OLED TV's price/best quote thread

Guys sorry for OT , but I need some help. Today I got my TV installed, in about my tv section, it says , " Total Power On Time" 410hrs :( .. What does it mean? Is it Just "Power" On or display On? I asked my installation guy to check if it's display unit or not but he said it isn't because there's no sign of dusts on the film or no air bubbles on the film. Should I worry about it?

PS:- If possible can someone point me towards any thread about OTs on OLED? Thanks.
That looks like it was returned or was a deno for a while. Talk to the person who sold you the TV.
Manufactured date is written as 2nd feb on the box.
It’s demo unit for sure. Assume the dealer got the tv in March 1st and started using it for demo. This means the tv is 6 months used wit an average of 2-3 hours per day. Make it a big issue. Post in twitter and tag LG. But first talk with the dealer first and ask him for a replacement of a new unit. Check the panel uniformity and for dead pixels. If it’s good and the dealer has no stock ask for 30-40k cash back.
It’s demo unit for sure. Assume the dealer got the tv in March 1st and started using it for demo. This means the tv is 6 months used wit an average of 2-3 hours per day. Make it a big issue. Post in twitter and tag LG. But first talk with the dealer first and ask him for a replacement of a new unit. Check the panel uniformity and for dead pixels. If it’s good and the dealer has no stock ask for 30-40k cash back.
I'll check . there are no dead pixels... Should I talk to LG customer care first before talking to Dealer?
I'll check . there are no dead pixels... Should I talk to LG customer care first before talking to Dealer?
No call the dealer first and demand. He should fear that you shouldn’t go to LG for the sake of his store image. Some dealers won’t even bother about it. Where did u get it from? Big retailers like RD, Croma they will have a customer support to deal these kind of issues. So go step by step. First direct approach to dealer then escalate to customer support and LG. Man this has been discussed in forum so many times you should have blasted the person who came to do the installation, what BS they are telling no bubbles. They know in their heart that this was used still cheating you.
Guys sorry for OT , but I need some help. Today I got my TV installed, in about my tv section, it says , " Total Power On Time" 410hrs :( .. What does it mean? Is it Just "Power" On or display On? I asked my installation guy to check if it's display unit or not but he said it isn't because there's no sign of dusts on the film or no air bubbles on the film. Should I worry about it?

PS:- If possible can someone point me towards any thread about OTs on OLED? Thanks.
I had already warned you that at this time of year you will only get display piece of last year's model, no matter what assurance you get from dealer. Just return it for full refund. Don't get a replacement piece of last year's model as that too will be a display piece and this time dealer would have smartened and would reset usage hours from service menu.
I would say return it and get a complete refund. Demo TVs will be run on high brightness. So there might have been a lot of wear and tear already.
Yeah but there is no way they will proceed with refund. Best case scenario is a replacement worst case is some cash back and the panel is in good shape. Even now they will not accept and if they had the intention to cheat they will give all excuses that it’s brand new and that in factory LG would have done some quality tests blah blah. My case manger was very honest and he said that they where delivering two units of c9 that day. One new unit for me and used unit to a showroom and by mistake the delivery boys delivered the used to me. Within a week my new unit was delivered and installed.
Guys sorry for OT , but I need some help. Today I got my TV installed, in about my tv section, it says , " Total Power On Time" 410hrs :( .. What does it mean? Is it Just "Power" On or display On? I asked my installation guy to check if it's display unit or not but he said it isn't because there's no sign of dusts on the film or no air bubbles on the film. Should I worry about it?

PS:- If possible can someone point me towards any thread about OTs on OLED? Thanks.

Thanks to hfv this was the first thing I checked when my C9 was installed on 20th Feb. So after about 7 months, the average daily watch time is about 4 hours per day. A couple of months ago this was about 5 hours per day. So your TV was on for more than 3 months at least. Take a picture of total time and talk to the dealer. No way you should be accepting that used TV.
Sorry to know @DarkLord - but don't worry, it is a hassle but you have things in your favor, since you detected the issue right away.

