My New TT : The Cello from Scheu Analog

Asit, the TT looks stunning to say the least. And I am just bowled over by the way you have maintained the Cantons in pristine condition! May it be the same for another 2 decades.

As given in the first post of this thread, I actually ordered the TT with Ortofon Super OM 30 cart and paid the difference of the costs with super OM 10 extra. I do not know how the Super OM 10 sounds (I had once an OMB 20 on my Dual CS 5000 which was a decent enough MM, which belonged to a much older series). I find in my system the Super OM 30 is doing a marvelous job.

ssf and iaudio,

Thanks for the compliments. I have been plain and simple lucky to find the amp and speaker combo (as many of you may know that I bought the current amp blind). Sure, I take a lot of care with regard to playing something on my equipments, but believe me, I have not taken any extra-ordinary care for the cosmetics. Just that these are made from such quality components (speaker cabinet made of high quality solid wood etc), these have taken care of themselves despite now living in a very dusty and humid atmosphere.

This is the best time, from November to January, to come to Kolkata, for more reasons than one. The weather is mild now (actually can get in single digits in the suburbs in Dec-Jan), and the cooler it is, the better is the notun gud. I am sure you know about the notun gud-er sandesh.

The TT sounds good too. Thanks.
Asit da,

Lovely set up and beautiful pics.

I need to plan a visit to your place to listen your set up with TT.


That's right, Vasu, you have not visited our place since I had the TT. Of course, my TT would be nowhere near your VPI classic. It costs much less. You being an avid vinyl lover, your opinion would be very valuable to me. Please bring the Nighthawk if you can, because after the cart break-in, I want another listen with the Nighthawk.


Yes indeed, the flavour of sandesh( and ice cream flavoured with it, that I sampled a couple of years ago at Oh Calcutta) with a dash of Notun guder is mouth watering and quite irresistable.

By a coincidence I got a call yesterday from my Calcutta golf buddy inviting me to his son's wedding next month. Regretfully with my son's wedding coming up in a few weeks I had to decline. The Kingfisher disruption is another disincentive with fares now shooting through the roof. There is another wedding there sometime in January, also a possibility-keeping in mind the notun guder window!

Let's see.
That's right, Vasu, you have not visited our place since I had the TT. Of course, my TT would be nowhere near your VPI classic. It costs much less. You being an avid vinyl lover, your opinion would be very valuable to me. Please bring the Nighthawk if you can, because after the cart break-in, I want another listen with the Nighthawk.


No problem...will bring the Nighthawk with me. I will soon call you up to fix the convenient time.

Thanks & Regards


I had a talk with Arj about the weight during the designing phase, and he told me that the weight might not always work for better. I thought about this long and hard. The Cello sonics seem to get better noticeably with the use of the weight, according to some of the actual users and reviewers. The original Scheu weight is quite expensive at more than Rs 6000, and would take time to get here anyway. That's when I decided to give it a try, but wanted to reproduce the original Scheu weight with exact specifications.

My comments needs to be taken with a spoon of salt since I am still Alice in the vinyl wonderland. At Jochens place I preferred the sound without the weight..the weight made the background cleaner and the sound tighter but the air around the instruments really reduced.. But that may not be the case with all setups .

Am in Germany today and just picked up my Thomas schick :D

hope to get back next week and spend some serious time setting the TT up.. !!

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square_wave, himadri,

Thanks for the encouragement and kind words.

Whenever you are in Kolkata, just drop me a PM. You are very welcome to our very modest home.

I'll be looking forward to receiving your comments on my TT set-up.

Wow! That's great news. Did you happen to meet Herr Schick? I have heard a few stories about him. I am told, at times he is known to refuse people who want his arms (I mean tone-arms made by him :)) if he does not like something about the set-up. Are these stories true?

Here is a link from his web-site with his picture: Schick tonearm

Now coming back to your comments on the possible effects of record weights, I of course take your comments/suggestions very seriously, because you speak from your experience and have a balanced view of things. So far, with very limited listening (because I didn't find enough time), I tend to like the weight immensely on my Scheu Cello. But I have not done any extended sessions where I try different vinyl pressings and also compare the sonics carefully when the weight is not used. Then I perhaps also need to do this with a better phono-stage. Only then I will understand a bit about the weight. Of course, when I am done with all this, I'll update all of you on this.

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Now coming back to your comments on the possible effects of record weights, I of course take your comments/suggestions very seriously, because you speak from your experience and have a balanced view of things. So far, with very limited listening (because I didn't find enough time), I tend to like the weight immensely on my Scheu Cello. But I have not done any extended sessions where I try different vinyl pressings and also compare the sonics carefully when the weight is not used. Then I perhaps also need to do this with a better phono-stage. Only then I will understand a bit about the weight. Of course, when I am done with all this, I'll update all of you on this.


