and all here have a choice whether to accept what is stated here or not. No one is cramming this down our throats.
After all, buying equipment involves importers, distributors and dealers, with customs officials and couriers at opposite ends of the chain. There are often unforeseen delays at each link.
From a customer's pov, buying involves him/her and the seller. Entities that are upstream to the seller are the sellers problem. Yes there are unforeseen delays but that reason for the delay can be communicated. It's when there is no communication that frustration sets in.
TRC is one of the very few brick and mortar establishments left in what is largely an online market. By slagging them, without a right of rebuttal, we are only diminishing our own buying options.
They may be a brick and mortar store or a store run from the cloud - where they operate from is of no relevance and is not an excuse for unacceptable customer service.
By all means follow up on your orders, but a public venting is unfair, without them being given a chance to reply.
Let me ask you a question. Since you are so indignant about this thread, have you made an attempt to contact TRC, point them to this thread and request them to respond? This will give TRC a chance to reply.
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You can check with sound foundation for spike.
"magma" forum member is associated with sound foundation.
Thank you 😊. Im in a rental home now and if I use spikes, house owner will kill me 😁
But it is indeed nice to have. I will contact him. Thanks for suggesting :)
So many posts, with most missing the original point: the right of reply, and the view from the other side
It is very likely that TRC does not have a Hifivision handle, and is, perhaps, even unaware of this thread. But, that notwithstanding, their business would be impacted. It is for the Moderators to inform them before permitting such a thread.

To put things in perspective: the Hifivision forum was started by the promoters of Hifimart has thousands of customers. It is possible that a few of them may not have had a sterling experience. If a disgruntled customer of Hifimart was to vent his grievances on this forum, would the Moderators allow it? I may be wrong, but in the last 15 years of membership, I don't recall any such thread.
You may inform TRC and make them respond. Looking at how they respond to google reviews, I have no hope on them.
So many posts, with most missing the original point: the right of reply, and the view from the other side
It is very likely that TRC does not have a Hifivision handle, and is, perhaps, even unaware of this thread. But, that notwithstanding, their business would be impacted. It is for the Moderators to inform them before permitting such a thread.

To put things in perspective: the Hifivision forum was started by the promoters of Hifimart has thousands of customers. It is possible that a few of them may not have had a sterling experience. If a disgruntled customer of Hifimart was to vent his grievances on this forum, would the Moderators allow it? I may be wrong, but in the last 15 years of membership, I don't recall any such thread.

Since you are so concerned about their rights and reputation please be kind enough to let them know of this thread and tell them to register and share there side of the story. The one person who is missing the point is you, for reason best known to yourself. TRC is well aware of a forum thats been running for more than a decade. Who knows tomorrow you wake up and start saying that reviews or views posted by members of their equipment is a one sided story and we must listen to the point of the brand also. The mods will have their work cut out contacting each and every brand asking there opinion on it.
So many posts, with most missing the original point: the right of reply, and the view from the other side
It is very likely that TRC does not have a Hifivision handle, and is, perhaps, even unaware of this thread. But, that notwithstanding, their business would be impacted. It is for the Moderators to inform them before permitting such a thread.

To put things in perspective: the Hifivision forum was started by the promoters of Hifimart has thousands of customers. It is possible that a few of them may not have had a sterling experience. If a disgruntled customer of Hifimart was to vent his grievances on this forum, would the Moderators allow it? I may be wrong, but in the last 15 years of membership, I don't recall any such thread.

The Moderators should take a stand about whether such threads should be permitted or not. Because this is a one-eay conversation. If permitted, the other party should also be contacted, and asked to respond with their side of the story. As of now, we have no option but to accept whatever is stated by the various posters. Not that they are lying, but this is made out to be black and white, with no shades of grey. After all, buying equipment involves importers, distributors and dealers, with customs officials and couriers at opposite ends of the chain. There are often unforeseen delays at each link.

TRC is one of the very few brick and mortar establishments left in what is largely an online market. By slagging them, without a right of rebuttal, we are only diminishing our own buying options. By all means follow up on your orders, but a public venting is unfair, without them being given a chance to reply.
Sir, who is stopping them from responding? Are you suggesting The Revolver Club does not know about a forum called hifivision?
Since you are so concerned about their rights and reputation please be kind enough to let them know of this thread and tell them to register and share there side of the story. The one person who is missing the point is you, for reason best known to yourself. TRC is well aware of a forum thats been running for more than a decade.
Sir, who is stopping them from responding? Are you suggesting The Revolver Club does not know about a forum called hifivision?
Couldn't agree more..
The Moderators should take a stand about whether such threads should be permitted or not. Because this is a one-eay conversation. If permitted, the other party should also be contacted, and asked to respond with their side of the story. As of now, we have no option but to accept whatever is stated by the various posters. Not that they are lying, but this is made out to be black and white, with no shades of grey. After all, buying equipment involves importers, distributors and dealers, with customs officials and couriers at opposite ends of the chain. There are often unforeseen delays at each link.

TRC is one of the very few brick and mortar establishments left in what is largely an online market. By slagging them, without a right of rebuttal, we are only diminishing our own buying options. By all means follow up on your orders, but a public venting is unfair, without them being given a chance to reply.

This “brick and mortar” establishment you call does not care about the first thing it should, it’s customers. They feel absolutely no liability in serving and communicating with a customer with clarity. They believe in constantly pushing them from one fence to the other.

I’ve ordered a vinyl on December 2, 2022 which still has not been delivered to me - today is June 22, 2023. The vinyl was for around 10k and trust me that amount, it’s not easy for folks like to me to accumulate.
This “brick and mortar” establishment you call does not care about the first thing it should, it’s customers. They feel absolutely no liability in serving and communicating with a customer with clarity. They believe in constantly pushing them from one fence to the other.

I’ve ordered a vinyl on December 2, 2022 which still has not been delivered to me - today is June 22, 2023. The vinyl was for around 10k and trust me that amount, it’s not easy for folks like to me to accumulate.
A record for 10k, wow! Which one was that ?
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