Pansonic XT50 owners thread

40K is kind of overkill I deal any guy on this forumn was 46.5 with no glasses..may be 45 with one glass is OK..That too because just a week back company has started giving 1 glass free..

42X50 mein glasses ??? :clapping:
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has anyone registered Plasma at

I am unable to register..No accepting unique product code...

How to find one???
You are right...there is no one unique number..on the back of the TV there are some unique numbers..except I could count three of them. There are some unique numbers on the box, except they are longer than the 8 characters required. Really weird this one. Also when I looked at the warranty card, it does not have any unique number on serial not sure how they track my TV. That is also strange..its almost like anybody can print warranty cards!!! Of course a part of the warranty card was taken by the installing guy..not sure if it had a unique number....very weird though..thanks for pointing this out. may be we can call the call center and ask them where the unique code is. although I am not worried about registration..I am definitely worried their warranty card has no serial number for tracking purposes..bad
I am a chartered accountant and always thinking about audit trails and not sure what kind of policy panasonic has printing number less pieces of paper. strange...atleast the TV is that should be ok.
visited a brandshop today and viewed the XT50, UT50 and ST50 side by side. All are excellent with brilliant images.

i'm confused between the XT50 vs. ST50. This will be used for casual TV watching which is mostly only a few hrs a week mainly for sports like tennis, f1, soccer etc. i'm not a tv person otherwise and use my projector setup for my movie viewing.

hence a bit concerned about spending more on the ST50 if instead the XT50 fulfills my needs. I understand the benefit of the Infinite black panel on the ST50 and it's results are appreciable and excellent.

I was keen to see the amount of reflections on the XT50. The showroom was a typical brandshop with the XT50 on the wall. the showroom lights were on and it was about 4 pm in the afternoon. I flipped through many channels SD & HD.

i felt that when i was casually looking at the programs being run on XT50 i could not & did not notice reflections. When i intentionally tried to look for reflections then i could see them here and there, but honestly speaking i would not say that i found them to be too distracting.

from my viewpoint i felt that the reflections were not very disturbing and rather minimal. i might feel differently in another brandshop depending on the lighting and location of the TV in that particular shop hence i plan to visit a couple of other brandshops to have more experience on the XT50.

But i do have a question... Keeping all other factors aside like the no. & position of lights in the room, the location of the windows, the location of the TV itself.....

What would/should be the ideal wall color of one's bedroom so that the XT50 has minimum reflections ?
i felt that when i was casually looking at the programs being run on XT50 i c

What would/should be the ideal wall color of one's bedroom so that the XT50 has minimum reflections ?

I agree with your comments. I have a XT50 and it definitely is like a doubt about that. However when I am watching a program since I am immersed in it, I do not notice the glare or even if I notice it, it does not distract me. The ST costs twice as XT - so make an informed decision
Review of Samsung 3D glasses on Panasonic 3D TV 2012 models

Hi All,

Finally got my 3d glasses yesterday and watched few mins of some of the following movies - I downloaded them as HSBS rips from torrents and choose them based on viewer comments on

Imax movies like Deep sea, space, tahiti...some 5-6 of them
Pixar movies - toy story 3
Other animation - Tangled, Despicable me, Tintin
Non animation - Avatar, Hugo, Step up 3D.
LG demo material - one 2-3 min and one 15 min (3GB file!!!)

1) The samsung glasses definitely work. It comes disassembled - so little assembly required.
2) 3D looks ok - good or bad - people have to come home and see for yourselves - open invite to everyone
3) No syncing required with the TV - when 3D starts playing you have to switch on a small button on the glasses

1) The glasses are flimsy - not to say they may break - but they are all plastic and very light weight
2) Definitely get a headache after watching for few mins - but it may worth it if the movie is good
3) Eyes are a bit confused which part of the screen to look into
4) Not all parts of the screen are equal 3d. Sometimes items in the background you see double images - like 3d without glasses - guess thats called cross talk?
5) This samsung although very light weight does not cover your vision/sight 100% and hence the 20% it does not cover at the corners at the sides - it may distract people a bit - this seems to be the single biggest complaint against these Samsung glasses - people infact have gone to the extent of fixing some cardboard on the edges to ensure your eyes only watch tv and not the sides
6) For people not used to glasses - it may be a big uncomfortable - first I thought it was due to the glasses and not 3d - but now I am away from my TV and still have the glasses on my head - and definitely having an alien thing on my head is not causing headaches - it is the 3d images - period.

I will post some images and more reviews once I watch Hugo start to end. May be have some headache medicines with me just in case;)

Overall I am happy that the glasses work - so all the effort of asking someone to get it from London has not gone waste and it didnt turn out to be duds.


some images now:




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visited a brandshop today and viewed the XT50, UT50 and ST50 side by side. All are excellent with brilliant images.

i'm confused between the XT50 vs. ST50. This will be used for casual TV watching which is mostly only a few hrs a week mainly for sports like tennis, f1, soccer etc. i'm not a tv person otherwise and use my projector setup for my movie viewing.

hence a bit concerned about spending more on the ST50 if instead the XT50 fulfills my needs. I understand the benefit of the Infinite black panel on the ST50 and it's results are appreciable and excellent.

