Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:)

Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

There is a small device called Chromecast which amazon is selling (currently out of stock) which looks promising for the Netflix streaming over the TV without the need for a PC/Laptop. I hope this device can be connected to the HDMI receiver directly and should be able to play the content in 5.1 channel provided it supports. People in India I think it has a built-in Chrome browser so the Netflix plugin should work without the VPN hassles. Planning to get once it is back in stock to try out. It also acts like a media player. So all in all for just $35 :clapping:.

Edit: As per this review/link it is supposed to even work with A/V receivers.
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Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Apologies in hijacking this thread a bit :sad:

But I am sure you guys can answer this best. I am using Home | and have changed the DNS servers in the router configuration page. So essentially, all my devices will be using this DNS.

1. I can listen to music now in Pandora from the computer. works great too. But I cannot listen to music from on my Denon DNP 720AE - it keeps saying that "Your country is not supported". Any pointers to fix this?
2. Only yesterday, I created a Netflix account from office (where we have a US VPN). But when I opened Netflix from home, the page is not even opening up. Was it down yesterday? Some sites seemed to suggest that.

I have mentioned this before, tunlr is not reliable and like all free services would have issues, better to go for a good VPN provider and use the same, office vpn would not help much.

Thanks a lot for clearing that up for me. Yes, I tried with the free account for UnblockUS and it works great! I am able to listen to Pandora and on comp without any issues. Moreover, I am able to access Netflix also without any issues on the comp.

But I saved the best news for last. I connected my Sony Bluray player to the router and voila - the software got updated and I got all the US content on the player now! Even Netflix. I was able to activate the Bluray device from my Netflix account and was able to view Netflix on the television! Amazing.

Now, all that is left is to beg someone for a Netflix shared account - so that we can share the costs! :sos:

And many :signthankspin:to Sam for telling us about this!!
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

^^ We still got one place left, havent heard from anshulkwatra so no idea where he stands ........if there is no response from him you can chip in .... :)
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

^^ We still got one place left, havent heard from anshulkwatra so no idea where he stands ........if there is no response from him you can chip in .... :)

Hey, that will be truly awesome. How many of you are sharing now? I'd love to join in. Do keep me posted. Thanks!!
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

^^ We still got one place left, havent heard from anshulkwatra so no idea where he stands ........if there is no response from him you can chip in .... :)


My apologies in understanding. I thought we had to have an 'OK' from the rest of the group for my inclusion, post which you were to share the a/c info for me. Basis this I was waiting for the PM with the a/c info. My apologies if I understood it differently. Please advise.

Thanks and Regards
Anshul Kwatra
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Thats nice of you Anshul, I am sure other members would not have a problem. Well for this month we already have shared the cost among three. Payments have been made. Is it ok for you to wait till 17th of Aug. Thats when the next month will start, we can share the cost amount 4 then.

Let me know if its ok for wait till 17 Aug for me to create a profile for you.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Hey, that will be truly awesome. How many of you are sharing now? I'd love to join in. Do keep me posted. Thanks!!

naveen, I guess Anshul will be joining, apologies, just in case if anyone does quits you will be most welcomed and would be the first one to be intimated .....:)

Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Thats nice of you Anshul, I am sure other members would not have a problem. Well for this month we already have shared the cost among three. Payments have been made. Is it ok for you to wait till 17th of Aug. Thats when the next month will start, we can share the cost amount 4 then.

Let me know if its ok for wait till 17 Aug for me to create a profile for you.

Sure @sam9s,

I shall wait. Anyway my own paid subscription of Netflix is active. The monthly renewal date is around 20. I shall wait.

On your advise and a/c number I shall pay.

Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Good, so now we have 3 people for sharing, myself, Sam and technobhat.

Need one more participant to close the group of 4.One more seat open for anyone wanting to fill in.

Sam: Did you get a chance to look at the current firmware version your WDTV is on.

Major update, @Dushie, I am not sure how did this happen, but I now have the option to choose profile in my WD TV LIve Netflix app, and now I can change the profile which shows me only that profile update. This is what was missing on WD TV Right. Strange is I did not upgrade the firmware or did something that might have triggered this change.

Check your WD TV as well if you see this change. Here a screenshot of the same
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

naveen, I guess Anshul will be joining, apologies, just in case if anyone does quits you will be most welcomed and would be the first one to be intimated .....:)


Aw shucks. No worries, do let me know if anyone drops out.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Another Major Update Guys ......... If people just want to enjoy Netflix on laptop or windows (coz they do not have any device that has netflix app), and were put down that on windows browsers audio is not 5.1 DD, there is a good news, atleast for Windows 8. On windows 8 we have an inbuilt netflix app, that actually supports 5.1 DD audio if your computer/laptop is connected to AVR via HDMI and windows is configured to output 5.1 audio over HDMI ..... just tested that and it works .....

SO go people and try that out......
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Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Aw shucks. No worries, do let me know if anyone drops out.

Technobhatt has opted to drop out ....... naveenroy, are you still interested, let me know so that I can create your profile ..... next membership starts from 17 AUG, so do let me know before that ...
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Technobhatt has opted to drop out ....... naveenroy, are you still interested, let me know so that I can create your profile ..... next membership starts from 17 AUG, so do let me know before that ...

Hello Sam, thanks for the PM too!

I am certainly interested but can you just clarify somethings for me:

1. I am watching Netflix by connecting the ethernet cable to the Sony Blu Ray player. Since I have registered this device with Netflix, will it be a problem? Will it accept it when I play logged in with another account?
2. With the id you provide me, can I also opt to watch on my comp if I don't feel like watching on the Blu Ray player?
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

1 .^^ I think you have to re-register the device with new credentials. I dont there should be any problem since you can register one device with any number of account.

2. Yes you can also watch netflix on you computer with the same credentials. You can install a chrome extension called Media Hint that would allow you to open Netflix on your chrome browser ......
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Educated and encouraged by sam9s's report on the possibility of using Netflix, earlier this week I tried accessing Netflix using my son's Netflix account and a free trial version of Unblock-us. I already have a high speed Broadband connection and Panasonic BDT 500 Blu ray player allowing easy access to Netflix.

Sure enough after a wait of 5 minutes or so I saw high quality seamless images rivaling Blu Ray quality streaming. The sound quality has been most impressive. This is pushing me towards a Projector which I have been contemplating for some time.

Thanks sam9s.

Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Has anyone checked Amazon Prime? Its priced at 79$ per year with streaming movies and TV serials as also a bigger collection of kindly books and faster delivery from amazon of anything you shop.

The collections seems decent and one can stream to devices like PS3.

I have currently taken the free monthly membership but dont have a device to stream and check the quality.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Technobhatt has opted to drop out ....... naveenroy, are you still interested, let me know so that I can create your profile ..... next membership starts from 17 AUG, so do let me know before that ...

Thanks but a friend has decided to share with me so can't join your group. Hopefully I've informed you in advance, thanks a lot!!
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

so we have one place still vacant .....
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Since Technobhatt opted out and naveenroy did not join we have opening for 2 members .... anyone interested ...... ping here or PM me ... :-)
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Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

1 .^^ I think you have to re-register the device with new credentials. I dont there should be any problem since you can register one device with any number of account.

2. Yes you can also watch netflix on you computer with the same credentials. You can install a chrome extension called Media Hint that would allow you to open Netflix on your chrome browser ......

Thanks for Chrome Extension hint