Panasonic plasma V20 series group buy


Joining the party late I guess.:mad:

Is the TV available still?



Chill, Its only a party of daydreamers collectively fantasizing about a killer deal that will never materialize. :ohyeah:

Get yourself a Beer while you hang around :)

hey guys,
i bought the Pana 42v20 finally :yahoo:
Although i wished this group buy could materialize.

I bought it for 63k from Sharper Vision,Worli (the dealer who quoted 59k on phone:o) after a lot of haggling and almost leaving the place !

He had only one piece of 42''v20 :p

Yet to install it though as i'm shifting to my new house soon, will update pics as soon as i do !:cool:
Hi guys,

I finally managed to crack a deal. Since V20 series is being phased out, there is hardly any stock in the market. The dealer I contacted has 2 pieces of 50V20D and 1 piece of 42V20D. His final price is:

42V20D - 60k
50V20D - 85k (mouth watering)

One piece each of 42 & 50 inch is a demo piece with few hours usage. He contacted other dealers and they also have only 1-2 pieces of 50 incher. 42 inches is out of stock in most places. If you are interested, pm me. Btw, the boxed 50 incher is mine. Won't let it go by.

Re: Panasonic plasma V20 series group buy ALERT

Guys, the brand shop I am talking to is quite helpful. He showed his actual costing and is willing to work with a minimum margin. I have not yet placed my order for V20 as he will be giving me a quote for the new ST30 series. He has not yet received his costing details so maybe we'll have to wait for 3-4 days.

I had started the bargain with the order size of 10 pieces of 42 inch and 5 pieces of 5 50 inch models. If you are still interested (for ST30 series), please let me know. Btw, transportation is not included in his quotation.

I was offered 50V20 for 90k at Jumbo Electronics, Ambience Mall, Gurgaon for sealed pack piece... just for general information of all...
hi there, count me in for the 50V20 as well if it is for a boxed piece. already have the 42V20 and looking for the 50V20 to take it's place in the living room. Completely out of stock in my city and nobody willing to bring it in either :-( !!

so basically very much interested in a good bargain...
Guys, the dealer had only one boxed piece of 50V20D. I booked it. Won't be able to help on this as no new arrivals are expected.
Have managed to get the lowest price for the Panna 50V20D of 80k, if its a group buy we can still bring that down still. Do post if anyone more wants to join in the group buy for the Panasonic 50V20D only as the 42V20D is all over.
To All HFV members interested in the V20 Group Buy, here are the latest prices - Delhi/Gurgaon,

Pan 42V20D 58k - 61K
Pan 50V20D 85K - 90K

Resellers want to get rid of the 50V20D to make way for 50" and 65" VT series that will sell on order starting 1.5L. My aim is clear, to share the benefit of a group buy with all interested members clinching the best possible deal.

If you are interested in the 42V20D We/I can bargain more with the dealer to bring the price below 58K offered. Dealer has 4 brand new sealed pieces in stock (I have been told).

Can send me your confirmation in PM or on here, to bring the price down further if we have 4 serious buyers. Need to hurry while stocks last.

Happy hunting. :-)
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@Videophile - I have been offered 80k as the best price for the 50V20D here in Mumbai, and that can also be brought down if we have a group buy. The 42V20D price got by you is very tempting.
To All HFV members interested in Group Buy, here are the latest prices - Delhi/Gurgaon,

Pan 42V20D 58k - 61K
Pan 50V20D 85K - 90K

Resellers want to get rid of the 50V20D to make way for 50" and 65" VT series that will sell on order starting 1.5L. My aim is clear, to share the benefit of a group buy with all interested members clinching the best possible deal.

If you are interested in the 42V20D We/I can bargain more with the dealer to bring the price below 58K offered. Dealer has 4 brand new sealed pieces in stock (I have been told).

Can send me your confirmation in PM, to bring the price down further if we have 4 serious buyers. Need to hurry while stocks last.

Happy hunting. :-)

I am in for 42v20 if available, otherwise will have 2 go for 50v20 only.. to my knowledge 42v is not available in Mumbai at that price...chroma not coming down below 66...
@Videophile - I have been offered 80k as the best price for the 50V20D here in Mumbai, and that can also be brought down if we have a group buy. The 42V20D price got by you is very tempting.

Thank you Ritesh for the information, 80k will come in handy on the 50V20D price bargaining. 58K is indeed tempting, in cash, on credit card, need to add 1.9%. I completely understand how it feels when you finalize a particular model and everywhere you go, you are turned down, "Out of Stock on A, BUT you can buy B or C, they are far cheaper AND better than A, why waste your money on A, when there is no difference whether you buy A, B or C?" :rolleyes: Sales talk....

@anm Thank you for the confirmation. I will consider we have 1 more buyer on the 42V20D and 50V20D, waiting to get 3 more confirmations on the 42V20D before approaching the dealer. As Ritesh advised, we can consider the latest 50V20D price review by Ritesh as base and bargain to see what we can get.

@SifarSound TBH I am just not confident enough with the handling skills of almost all shipping companies. Mishaps can happen and most shippers don't assume responsibility for their mistakes. Apprehensive to suggest shipping considering the weight of the PDP. However, I can still ask the dealer if he will ship the 42V20D's in stock to Mumbai for our HFV Mumbai resident members and the shipping inclusive price.

PS : To all who've already bought and who're interested in purchasing the V20 series, I am trying to dig deep if the V20's are affected by the rising black levels reported in the 2008, 2009 and some 2010 models after approx. 1000 hours of use. Can google CNET reviews on Panasonic rising black levels and, take a peek at the litigation. Disheartening, but keeping my hopes alive. The amount of time & effort we all put into research on our dream HDTV should not go waste and turn regretful beyond just 1000 Hours of pleasure viewing. Any information on this will be highly appreciated. :-)
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Hi all,

for 42" Croma Rohini , New Delhi is offering at 58000/-
Will buy that if they would have given it at Rs 50000/-:rolleyes:

@h_bharti 58000/- quoted price from Croma Rohini, is on cash or credit card? I was quoted 58K on cash purchase. Credit Card purchase adds an additional 1.9%. Any idea if they have brand new sealed V20's in stock and how many? I agree, Rs 50,000/- would be the lowest best highly desirable going price for this unit. Imagine one of our HFV members, snorkel4u purchased it for Rs 59,500 with 3 Yrs warranty in Nov 2010, its a shame that there is only a 1,500/- price drop then and now.

BTW, never been to Croma Rohini, driving directions from South Delhi would be highly appreciated.
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