Let us know what happened in your conversation to the dealer. They will typically give you replacement. Might need some firm discussion to make that happen smoothly. Good luck - but don't worry, things will be alright by the end.

I am surprised that how common it is for dealers to dispatch used display pieces to users. There ha e been number of cases in this forum itself.
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Guys sorry for OT , but I need some help. Today I got my TV installed, in about my tv section, it says , " Total Power On Time" 410hrs :( .. What does it mean? Is it Just "Power" On or display On? I asked my installation guy to check if it's display unit or not but he said it isn't because there's no sign of dusts on the film or no air bubbles on the film. Should I worry about it?

PS:- If possible can someone point me towards any thread about OTs on OLED? Thanks.
Was the box properly packed? It has tape on the top. Was that sealed?
Come to think of it. The c9 I am about to take is Jan 2020 make. Even though he is saying its new from warehouse, which it was, he showed me stock before ordering. It could very well be returned from another retailer or something.

The box is not in that good condition, but he knows about the hours reset n all. Which makes it much harder. I am also concerned now.
Was the box properly packed? It has tape on the top. Was that sealed?
A very common malpractice that I have witnessed since many years, I first witnessed it in 2012. It's a common affair that I saw in many stores where they put a tape over the LG brand logo tape which is of the same width. And it is hard to notice but very noticeable once the tape is cut open with a blade. From side angle, 2 tapes can be seen overlapping each other ("Common Excuse they give is, it's for your TV's safety that it doesn't come out of the packing during transit"). It happened to me once in 2012 when I bought LG 3D TV and it was a lesson well learnt. It was a demo piece and I couldn't get a refund, but later on, I used to ask them to show the sealed unit and then would make the payment at the same moment after verification and get the TV home in my car. For bigger TVs I am thinking to noting down the unique number and mark the packing over the seals with a permanent marker. Since there are chances that they will deliver another. Mfg date is another most important thing. There are still few good dealers but most of them are known to do these kind of things. I personally saw this done by Bajaj Electronics and many other local dealers in Hyderabad. Can't trust anybody. Not even reliance digital.
So first I talked with the sales guy on phone he was not in the store but he was very reluctant that it was not display piece. He was giving example that there's no issue for one in getting a display piece as people also buy ovens, washing machine soundbar etc as display piece and then he cut the call in between. So we then went to the store today. Sales guy was not present there. Talked with the store manager. He was also first reluctant to admit that it would have been a display piece as there was none of them in the store at that time ha said. But He also said that even if it would be display piece he was not aware that we are getting that only or else he would have warned us before. Though he was very polite. We told him that we will not accept this Tv at any cost and we will come tomorrow and will go to the godown and will check if there are stocks of b9 or not. Then we will check how many hours they are showing (don't know if it's possible). He was ready to do it. He called us tomorrow after 2pm as today they are having audits whole night. Now my main doubt is if we will go to that godown, how would we assure that which one would be the best piece to minimum runtime ? I'm really frustrated. Didn't expect this to happen as this was our first purchase from that store and also it's a reputed store in the city (patna) and state of Bihar (Aditya Vision).Let's see what happens tomorrow.
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So first I talked with the sales guy on phone he was not in the store but he was very reluctant that it was not display piece. He was giving example that there's no issue for one in getting a display piece as people also buy ovens, washing machine soundbar etc as display piece and then he cut the call in between. So we then went to the store today. Sales guy was not present there. Talked with the store manager. He was also first reluctant to admit that it would have been a display piece as there was none of them in the store at that time. But He also said that even if it would be display piece he was not aware that we are getting that only or else he would have warned us before. Though he was very polite. We told him that we will not accept this Tv at any cost and we will come tomorrow and will go to the godown and will check if there are stocks of b9 or not. Then we will check how many hours they are showing (don't know if it's possible). He was ready to do it. He called us tomorrow after 2pm as today they are having audits whole night. Now my main doubt is if we will go to that godown, how would we assure that which one would be the best piece to minimum runtime ? I'm really frustrated. Didn't expect this to happen as this was our first purchase from that store and also it's a reputed store in the city (patna) and state of Bihar (Aditya Vision).Let's see what happens tomorrow.
Demo unit or used unit is the only explanation. What was his excuse for 400+ hours usage? And why do you strain yourself by going to showroom and warehouse? It is their responsibility to take the tv back and give you a new unit or refund. They should first accept that it’s an used tv.Wait for one day and if they don’t accept and come to an agreement escalate the matter to LG. Bug them in twitter. LG is very responsive. They have a portal for escalation and once u raise a complain LG directly follows up till there is a solution. keep raising a complain if they close the case and blast them in twitter. This keeps happening repeatedly I think you are the 3rd person in this forum and god knows how many haven’t noticed usage hours
So first I talked with the sales guy on phone he was not in the store but he was very reluctant that it was not display piece. He was giving example that there's no issue for one in getting a display piece as people also buy ovens, washing machine soundbar etc as display piece and then he cut the call in between. So we then went to the store today. Sales guy was not present there. Talked with the store manager. He was also first reluctant to admit that it would have been a display piece as there was none of them in the store at that time. But He also said that even if it would be display piece he was not aware that we are getting that only or else he would have warned us before. Though he was very polite. We told him that we will not accept this Tv at any cost and we will come tomorrow and will go to the godown and will check if there are stocks of b9 or not. Then we will check how many hours they are showing (don't know if it's possible). He was ready to do it. He called us tomorrow after 2pm as today they are having audits whole night. Now my main doubt is if we will go to that godown, how would we assure that which one would be the best piece to minimum runtime ? I'm really frustrated. Didn't expect this to happen as this was our first purchase from that store and also it's a reputed store in the city (patna) and state of Bihar (Aditya Vision).Let's see what happens tomorrow.
I don't get it. How will they show you the number of hours on a new tv without opening it? And if they get the new tv out of a box, then they have to cut open company seal for nothing. Which will not be the case at all. That's a loss for them.
From what I can infer, I call bs on the whole audit thing. They're just buying time to sort the mess out. If they are ready to open another box in front of you to show you the hours displayed on it, it will probably be another repackaged display unit.

