Objectivity vs Subjectivity

So, after 18 pages of this discussion I have learnt that we can’t trust measurements alone, we can’t trust our ears, there is no guarantee that equipment that costs a lot will sound good/better, we can’t trust marketing and hype by reviewers, we can’t trust recommendations from audiophiles who don’t agree amongst themselves, we can’t trust it will sound good based on how it looks, we don’t have the option of home audition before deciding to buy or get refunds,…the WAF (I am not going there)
There surely must be someone to blame for this state of affairs!!!
I buy and return audio gear for this exact reason as I live in Europe now. I understand not everyone has the opportunity to do this.
And many buy after ogling/caressing the gear physically and after listening in the dealers treated room and after going wow saying: <InsertArtisteOfChoice> sounded as if he/she was on my lap!
Then they hook up what they bought in their room and it sounds like ca ca, but they still have to pretend it sounds good, all the while kicking themselves within.

True story! :p
True. This works vice versa too. Listening in your home is important. At least listening in a typical environment if not your own home is important.

Your point actually makes " listening " very important. That is the only thing that matters.
Listening in your home is important.
If making a decision with one's ears, I would call that not just important but critical.
At least listening in a typical environment if not your own home is important.
If not your home, this animal does not exist.
Your point actually makes " listening " very important. That is the only thing that matters.
Another PoV would be that the shortlist of what to listen to should be based on good measuring gear.
Don’t forget the WAF and peer pressure!

So, after 18 pages of this discussion I have learnt that we can’t trust measurements alone, we can’t trust our ears, there is no guarantee that equipment that costs a lot will sound good/better, we can’t trust marketing and hype by reviewers, we can’t trust recommendations from audiophiles who don’t agree amongst themselves, we can’t trust it will sound good based on how it looks, we don’t have the option of home audition before deciding to buy or get refunds,…the WAF (I am not going there)
There surely must be someone to blame for this state of affairs!!!
For me, I trust relevant measurements which gives me reliable information about the engineering and sonic properties.

I can always address my room issues, source and mood......once I have a transparent system. :D
For me, I trust relevant measurements which gives me reliable information about the engineering and sonic properties.

I can always address my room issues, source and mood......once I have a transparent system. :D
Adding to it that transparent or coloured is easily revealed by the measurements.
some liking it warm or bright can be chosen based on the measurements.
For me, I trust relevant measurements which gives me reliable information about the engineering and sonic properties.

I can always address my room issues, source and mood......once I have a transparent system. :D
You’ll never , ever , ever reach audio satisfaction on this route.
Best of luck.
You’ll never , ever , ever reach audio satisfaction on this route.
Best of luck.
Fortunately I already have a system I am happy with. I now don’t fret over 1% improvement.

A simple thick blackout curtain makes my system sound so dark…..it’s as if a veil has been lifted, with pure bass and sub bass extension, the sound made so ‘warmth’ I can feel the hotness of my rock songs ;);):D (disclaimer I am not trying to offend anyone)
You’ll never , ever , ever reach audio satisfaction on this route.
Best of luck.
We all have different paths and objectives from this hobby and from what I have seen from @Enkay78, he has a very clear path and objectives and does appear to be happy with what he has. The reason for so many discussions is since it may differ from many others but in the end we all learn a bit from him and he from us. I do believe he does have his satisfaction

As an analogy I do go out cycling with folks and different folks seem have different approaches. some are obsessed with their own activity stats, some about the cycle's technicalities, some just ride for fun on any bike but do love the feel of a bike etc etc. I guess Audio is similiar :)
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For me, I trust relevant measurements which gives me reliable information about the engineering and sonic properties.

I can always address my room issues, source and mood......once I have a transparent system. :D
Have you actually demoed an Amp that doesn't measure well according to ASR? I would not trust what i read online blindly.
I always demo an Amp that i am planning to buy. The denon avrs measure the best on ASR's site but whenever i demo a denon, i am never impressed & always prefer Arcam/Anthem etc. My suggestion is always demos the product if u can, instead of having blind faith on online journalist. I know Amir is the Messiah for ASR fans but i would still suggest to demo when u can. At the end of the day if you are happy with the sound of your system then who cares :D

Have you actually demoed an Amp that doesn't measure well according to ASR? I would not trust what i read online blindly.
I always demo an Amp that i am planning to buy. The denon avrs measure the best on ASR's site but whenever i demo a denon, i am never impressed & always prefer Arcam/Anthem etc. My suggestion is always demos the product if u can, instead of having blind faith on online journalist. I know Amir is the Messiah for ASR fans but i would still suggest to demo when u can. At the end of the day if you are happy with the sound of your system then who cares :D

Why does it always boils down to ASR? I mean it's fails my comprehension. I mean I have been labelled even a bhakt. I mean c'mon..........

