Well-Known Member
Hi, At last, I got my 2nd p50st30(which was also a demo piece) replaced yesterday and this time, it is a brand new tv. I also received the 2 nos of 3rd generation 3d glasses. All has ended happily at last.
has anyone tried using HDMI out from PC to play games or videos ? if yes, what are the settings to be followed ?
Hi, At last, I got my 2nd p50st30(which was also a demo piece) replaced yesterday and this time, it is a brand new tv. I also received the 2 nos of 3rd generation 3d glasses. All has ended happily at last.
Hey everyone,
Was hoping the ST30 experts could help out here. I've had my TV for under a month and was noticing a few things.
First, I tend to use Shoutcast a lot. Great app, and its just typically ambient music around the room. The problem is that it appears to have resulted in some sort of burn-in. Is that possible? I cannot have used the TV for over 100 hrs at this point. When I notice the images from the app is when I first turn on the TV when it is still grey before it goes black. Anything I can do about that?
Also, since I do enjoy playing this app, is there a way to turn off the display while leaving the music on?
Appreciate any help/advice. Thanks.
To aviod IMAGE RETENTION AND BURNIN, run the scroll bar for few hours (may be at night while you sleep. you can also set the timer to auto off the tv) to start scrollbar (press MENU, goto PICTURE, go to ADVANCE SETTINGS, the last option is SCROLL BAR. highlight that and press OK).Hey everyone,
Was hoping the ST30 experts could help out here. I've had my TV for under a month and was noticing a few things.
First, I tend to use Shoutcast a lot. Great app, and its just typically ambient music around the room. The problem is that it appears to have resulted in some sort of burn-in. Is that possible? I cannot have used the TV for over 100 hrs at this point. When I notice the images from the app is when I first turn on the TV when it is still grey before it goes black. Anything I can do about that?
Also, since I do enjoy playing this app, is there a way to turn off the display while leaving the music on?
Appreciate any help/advice. Thanks.
although its good idea to leave it running the scrollbar at night , it carries risk with it .
always do such things under your supervision .. ie read some books / play games on mobile/laptop while the TV is running the scrollbar.
although its good idea to leave it running the scrollbar at night , it carries risk with it .
always do such things under your supervision .. ie read some books / play games on mobile/laptop while the TV is running the scrollbar.
Can you please share the risk? Thanks.
i have a lenovo x220 laptop. how to stream from this to st30 ?
Do you have a HDMI connector on your laptop?
my laptop has a Display++ port no HDMI
Do you want to use the wireless capabilities of the ST30?
i am yet to purchase a network dongle / set up a router. i was using ad-hoc to connect two win 7 laptops (home laptop permanently connected to broadband network;lenovo is work laptop ) till date.
Do you have a home network, with the ST30 connected to a hub/switch/router by CAT5 cable?
i will buy a router if absolutely required.
Is the home network also wireless?
not yet.
Does your laptop run Windows 8? (makes Windows Media Player work very well.)
Windows 7 enterprise edition ( both laptops).
What format is the source material? The ST30 is limited in what it will accept for playback.
i found that only few mkv files are played by the st30. it has more to do with encoding. i am yet to isolate the issue
You will use the DLNA function of the ST30. Access through the Viera Tools button on the remote.
i guess we need to first connect the tv to the home network to solve this issue
Setup Windows Media Player to be a DLNA server. Name your server jpmlore and set the laptop to Windows Media Player Sharing model. Look on the TV screen and you should see your laptop when properly configured. :clapping:
The format I find works best is MPEG2. Windows 8 is friendly in that it will output as MPEG2 if it can convert from the current format. Earlier versions of Windows Media Player require you to convert the file. Most people without an in-house Genie will need a commercial program to do that.
Sometimes you can see the video file name on the ST30, and even a thumbnail, however, when you push play the ST30 throws up a billboard that it "Cannot read file." This generally means it is in a format not supported on the ST30.
hi, i just booked a Panasonic TH-P50ST30D in the morning. bought it for 88.5K. it was delivered in the evening. Installation may happen tomorrow.Two 3d eye wears and 1+2yrs warranty from girias on bannerghatta road. the delivery guys opened it to check if there was a eyewear inside. one eyewear is different from other. one is TY-EW3D10W (lithium battery operated); other is TY-EW3D2MW (chargeable from TV's USB, cable included, lots of smudges looks like used in the showroom; have requested to change)
Selling demo/used TVs as if new should be made punishable. Sorry state of consumers in India !!!
That set, I am sure will go to another innocent buyer !!!
Selling demo/used TVs as if new should be made punishable. Sorry state of consumers in India !!!
congratulations on your new buy...good to know that you got a good deal....latest 3d glasses included...get DishTv HD and enjoy the 1080i the thread for more info on break-in etc...
BTW, did you buy a stabilizer ? i have bought Digi200 (2KVA servo stabilizer; bought it to power home theater).
i am not connecting to the inverter even though i have a 850VA one.