Panasonic ST30 Owners Thread

Got cheated buying P42ST30D from girias kalyan nagar. On 09.05.12, Girias delivered me a used (148 counts and 250..hrs) one with image retentions and airtel dth logo burn-in, they defended themselves saying "no stock" and take refund if doesn't want to keep. Panasonic guys too hand washed after taking photographs from all the angles of the tv screen and finally said that its a dealers mistake & and suggested me to take REFUND if dealer do not replace.
Got cheated buying P42ST30D from girias kalyan nagar. On 09.05.12, Girias delivered me a used (148 counts and 250..hrs) one with image retentions and airtel dth logo burn-in, they defended themselves saying "no stock" and take refund if doesn't want to keep. Panasonic guys too hand washed after taking photographs from all the angles of the tv screen and finally said that its a dealers mistake & and suggested me to take REFUND if dealer do not replace.

I would say , email panasonic

Mr. M P Singh 09717007378 North / East [email protected]
Mr. Vijay Rangarajan n 09987787513 West [email protected]
Mr. Varun Agrawal 07738355732 West [email protected]
Mr. Devesh Divakaran 09986717514 South [email protected]
Mr. Somasundaran 09884615515 South [email protected]

Also Post it on thier FB page with pictures if possible

I think it is thier duty to ensure that customers who buy new TV are given a new one properly , not a demo piece.

While at it , ask for refund. Take pictures of the TV + usage hours + burn-in along with the bills just for future sake.

Get the refund and buy it from panny dealer directly.

Even i had a horrible experience with Girias
Hello guys,
I have recently bought a 43ST30 recently and the screen is getting heated up alot,
is it common ? i have heard plasmas have sensors that turn off the TV automatically when the temp exceeds limit but i m still worried.. please let me know.

Check @ Devi International, Jaya Nagar 2nd Block, Bangalore
ph (080) 41204059, (080) 41204058 , last time the best price quoted was 81.5k with 2 3d glasses , 3 weeks back ..
currently using setting below 50.....


just chked usage hrs... its 6.5 hrs... oh god wen it will reach 100???
How to check the usage hours in P42ST30D..?
sorry to ask basic question but - which model is the latest one in Panny ? ST or VT or GT or WT ?

Re: Panasonic ST30 Owners Thread : 3D SBS isssue

Hi folks,

I am facing a problem with 3d SBS(side by side) content.

I tried playing a few SBS rips via laptop->MediaPlayerClassicHomeCinema->HDMI->42ST30. I see 2 images side by side as expected. Now in automatic mode, the TV detects it as 3D content and tries to switch to 3D. But on using 3D glasses, I see some 3D but the 2 images are not completely aligned. I see ghosts of one of one of the 2 images displayed a few inches to the left. I.E. it looks like the alignment of the 2 contents is off by a few inches. I tried manually selecting SBS option in 3D settings, but the output remains same as above.

Has anyone faced similar issue and overcome it? Has it to do with the original source content issue or is the TV unable to handle the SBS content?

I know that! Last a friend bought for 60k. But, kartik was talking about 50st30 at 70k.

Talked to Devi International. They don't have 50ST30 in stock and have no idea if they are going to get it. ST50 availability is only at the end of the month - they have no idea on pricing.
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