How do you buy a HiFidelity gadget when you don't have the luxury to audition it...when you are in a far away places where there are no retailers? I am not crazy to go to Kolkata or Guwahati or Delhi to audition an amp/speaker for a silly hobby. My interest is not that much 'audiophile'.

I simply want a well engineered gadget which by its measurements would sound good. Hence I love my studio monitors. Apple music + Topping D90SE+ Kali 8 .......I don't even use subwoofer now. My simple room treatment of thick blackout curtains has tamed my 20x22 room.(in addition to bookshelves on North side). They sound even more fantastic and nostalgic after 2 pegs of fine whiskey ....when I go down roads of pink Floyd, CCR, ZZ top, led Zeppelin, and yes even gazals ;)
For me, I trust relevant measurements which gives me reliable information about the engineering and sonic properties.

I can always address my room issues, source and mood......once I have a transparent system. :D
So, you choose and buy based on measurements and then make necessary changes in your room to get the best out of it. That’s definitely one way to go about it.
You mentioned addressing the mood. Are you referring to the choice of music you prefer personally?
Why does it always boils down to ASR? I mean it's fails my comprehension. I mean I have been labelled even a bhakt. I mean c'mon..........

How do you buy a HiFidelity gadget when you don't have the luxury to audition it...when you are in a far away places where there are no retailers? I am not crazy to go to Kolkata or Guwahati or Delhi to audition an amp/speaker for a silly hobby. My interest is not that much 'audiophile'.

I simply want a well engineered gadget which by its measurements would sound good. Hence I love my studio monitors. Apple music + Topping D90SE+ Kali 8 .......I don't even use subwoofer now. My simple room treatment of thick blackout curtains has tamed my 20x22 room.(in addition to bookshelves on North side). They sound even more fantastic and nostalgic after 2 pegs of fine whiskey ....when I go down roads of pink Floyd, CCR, ZZ top, led Zeppelin, and yes even gazals ;)
It’s definitely a huge challenge to find good equipment in places where there are few or no dealers. I think there are several hifi enthusiasts in a similar predicament, where auditions even in dealer show rooms are impossible, leave alone home auditions. I can see how this leaves measurements as the only other option to make informed choices with.
Despite this, @Enkay78 you have a impressive collection and set up(s)!
If making a decision with one's ears, I would call that not just important but critical.

If not your home, this animal does not exist.

Another PoV would be that the shortlist of what to listen to should be based on good measuring gear.

There are showrooms that create these kind of environments. Minimal treatments on wall with just carpets etc. that mimics your home environment more or less. I have found such places to work reasonably well. Also most consumer loudspeakers have been voiced to work in such places rather than fully treated studio spaces. With some experience one can easily gauge how they will work back in their home. Also how much the performance will scale if one one's home acoustics are done well.

I like gear that are build upon good measurements as a baseline. I have come to realise that only gear that goes beyond measurements into the subjective realm as well sound good to my ears. Science + Art. Science is something anyone can do. Plenty of designs out there. But the magic is when the Art comes into play. That is where the fun is and only reason to have this hobby. At least for me.
For my HT, I was into buying something else……but Klipsch got the better of me when audioholics measured the RP800f. Now I don’t fret over what else to buy speakerwise. Only that I have bought the Tonewinner AT300 pre-pro, and slowly mulling of upgrading my 7.1 system to 9.1.4. For which I m planning to get 6 Sabaj A8 ICEPOWER amps

Do I want to buy an Anthem/Marantz/Trinnov/JBL synthesis? No because I know that they are not going to produce >5% improvement over what I have done with my system using REW and my UMIK-1.

For me price/performance is philosophy and principle. I need to have a sense of having value of my hard earned money. you can even call me el cheapo :D

Products like this is what I feel bang for my money Rs 32k gets you excellent DAC, headphone amp combo


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