Panasonic ST30 Owners Thread

Hi to Naveen and all ST30 owners,

I am getting my 42ST30 withing the next 3days. I have ordered it and it has cost me 65k including the V-Guard Stabilizer and 3 3D glasses. I know that this isnt the best price but in Trivandrum I cannot bargain like in other big cities.

They tried to give me a ST30 which they had in stock today but when I checked the date on the box the import date was given as July 2011 which I guess is too old and it might have spend a fair bit of time in the warehouse.

I asked them for a newer piece.

I just needed help from the fellow ST30 owners on

1) how you all have checked for dead pixel, is there any video which i can download from the net.
2) Is there anyway the dealers could reset the usage hours on the tv.
3) Can you guys share any link where they have mentioned the settings for ST30 during the breakin period. What are the precautions I should take

On a different note I also met fellow forum member and new 50GT50 owner Arun at the store. :)

Long wait for the delivery begins.....:sad:

congrats on your purchase .. :)

1.) Make 1080p wallpaper with solid colors using paint or photoshop. make colors like black , white , grey , green , blue , red , orange etc. Run them and watch out of dead pixel , it will be evident on white screen. Even if its there , dont worry , panny will replace it ASAP. Just see to that , the TV is handled properly , due to the gas material within it.

2.) No , they cant , unless they have service guy equipments. I dont think any dealer goes to that extend. Pretend you dont know anything , and once it arrives , use the method (posted in the first post in this thread) to check for usage.

3.) check in the first post. although break-in slide method is least used among here , many , including me use standard (SD) channels with Zoom 3 , and use this setting for first 150-200 Hours as break-in method. See to that , you DONT leave ANY STATIC IMAGE , ie the logos , bars etc , while in the initial breakin period. Use settings <50%.
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Thanks a lot for the reply Naveen. that clears

I am waiting for the tv to arrive I turned down the one which had mentioned July 2011 as the import date. If they cannot get ST30 I have asked them to get me ST50 and pay the difference.
The Manf date will be printed on a white paper back of the TV.

Ask the dealer or the panny demo guy (who usually are advised to give a demo a day or two after you made purchase) to open the package and if you are planning to wall mount , ask either of them to do. few days before i asked my dealer about wall mount and he said , it should be done by panny guys , or else i could void the warranty. Also dont open the package by your self , ask them to do and in their presence , check for usage.
The Manf date will be printed on a white paper back of the TV.

Ask the dealer or the panny demo guy (who usually are advised to give a demo a day or two after you made purchase) to open the package and if you are planning to wall mount , ask either of them to do. few days before i asked my dealer about wall mount and he said , it should be done by panny guys , or else i could void the warranty. Also dont open the package by your self , ask them to do and in their presence , check for usage.

i am seriously thinking of buying this 42ST30.Please Let me know its price and shop in Mumbai
Thanks a lot for your inputs naveen. i checked the Import date it was July2011 which was way too old to buy so I decided against taking that Piece. They couldnt get another 42ST30 in stock so i inquired about ST50 and they said it would be available only by August.

Have also asked them to check for 50ST30 the one which you have and they are checking on that I guess a good price should be around 75-80k at this moment they are quoting 95 which is a joke.

@Myzus ST30 is a very good tv if you can get them now. the prices quoted these days in the forum are anything between 53k-70k
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The ST50 were to be launched in the last week of June however they have been delayed by a few weeks. May be Next month.
@REM ,

always enquire at 4-5 different shops . When i made my purchase , i enquired in multiple shops and used the prices to bargain between them , thats how i got 50ST30 at good deal. Dont stick with one dealer and always be ready to ditch that dealer and move to next , remember anytime you can come back to him and get the product for the same price he quoted last time.

I dont know about the current price of 50St30 , but i would suggest you to invest in bigger screen plasma. also try Panny main dealers or call the nodal officer of your state , they will have current info on the availability of the models and prices too.
Dear Friends,

Last weekend I bought 42ST30D with 2 3D glasses at 60.5K at a pana brand shop in bengaluru. Is it a good price or I could not negotiated better! I have also got a price assurance from them where they would match the price if I can get a better price than that. Please help

Some one posted on another thread , it was quoted 56k . Instead of asking for a price match , try get another pair of 3d wear. :licklips:
Hi Ravi, The pan shop on Dickenson road quoted my 58k for the 42ST30. Not sure if it was with or without the 3D glasses.

Thanks Umesh,

I just checked with this shop and their quote of 58K is without 3D glasses. it is 62K with 3D glass.


I shall try to search for the thread that you mentioned. However, please share the link if its easily available.

Anyone noticed the firmware update that happened this weekend (P42ST30D). any idea what changed?
i read somewhere that u can attach external hard drive to st30, i tried to connect my ntfs formatted 1tb hard drive and it did not show.
does it support external hdd?
My update says

Current version : 2.113
New software : 2.117

pal11`s Peaks Soft update contents

Thanks IBL for pointing out


Mine is NTFS formatted , and it reads just fine with the above mentioned firmware. try to update yours


Looking at the time it is taking , update seems to be a little big or panny servers are over loaded..
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My update says

Current version : 2.113
New software : 2.117

pal11`s Peaks Soft update contents

Thanks IBL for pointing out


Mine is NTFS formatted , and it reads just fine with the above mentioned firmware. try to update yours


Looking at the time it is taking , update seems to be a little big or panny servers are over loaded..

Its a 50 MB update. Change log says "Improvement of Skype camera compatibility".
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