I was keen to see the amount of reflections on the XT50. The showroom was a typical brandshop with the XT50 on the wall. the showroom lights were on and it was about 4 pm in the afternoon. I flipped through many channels SD & HD.

i felt that when i was casually looking at the programs being run on XT50 i could not & did not notice reflections. When i intentionally tried to look for reflections then i could see them here and there, but honestly speaking i would not say that i found them to be too distracting.

from my viewpoint i felt that the reflections were not very disturbing and rather minimal. i might feel differently in another brandshop depending on the lighting and location of the TV in that particular shop hence i plan to visit a couple of other brandshops to have more experience on the XT50.

But i do have a question... Keeping all other factors aside like the no. & position of lights in the room, the location of the windows, the location of the TV itself.....

What would/should be the ideal wall color of one's bedroom so that the XT50 has minimum reflections ?

Your situation and my situation is very similar. I have a projector+HT setup and prefer to watch movies on the large screen with large sound. But I also thought that projector is not always convenient. Hence I chose St50 because I thought maybe I will watch movies on TV also.

I my opinion, and in yours "will not watch movies on this TV", I think that XT50 will be good enough. But just in case, you decide to watch TV on the new plasma also, I will suggest that you go for UT50.

As far as reflections are concerned, the darker the room can get the better. When deeply immersed into any TV program, the eyes/brain may choose to ignore the reflections. But room must be dimmed as far as possible. Else, it is better to go for LED. Note that ST50 (and above) is more tolerant, i.e., has less reflective surface, than UT50 and XT50/X50.
Your situation and my situation is very similar. I have a projector+HT setup and prefer to watch movies on the large screen with large sound. But I also thought that projector is not always convenient. Hence I chose St50 because I thought maybe I will watch movies on TV also.

I my opinion, and in yours "will not watch movies on this TV", I think that XT50 will be good enough. But just in case, you decide to watch TV on the new plasma also, I will suggest that you go for UT50.

As far as reflections are concerned, the darker the room can get the better. When deeply immersed into any TV program, the eyes/brain may choose to ignore the reflections. But room must be dimmed as far as possible. Else, it is better to go for LED. Note that ST50 (and above) is more tolerant, i.e., has less reflective surface, than UT50 and XT50/X50.

could you rephrase the bold part, i didn't quite understand that part....
could you rephrase the bold part, i didn't quite understand that part....
I mean to say that right now you are saying that "you will not watch BDs on TV". This is today. But tomorrow you may change your mind. So you may be as well be prepared for such a situation. Hence I do not advice you for ST50, but recommend you an FHD model, UT50.
Just watched the first 5 mins of Hugo..its 3d is driving me my download has DTS - the audio too is driving me crazy....I am in heaven....

Hey man take it easy.. may be because 3d is new so you are facing these problems... go for 2d for next few days and then try 3d..
Hey man take it easy.. may be because 3d is new so you are facing these problems... go for 2d for next few days and then try 3d..

I meant driving me crazy in a good way dear....didnt you read the heaven thing at the end of the sentence????:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
I mean to say that right now you are saying that "you will not watch BDs on TV". This is today. But tomorrow you may change your mind. So you may be as well be prepared for such a situation. Hence I do not advice you for ST50, but recommend you an FHD model, UT50.

:) honestly speaking i still didn't quite understand you. if tomorrow i do change my mind and "do watch BDs on TV" then in that case wouldn't i be better off with a ST50 considering it has the filter hence will provide much better movie performance..

or are you trying to suggest me to buy the UT50 over the XT50 because the UT50 is FullHD and hence will be better if "do watch BDs on TV". also at about 8-9ft will the BDs look any different on a XT50 vs UT50....? what say ? :)
Sorry. I was not clear.

Yes. I am recommending a full HD TV to you.

You seem to watch blu-ray albeit on your projector/HT (much like me). Now you are buying a flat panel HDTV. And pretty soon, you might just end up buying a new BDP (they are so cheap these days) and connect one to the new TV. Then you will be tempted to watch movies on the new TV because that will be so much more convenient.

Since BD is true 1080p, the effects will be truly accentuated with a FHD TV. But if you buy XT50, you will later think that I should have gone for an FHD model instead. Hence FHD model is better in your case.

The ST50 will be best. No doubt about it. But it comes at a very high price. As you think that the new TV will be mostly used to watch cable/DTH, this high expense is not justified. But as I am saying that FHD is the way to go, you may go with UT50 instead.
3D glasses flicker in lights...Fine when turned off

Hi Guys,

3D glasses flicker when lights are on...With lights turned off these work fine...

Showroom these worked fine...

You have same issues??
That is because these are active glasses and something inside them go on and off some hundreds of times a minute. That is the flicker you notice when you watch any light source other than your TV. Hence when watching TV - make sure all light sources are switched off or covered
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