If you are liking the TT weight even on casual listening I think it is working in your setup. Normally it doesnt take any serious A/B to make out differences with TT weights. And you are a seasoned listener of music that you like, play and in fact grown up with so anything wrong will be instantly caught.
I find that the older TT's like garrard 301, 401, thorens TD 124, 125, 160, lenco/goldring etc do not sound good with the centre weight... and the DD's like technics etc also just don't sound natural with the weight...

but the modern belt driven systems, usually, improve with the centre weight... the outer/rim weight ring is something one needs to hear and decide for themselves!
Wow! That's great news. Did you happen to meet Herr Schick? I have heard a few stories about him. I am told, at times he is known to refuse people who want his arms (I mean tone-arms made by him :)) if he does not like something about the set-up. Are these stories true?

Here is a link from his web-site with his picture: Schick tonearm

Now coming back to your comments on the possible effects of record weights, I of course take your comments/suggestions very seriously, because you speak from your experience and have a balanced view of things. So far, with very limited listening (because I didn't find enough time), I tend to like the weight immensely on my Scheu Cello. But I have not done any extended sessions where I try different vinyl pressings and also compare the sonics carefully when the weight is not used. Then I perhaps also need to do this with a better phono-stage. Only then I will understand a bit about the weight. Of course, when I am done with all this, I'll update all of you on this.

You give my views perhaps far more "weight" (center or otherwise) than they deserve ;)
I unfortunately could not Meet Thomas as I was in Madrid, Frankfurt and Stuttgart and he was in Berlin which ius way off. so just had it shipped to a colleague there. But I did have mail exchanges with him. I just wrote to him about the kind of music, the TT I have and kind of sound I would like and he just offered to make it for me :clapping: although i am not sure if he has really refused people.

He did point me to the Denon Dl103 along with a Wood body and a wood headshell...and ideally get it retipped by Soundsmiths...he also seemed to be ok with the idea of using it with a trigon.
I now have to get a wood Body OR an Aluminium body...but let me get this right now .

But after listening to Amitnoida's description of the sound of your system and as you have optimized it..i really look forward to visiting Calcutta to hear your system once.
Dr. Bass,
You may be right. It is very likely that after an extended listening session, I will still like the weight. However, still, with a few records it may not work out.

What you said agrees with Prem's opinion. I also generally agree with this. Some people reportedly use weights with DDs too.

You are really moving around in Europe, aren't you? I hope you are having some time to look around. You drive a few hours in Europe, and experience a new culture and surroundings, even inside the same country. Travel from Milan to Florence, move around the countryside of Florence and visit Siena and Pisa, then to Roma, and then to Napoli. All these places have a different and distinctive flavour. I am reminded of the days before our son was born (in Germany) when my wife and I were driving all around Western Europe in our Opel and Ford, a few times in a year. Once we even went as far East as Budapest and stayed in a cottage in the woods near Lake Balaton, when I was actually visiting Austria to deliver talks in Viena and Graz. I worked extremely hard on my research when I was there, but holidays were also aplenty. It was not difficult to take off for a week or so once in a while. Europeans are a lot relaxed in these things. OTOH, one cannot imagine anything like this in the US. There is a lot more feeling of pressure. I was much more productive when I was in Europe.

Just a question on Schick's arms. Is it true that his tonearms are more suited for idler and direct drives? I know he loves Lenco TTs.

If you can come to Kolkata, that would be great. You are very welcome to our place. Yes, Amit (like others who have visited me) loved my system, at least that was my impression. But when you come, do not have any expectations. I am basically a musician, and music is like a religion to me, a way of living, you may say. That's all I know a bit. My knowledge on equipments is pretty poor compared to most of you. I only know the music I am listening to and the way I like it.

nice pictures of a good setup. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. :)
Regarding weight working or not working in some players only clue could be resonance dampened or inertia generated by the weight. So I think heavy platters (DD) may not benefit from it. Taking a guess though.
Just a question on Schick's arms. Is it true that his tonearms are more suited for idler and direct drives? I know he loves Lenco TTs.

If you can come to Kolkata, that would be great. You are very welcome to our place. Yes, Amit (like others who have visited me) loved my system, at least that was my impression. But when you come, do not have any expectations. I am basically a musician, and music is like a religion to me, a way of living, you may say. That's all I know a bit. My knowledge on equipments is pretty poor compared to most of you. I only know the music I am listening to and the way I like it.

Hey Asit, so I finally setup my the Arm (A bit of Jugaad as I could not fit in a 12" in my current plinth so made a separate Wooden base with the requisite holes/height (took me 3 days including buying a Drill / Bits et al and getting sawdust all over the house.)
the separate base is not easy to manage As i needed to exactly measure the distance have to look for a larger plinth in the future

The first sound impresions are Awesome in comparison...big sound with a much larger soundstage.

BTW I even bought the Trigon Advance Phono..i thought the Vanguard was far better with the battery than without so thought as well as get the advance as it is one Box and Dual mono (power and signal)

with the advance this system sings. now to get a more permanent setting/plinth ;)
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I can almost feel your excitement. Success after hard work is always very satisfying. I have seen pictures of a few implementations of the 12" Schick arm with an added base. What is headshell you are using with which cart?

Did you get the Advance from Germany? And, since you went to the range of Advance, did you have a chance to compare the Advance with anything else, for example, the Aqvox phono?

Please post your detailed impressions with pictures.

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