Friends, fellow mates and photography gurus, the judgement day arrived and 12 pages of pure knowldge did not go wast ...... and finally I bought the amazing
Canon 550D TSi Rebel
I will write a detail review and experience later, but let me share the first impressions.
Cost :
33500 with 18-55mm, plus I also purchased a
55-250mm for 12500, so total its a woping expense of 46000, with a camera in the hands of a total noob....

. Thing to note is that these lenses are with
IS II, and not I so are a bit expensive as compared to IS I.
Any way with time I hope gurus here will help me not regrette the decission ...
I did not go with
50mm 1.8 prime (I might go at later stage), as that is a portrait lens, I tried the lens at the showroom, and though it was giving amazing face portraits, I would have been very limited in my range out side on my trip. Instead invested on a
50-250mm to get better zoom reach. Now I am covered from
18mm to 250mm and I think I will be correct in saying that it will be adequate for most of the general photography while travelling.
First 10-20 snaps were on full auto out side and results were amazing, ofcourse. Then I started fiddling around the settings ..... man there are so many ...

.... the permutation combination of shutter speed and aperture to get that perfect low light snap has got my head spinning ......

But will get there (with some help from you all ...

..... anyway happy to have invested in this DSLR. Waiting for some outing to put this beast on some test .........
Will update with detail review/doubts/experiments and probably loads n loads of questions on DSLR photography .....
My sincere thanks for all of my fellow mates who poured in their valuable suggestions to help me make my decision, looking forward for more guidance and support for the same .....