Nikon D5100 SLR or Nikon P500 Bridge

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kahan se liya finally?

anm bhai sorry I missed this post ....... palika se hi liya phir :D ....... Actually I had my cousion with me, who had some knowldge about the same, so we went together and he was convinced that everything was okie. We had the warrenty and all looked good so we went through with this ... ...... :)
Congrats on your purchase. Welcome to the EOS family! i am myself a 60D have made an excellent lens purchase. Both of them will serve you well. You can buy the 50mm 1.8 anytime you desire. :) . Once again congrats and happy clicking.
Friends, fellow mates and photography gurus, the judgement day arrived and 12 pages of pure knowldge did not go wast ...... and finally I bought the amazing Canon 550D TSi Rebel[/b]

What?!!! After the time spent advising you on this thread ... you went and got a silly 550 TSi?!!! :mad::mad::mad:

Ok Kidding ... :p :ohyeah: Enjoy the cam, must feel exhilarating :yahoo:
Thing to note is that these lenses are with IS II, and not I so are a bit expensive as compared to IS I.

Sequels are usually not as good as the original part I ... :rolleyes:

Enjoy shooting! Hope you are not going to bed caressing the camera ... its a trifle too expensive to knock over in ones sleep. :)

Sequels are usually not as good as the original part I ... :rolleyes:

lolzz..... Not in case of consumer commodities. If this had been the case the mobile market would have been stuck with Nokia 1100 :D :D
so hows it goin sam9s .. am sure the camera would be giving you sleepless nights for a few days.. and frequent lens changes..

Finally somebody asked ..... :). I have been glued to it since it came, have taken 200-300 snaps from it, of which only handful came 70-75% close to the way a semi-amateur might take. All snaps taken with different settings and conditions. I have to say its just a matter of practice and patience ,,,... (and ofcourse interest to persue these two ...:D)

I have almost eaten this site ...... SLR Photography Guide - Digital guide to DSLR photography of our member suggested.

and has helped me a lot in understanding things. One thing I am sure is, instead of getting 50mm f1.8 prime, I will take a 100mm f2.8 macro for some closeup macro shots of flowers and insects ...... I was amazed by few examples that were shot with this lense with an even older model Canon 400D.

Any other useful site/resource, that can help apart from the above link I shared.

Soon when I will have enough "actually good" snaps to share, will probably open anew thread for it ...... :D
You need a good sturdy tripod , reflectors or off cam flash and a lot of patience to make grate macro photographs . Also have to learn Technics like focus stalking etc . And to get accurate focus you have to go for manual focusing . Try a Macro lens for some time before you buy one
Congrats Sam.
Pickup a simple software like Lightroom or Photodirector that can do basic editing. You can play with sharpness, noise reduction, contrast etc..and that is worth it. I also recommend shooting in RAW once you are used to the post processing.
You need a good sturdy tripod , reflectors or off cam flash and a lot of patience to make grate macro photographs . Also have to learn Technics like focus stalking etc . And to get accurate focus you have to go for manual focusing . Try a Macro lens for some time before you buy one

I have small basic tripod (3'), that I did use to take couple of night shots, but will invest in a new one for sure. And I am practicing with manual focus, infact I am starting to feel more comfortable with manual focus under certain conditions....:)

Buying a macro lens is still far, its very expensive ... around 30K.. :) I will first learn basic photography, play with shutter speed and aperture, gain confidence and then go for a macro.

try to get this DVD it has lot of amazing tutorials for beginners. many of those tutorials are alaso in youtube search" bryan peterson" . video tutorials by Karl Taylor is also good check youtube

I have been following this thread off and on. I hope you do not take it too personally if I say that I deliberately stayed off partly because I was a little disappointed that you were not trying to learn stuff on your own and were still basically asking the same questions over again as in the other thread. These days there are enough information on the net so that there is no problem learning the basic parameters like focal length, aperture, shutter-speed and light sensitivity (for digital photography it is the ISO setting).

But at the same time, I am very happy that you now got a very good camera. Very nice camera and it is capable of taking some amazing shots.

Sincere congratulations from me. Now that you got the camera, you can learn many things just by trying, provided you know a little bit about the basic parameters. This is one advantage of digital photography, it does not cost at all to shoot. In the film camera days, one had to buy films.

