Orthodynamic Headphones & all things planar

Not me exactly, my friend whom I share the apartment did.
But since he is out of town for a few days, I have the LCD-2s for myself. :)
Guru, if your room mate ever needs a place to stay in Cochin, you know who to contact. AS long as he brings along the lcd 2s!
haha..great timing guru...just when you got the ehha done eh..the TPs are going to be on their way to India soon as well i reckon. A friend apparently had a surprise conference in SF and so the headphones will be going back with him hopefully to Bangalore. We can figure out from there how to proceed with the loaner program.
nice :).must be something indeed.enjoy,guru

Guru, if your room mate ever needs a place to stay in Cochin, you know who to contact. AS long as he brings along the lcd 2s!
I shall pass the generous offer along. Don't expect it any time soon though. ;)

haha..great timing guru...just when you got the ehha done eh..the TPs are going to be on their way to India soon as well i reckon. A friend apparently had a surprise conference in SF and so the headphones will be going back with him hopefully to Bangalore. We can figure out from there how to proceed with the loaner program.

EHHA rocks !
I am rediscovering my whole music library, everything sounds much better.:D
And that was even without LCD-2.

I am surprised to see that the LCD-2 is easier to drive than my NAD. The specs suggested otherwise.
Damm, I really wish I was in Delhi. :(

Would really love to hear the LCD-2 in action.

So how is the NAD compared to the LCD-2 ?

Come on we need impressions !!! :D
Too early to do the comparisons.

Also, I am rather busy testing the EHHA with all my headphones so LCD-2aren't actually getting as much head time as they should.

BTW, I have the loaner pair of YH-2 on my head right now & most of you won't believe how good these sound with EHHA. Especially the guys who complained of lack of bass would have to eat their words. :D
aah man..i've been saying this for ages on the other crazy forum..about how much of a difference an amp like the ehha makes to orthos..people just blow hot air out their asses and just don't want o even take a passing notice about it. Finally it seems the EHHA is getting the attention it so richly deserves. I'd pick it over the B22 anyday and everyday.
Its all thanks to you sachi. I had always eyed the EHHA but if you hadn't given me the push, I probably would never have gone for such an ambitious project.

And good to know that the TPs would soon be here, I have been following your impressions on the new dampening schemes. Should be fun listening to them on EHHA. :)
aah man..i've been saying this for ages on the other crazy forum..about how much of a difference an amp like the ehha makes to orthos..people just blow hot air out their asses and just don't want o even take a passing notice about it. Finally it seems the EHHA is getting the attention it so richly deserves. I'd pick it over the B22 anyday and everyday.

Ok, so B22 is ruled out. What about Dynahi, Dynamid & Aikido ?
I got this DIY itch now.:p
I have. ;)

one board from the first build seems to have been lost. I had mistakenly placed wrong transistors on that build, it seems de-soldering & re-soldering has taken its toll.
Other two builds are working fine.
Its all thanks to you sachi. I had always eyed the EHHA but if you hadn't given me the push, I probably would never have gone for such an ambitious project.

And good to know that the TPs would soon be here, I have been following your impressions on the new dampening schemes. Should be fun listening to them on EHHA. :)

The TP dampening scheme has changed further. Am using what Smeggy uses now. Much bigger bottom end, but isn't as sorted out in the midrange and this is largely due to my TP having an older baffle style. I heard his tricked out newest TP and boy did it rock!!
okay..is anyone here based in Bangalore?

Or can someone pick up the headphones from my house in Bangalore?

PM me please as I am going to be sending the TPs back with my friend and should be in India next Monday.

Now some Bangalore based member please volunteer to get the TPs from Sachu's place !!! :yahoo:

Don't worry Sachu, we will all handle your TPs with kids gloves and you will get it back in the same condition you sent it to us.

And thanks again for trusting your TPs with people you have never even met. :clapping:
I am not Bangalore based, but I will try to see if any of my friends in Bangalore can pick up the orthos.
Sachu, I think I deleted the PM with your address in it. Can you just send it to me again?
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