Panasonic ST30 Owners Thread

If you guys own PS3 , kindly buy a HDMI 1.4 and play Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception in 3D . The 3D is absolutely awesome in ST30. With mild adjustment , both within the game and in the TV under 3D setting , the 3D looks stunning and almost zero cross-talk. the best 3D experience i have had thus far. you guys should definitely try Uncharted 3. To be honest , both me and brother were comfortable for long hours of play. The Glasses also had better battery.
guys can you share st30 setting here :

here is my settings After 100 hours Break In Period

Picture Mode : Cinema
Contrast : 82
Color : 45
Brightness : 0
Sharpness : 19
Tint : 0
Color Temperature : Normal
@karooo , yet to play both those games.


I am just using the factory ones , they seem to go well , but i would be glad to try some suggestions. will try yours.
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When 2012 pasonic models reaching bangalore? i wanted to buy 50ST30 badly but had been advised to wait for new models arrival to get better bargain.

wanted to buy 50ST30D... m getting it for Rs.84k in Thane... is it worth deal

is it possible to attach external hdd to this TV?
hi, i have attached pocket hdd of 500GB to 50ST30 and it works fine. please be advised that the inbuilt player does not play all .mkv files. i gave up trying to research and instead purchased a media player and more than happy with the result..
I am using Mezzmo Media Server which transcodes
all file formats to play on ST30

hi, i have attached pocket hdd of 500GB to 50ST30 and it works fine. please be advised that the inbuilt player does not play all .mkv files. i gave up trying to research and instead purchased a media player and more than happy with the result..
I have booked 50ST30 for 81K at Devi international, Bangalore yesterday. It will be delivered today or tommorrow. It comes with one pair of 3D glasses .

So i am also joining ST30 owners thread. Thanks all for valuable inputs posted in this forum and it helped alot to decide on my purchase.

Will post my experience soon.
did you inquire about the latest 2012 models ? make sure yo get the latest 3D eyewear..

I have booked 50ST30 for 81K at Devi international, Bangalore yesterday. It will be delivered today or tommorrow. It comes with one pair of 3D glasses .

So i am also joining ST30 owners thread. Thanks all for valuable inputs posted in this forum and it helped alot to decide on my purchase.

Will post my experience soon.
Dealer said, panasonic full HD series(ST50) might take next one and half months to reach. Not sure though. But i thought new models price will be 90k+ only. So i booked ST30.

I saw one 50" HD ready Panny plasma at Devi. It was ~58k. It has good contrast and black level and design is like samsung. The salesperson almost dragged me to purchase that one.

but i couldnt compromise myself on full HD and neopdp panel. So picked up ST30. :)
hi, i have attached pocket hdd of 500GB to 50ST30 and it works fine. please be advised that the inbuilt player does not play all .mkv files. i gave up trying to research and instead purchased a media player and more than happy with the result..

It worked fine in mine . Although high bit rate one have some lag. other wise , it just works fine.

Please see if you have the latest firmware.


replied to your PM .
booked P50ST30D @ kohinoor electronics, Thane... wid 2 3D googles+3 Yrs.warrenty.... delivery on sunday.....
One dealer told me that if I wait for a week or two more, Panasonic will release better new models of 2012. This could be true?
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