See I am no connoisseur of Plasma- Mr. Kix paid twice what I paid and he got many things I don't have - so please talk to him and ask him in real life conditions how they help.
For me most of them didn't matter at least at the cost of 50K more. Maybe for you they may matter - so please call Mr Kix and convince yourself.
But one thing is for sure.....if all you do is just switch on your TV and watch without playing around with settings - my TV is fine for 50K. But if you are an enthusiast then it may disappoint you as there is not much calibration you can do
+1 to this.. apun bhi aisa hi hain beedu... no calibration or hi-fi settings for me either.. thats why am concentrating on X/U models only. Also as I mentioned earlier, 50XT50 is being sold with 3D Glasses here @ 60K+ else the 50K deal you got is yummy..