To start off, you may follow the basic sequence (for taking easy shots) I presented in the middle of my post .

Initially start with taking photos in jpegs. Once you are reasonably comfortable with the adjustments, you may start shooting in RAW format. I can bet, once you do that and learn how to process RAW, you will NEVER go back to jpegs.

Wish you all the best with the camera. Do register the camera body and the lenses with Canon India.


I have been following this thread off and on. I hope you do not take it too personally if I say that I deliberately stayed off partly because I was a little disappointed that you were not trying to learn stuff on your own and were still basically asking the same questions over again as in the other thread. These days there are enough information on the net so that there is no problem learning the basic parameters like focal length, aperture, shutter-speed and light sensitivity (for digital photography it is the ISO setting).

Asit dear friend, I understand what you have said, and no I never took any thing seriously, its all right. But these are forums and you would agree that if everything can be googled, why would people come to forums. Simple fast information, and from the people we have been spending time with (on forums) and lastly personal experienced info.
Not to forget sometimes you just wanna know what your favorite poster has to say about the same ...:D.

And since I am a complete noob as far as photography is concerned it was a bit evident that I might land up asking same or noob questions again and again. That is a bit natural.

I have been helping a lot of people on this forum when it comes to computers, Audio/video encoding, decoding, specially HTPCs and all, and most of the time I have been asked the same question time and again, infact through PM as well. But being an expert on this I understand where most of them come from and I usually empathize with them and help them or point them in the right direction..... :) :) . After all thats why I/we visit forums so regularly, to learn and help other as well, .....right ... :)

Though I did google a lot and I obviously got the required info, but still there were few technical post here that really helped ........ information never goes wast, thats what I believe and more we share it.....more it grows......:)

Anyway, I never took any thing seriously, I was able to sense what you have told me here, when I stopped getting any response on the other thread .;.... But I knew I was gonna buy a serious camera soon and so would open a new thread anyhow......:)

I am still sure I am gonna get a lot of assistance form you and all experts here, I seriously want to learn this new thing and test myself if I can get to a decent level ...... :)

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Congrats Sam, on purchasing a very good camera. I am sorry to miss this thread, was kind of busy, so joining in late to congratulate you.:clapping:

Be cautioned : Soon you might acquire one of the most feared disease associated with buying a DSLR, "Lens Upgraditis". :D

But wait, I am already seeing its symptoms, as you mentioned 100/2.8 macro. ;)

But I would like to suggest that if you are not averse to using flash during indoor photography, then you can purchase one. As you might have already read, Canons have an annoying feature of using built-in camera flash for AF assist (emits a series of flashes). This might irritate your subjects. Also it will be advantageous to bounce the flash from ceiling or walls.

Once again best wishes for your journey into the world of photography.

The reason that I did not write earlier in the thread was not because I did not want to help you (to whatever extent I could), but because I wanted you to learn a bit while struggling and searching for answers - reading books, googling, taking shots - whatever way. Your learning is your own. The more one struggles, the more one learns. I am sorry if I am sounding too old school for you - but I cannot hide my age and I believe the only true learning comes on one's own. That's all.

At this stage, I may know a bit more than you do, but there is no reason not to believe that your photographic skill will be better than mine in not too distant future. I will help you to the best of my very limited ability as I did in the other thread writing very long posts. But do not underestimate your own abilities - your own efforts will always fetch better results. We can only give you a few guidelines and information. Now that you have a camera of the quality of the 550D, the opportunities are almost endless, except fast shoots for sports photography. I hope you understand me. All the best wishes with this camera. Take good care of it. Save it from dust and water (please keep in mind that it is not a pro camera and therefore not all-weather-proof).

Friends my first decent click which I think I can manage to share ...

Took a lot of time to find that peeping angle. Yea I know the picture itself does not look any more than an ordinary DSLR snap, but it is my first attempt, to actually have fiddled around with manual settings and taking a snap.......
Here another one ...... again these might seem pretty ordinary by most of you, but think it as taken by a total noob who didnt know the ABDC of DSLR 15 days ago.

Also images are highly optimized and reduced to be shared on forums .....
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