Here are your best moves from now on. Record every thing, preferably over mail.
Somehow just get the manager to acknowledge that what they have delivered to you is a new tv despite the fact that it shows a total power on time of 410 hours. Get this acknowledgement over mail. Chances are, he won't. And if he does, then you have proof and then proceed to escalate it with LG customer care.
Even better if you can get it in writing with a signature from the store manager on a paper with the store's letterhead.
If you can see that they are being really defensive about this. Then please do this ASAP.

Just tell them you trust them, but all you need is a simple written and signed acknowledgement from them that there was a total power on time of 410 hours on a new unopened unit and that they don't know why that happened but they have given you a fresh piece which hasn't been opened at all. Also ask them to send this to you over e-mail from their official company email address (xyz@aditya-electronics or whatever).
And if they can't do this then ask for a 60% refund. Either letterhead and email acknowledgement or 60% refund of the amount for all the headache and lost trust and call it a day.

It will help a lot for later on.

And if they keep bombarding you with various reasons on why they can't do either of the above but ask you to trust the store manager based on his personal assurance, call it bs and ask them why you should trust them when they can't send you a simple email stating the current scenario.
why did you make a repayment when you didn't get the refund ?
This is about another LG 4K TV few years later which I bought from another dealer who was ready to show me the sealed unit before making the payment, I was ready to loose the deal unless the seller was ready to show me the product before payment and I went to many stores and finally one guy was ready to show me their inventory. LG 3D TV that I bought from another local dealer did not issue the refund no matter how much I pushed him and was very rude and did not accept for a replacement as well.

"But He also said that even if it would be display piece he was not aware that we are getting that only or else he would have warned us before."

And this is also what I heard from him when I was trying to get a refund for my LG 3D TV, which happened to be a demo unit. I strongly believe that these TV inventory stocks move back and forth here and there, if a product isn't selling well at one place they will be moved to another place where there is demand. This happens mostly with highend niche TVs, especially 55" and 65" ones.
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