Panasonic ST30 Owners Thread

Talked to Devi International. They don't have 50ST30 in stock and have no idea if they are going to get it. ST50 availability is only at the end of the month - they have no idea on pricing.

50ST50 comes at an MRP of 1.2L, which after discounts will be around 1.05L
Re: Panasonic ST30 Owners Thread : 3D SBS isssue

Hi folks,

I am facing a problem with 3d SBS(side by side) content.

I tried playing a few SBS rips via laptop->MediaPlayerClassicHomeCinema->HDMI->42ST30. I see 2 images side by side as expected. Now in automatic mode, the TV detects it as 3D content and tries to switch to 3D. But on using 3D glasses, I see some 3D but the 2 images are not completely aligned. I see ghosts of one of one of the 2 images displayed a few inches to the left. I.E. it looks like the alignment of the 2 contents is off by a few inches. I tried manually selecting SBS option in 3D settings, but the output remains same as above.

Has anyone faced similar issue and overcome it? Has it to do with the original source content issue or is the TV unable to handle the SBS content?


Have you tried streaming the same video directly from HDD or a pen drive?
how much is the typical power consumption of this new Plasmas?
is the electricity bill went too high after installing new plasma tv?
I am considering plasma but in my area electricity bills are coming very high and there is load shading problem also.
so want to know whether to go plasma or led/lcd.
Budget is max Rs.45K.
how much is the typical power consumption of this new Plasmas?
is the electricity bill went too high after installing new plasma tv?
I am considering plasma but in my area electricity bills are coming very high and there is load shading problem also.
so want to know whether to go plasma or led/lcd.
Budget is max Rs.45K.

50 inch plasma [panasonic ST and above] in operating mode will consume around 110W [slightly higher when viewing 3D content or running in THX mode], which is higher than LED tv of same size, but still not as high as it used to be in the initial days when plasmas were rolled out. But the PQ of plasma will offset whatever extra you end up paying as electricity charges :)
Is it worthwhile to get a display piece 42ST30 @49990?
Comes with roughly 100 Hrs of viewing & some scratch marks on bezel.
50 inch plasma [panasonic ST and above] in operating mode will consume around 110W [slightly higher when viewing 3D content or running in THX mode], which is higher than LED tv of same size, but still not as high as it used to be in the initial days when plasmas were rolled out. But the PQ of plasma will offset whatever extra you end up paying as electricity charges :)

Hey thanks for replying buddy.
I am looking for 42" Version.
Can you tell me what are the precautions need to undertake when buying and using Plasma TV.
Can you enlighten me on the Burn-in issue?.
I have heard many things about it but don't know actually whether it apply to newer range plasma TVs.
Hey thanks for replying buddy.
I am looking for 42" Version.
Can you tell me what are the precautions need to undertake when buying and using Plasma TV.
Can you enlighten me on the Burn-in issue?.
I have heard many things about it but don't know actually whether it apply to newer range plasma TVs.

Since you are going for a 42 inch panasonic, you should check out ST series onwards, since they have neo plasma panels which will give great PQ in bright room conditions. You need to be careful about this in case you have direct light falling on your screen.

Burn in is not much of an issue with the current panels, only in some cases there were image retention, which is just temporary. To be on the safer side, don't run any static images, black bars at top. Try watching Full HD content, movies on full screen mode for the first 150-200 hrs, after which there is not much of an issue.

You can also run "burn in slides" available at the following location: Evangelos Angelides - Downloads during the first 100 hrs, which will help the panel phosphors to age uniformly.
Hi Guys
Need some pointers on using the viera remote app on my Android
I am unable to use the app since it gets stuck on 'discovering' mode for ever..
what could be the reason?
Since you are going for a 42 inch panasonic, you should check out ST series onwards, since they have neo plasma panels which will give great PQ in bright room conditions. You need to be careful about this in case you have direct light falling on your screen.

Burn in is not much of an issue with the current panels, only in some cases there were image retention, which is just temporary. To be on the safer side, don't run any static images, black bars at top. Try watching Full HD content, movies on full screen mode for the first 150-200 hrs, after which there is not much of an issue.

You can also run "burn in slides" available at the following location: Evangelos Angelides - Downloads during the first 100 hrs, which will help the panel phosphors to age uniformly.

Thank You buddy for your detailed reply.
Speaking of bright room I have 3 big windows in my living room and it is very bright.
My old CRT TV has glass panel so there is too much reflection while watching.
I want to buy Plasma but they too have glass front screens so are they anti-reflective?..any help in this matter will be appreciated buddy..!!
thank you again buddy. You are great!!
Thank You buddy for your detailed reply.
Speaking of bright room I have 3 big windows in my living room and it is very bright.
My old CRT TV has glass panel so there is too much reflection while watching.
I want to buy Plasma but they too have glass front screens so are they anti-reflective?..any help in this matter will be appreciated buddy..!!
thank you again buddy. You are great!!

Panasonic plasma's from ST series onwards [ST,GT & VT] have excellent anti reflective screens which will give a very good contrast for the image even in bright room conditions. But for best possible performance while watching movies, try putting some sort of window shades/curtains to restrict the direct light falling on the screen.
Thank You buddy for your detailed reply.
Speaking of bright room I have 3 big windows in my living room and it is very bright.
My old CRT TV has glass panel so there is too much reflection while watching.
I want to buy Plasma but they too have glass front screens so are they anti-reflective?..any help in this matter will be appreciated buddy..!!
thank you again buddy. You are great!!

ST30 does have reflective screen , not bad as Sammy d550 . But If you want good expirience, in any model , be it plasma or LED , it better to install thick dark curtains .

3 bright big windows with any plasma will reflect the light.or atleast hinder the Picture quality.
Hi Guys
Need some pointers on using the viera remote app on my Android
I am unable to use the app since it gets stuck on 'discovering' mode for ever..
what could be the reason?

See to that both TV and your phone(app) are on the same network and no "Isolation" feature turned on in your router.

Even though its a good added option , practicality wise , particularly with batter drain in phone, it not that efficient.

Get some universal remote . And if you have PS3 , note that , you can control your PS3 via panny remote , but you need HDMI1.4 cable though. See my previous replies in this thread regarding it.
Hi to Naveen and all ST30 owners,

I am getting my 42ST30 withing the next 3days. I have ordered it and it has cost me 65k including the V-Guard Stabilizer and 3 3D glasses. I know that this isnt the best price but in Trivandrum I cannot bargain like in other big cities.

They tried to give me a ST30 which they had in stock today but when I checked the date on the box the import date was given as July 2011 which I guess is too old and it might have spend a fair bit of time in the warehouse.

I asked them for a newer piece.

I just needed help from the fellow ST30 owners on

1) how you all have checked for dead pixel, is there any video which i can download from the net.
2) Is there anyway the dealers could reset the usage hours on the tv.
3) Can you guys share any link where they have mentioned the settings for ST30 during the breakin period. What are the precautions I should take

On a different note I also met fellow forum member and new 50GT50 owner Arun at the store. :)

Long wait for the delivery begins.....:sad:
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