Pass B1

Hi Mishra,
Glad to hear that. I have a suggestion. Why don't you ask the EMD guys to directly ship to the final user rather than they shipping it to you and you shipping to us in turn. Not only saves us some bucks on courier but save time and would also reduce the transit risk. Give us a deadline to pay directly to your brother's account. After the specified date he can withdraw the amount and pay to the EMD guys and gives them shipping instructions.

Here are two points due to which I opted for personal pickup -
1. packaging and handling charges are 40 Rs for each if it is local H'bad and for outstation vary from 150-1000 Rs depending on weight :(
2. There packing is not that good though we are getting them individually packed from EMD. Another layer of cardboard will be required. I feel our inspection of material is also required.

In INR 65/- it can be shipped to almost all southern India using EMS speed post parcel. My bro told that there are further lowering in price at time of actual payment too. So please wait. You will get it in less price than what I paid (Rs 605 w/ taxes for same 30VA r-core, no bargain as I already paid online).

I know all gentlemen pay quickly so that's not a problem. ;)
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Hey captain ....any movement on enclosures ?
Omishra, thats a nice and utilitarian enclosure ..How much did u get it for and from where ?
Omishra, thats a nice and utilitarian enclosure ..How much did u get it for and from where ?
I got it from local project kit shop for Rs 155/-. It has metal thickness of 18 gauge (<1mm) and dimension 12" X 8" X 3". For faceplate I bought 6mm 3" wide Aluminum raw plate. Wait for 1 more day. I will be finishing it tonight.
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Pass B1, its singing


I will write more details after listening. For now, its silent and clear cut. Very well absent in the path with dark background. That's all! Let me listen now :D

I am not showing front side of this gadget till I fix the faceplate.

This is 4 input device with CNC MM phono stage as one input. More details later.

You can see AC Mains fuse, I put 150mA fuse inside and ferrite bead on the wire to avoid noise.

Mains power inlet wires are fixed and put inside PVC sleeve for protection.

Mains indicator is 3mm LED + series 15K,1/4W resistor fixed to 22-0V of r-core transformer terminals.

There are two 330E, 2W resistances, one for LDR 12V supply and other for input selector's supply. Ground remains same for all PS

Input selector -

CNC MM Phono stage -

LDR Volume control -

Watch out for volume control wires on PASS B1 board.

Color of wires at LDR Volume control board.

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Re: Pass B1, its singing


I will write more details after listening. For now, its silent and clear cut. Very well absent in the path. That's all! Let me listen now :D

I am not showing front side of this gadget till I fix the faceplate.

This is 4 input device with CNC MM phono stage as one input. More details later.

You can see AC Mains fuse and ferrite bead on the wire.

Mains power inlet wires are fixed and out inside PVC sleeve.

Mains indicator is 3mm LED + 15K 1/4W resistor fixed to 22-0V of r-core transformer.

There are two 330 E , 2W resistances, one for LDR 12V supply and other for input selector's supply.

Input selector -

CNC MM Phono stage -

LDR Volume control -

Watch out for volume control wires on PASS B1 board.

Color of wires at LDR Volume control board.

Hi Om,
Congratulations :clapping:nicely done as always.Please post your listening impressions too.We all are eagerly waiting for detailed review.

Om, an excellent build - neat layout and very clean wiring.
Very impressive that nearly all the boards are "indigenous"! :)

Like Sachu said, look forward to more listening impressions.
Great build there Om. Congratulations. Neat layout, separation and wiring. And thanks for all the details. Waiting for the front and listening impressions.
Very neat layout and thanks for all the pictures. Will help all of us who are
in the process of building the same.:clapping:
Thanks friends!

I prepared aluminum faceplate (3" X 13", 6mm thick). I sprayed it chrome spray paint used for car alloy wheels. This is supposed stick to Aluminum. But waiting for com-paint lacquer (clear coat) to arrive as it will give some protection and shine to that color. I will post some pics after that.

Here are my (Musical and Electrical) impressions of this build.

No turn on/off pop. Just start music with attaining max volume within 5 sec. Large capacitors took 1 minute from power on to settle at max voltage, I fed 19.5V. (It draws 18mA with 5mm LED placed on board)

This is having very very dark background. I could not listen any noise with this in middle of chain. I put my ears to speaker components - nothing. Its like dead. :clapping:

With any source it plays clear and sounds live. I mean each instrument/sound is distinctively identified specially w/ chorus etc. Filled low, controlled high still I can not call as warm but live music. Guitar, flute and violin are clean and superb. Vocals - its always filled and I could listen breathing of singer at some places (with ACD input). Few music pieces are audible at first time. :thumbsup:
Well controlled tight bass. All over complete band is represented nicely. Though I have misplaced speaker positions, I can feel they are absent in the scene. I need to go near to confirm that both are working.

Volume control:
This guy works nicely though I could not figure out any difference between my earlier resistor ladder based stepper and this. I did NO tuning after the build. Even I did not bother to measure the resistances of it.
Only one caveat is there. This does not go to 100% silent on 0 level of volume control. My amp plays little music 1-2% of max level as it has sensitivity of 200mV. This was mentioned at Uriah's site(? somewhere I read). Still in midnight silent I have to increase it from 7'o clock position towards 8'o clock position. Normal listening level is at 9'-10'o clock. That level starts bothering everybody in house. Smooth action and no more steps. Way ahead of normal stereo pot. At low volume all details are retained and that all about it.

As commented earlier this is very musical :thumbsup:. I am not repeating same story for this. This needs to open at higher side and tighten up at lower ends. I have to wait for week to complete 30 musical hrs. :) It is said that modern OP AMP based phono stages are equivalent to older designs of couple of Sq Ft filled with components. Current draw is approx 12mA for both OP AMP operated at +/-12V.
After increasing to 100% volume w/o records played, I find faint white noise sounds like hiss or FM radio w/o station. This is audible very very faint hiss at volume control set to 100% and vanishes with music. It seems something it getting induced at sensitive input of CNC board. But no need to worry about it as it has to be sensitive to cope with 2.5mV input. Overall silent between tracks of LP w/o any kind of background noise.

Power Supply:
I am happy with this module. It is doing its duty. CNC is working like it is battery powered (forgive me), PASS B1 working dead silent, nothing getting more than warm except those two 330E,2W resistances. Either of them touch to 1.5W dissipation occasionally. At any level, I did not notice any audible noise interference or hum from AC Mains.

I am happy with this complete project. It was worth of all efforts, inclusive burning midnight oil by Sachu888, Quad and me :). Thanks to Sachu888, Quad and all participant for encouragement and support. This reduced cost and we could attain quality. Thanks to CaptRajesh for pushing LDR Volume Control and PS in middle. It completed this preamp. I got satisfaction from all boards we designed and built. This fulfilled long desire of owning PASS B1 based preamp. Thanks everybody!

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I also want to get into DIY but don't know much.

Just walk to the local main road, uncover the lid of the nearest man hole and get in ... no sweat ! :thumbsup:

Wait for the next GB if there is going to be one ... :)

omishra's review has tempted me to complete my build as soon as possible. Please go ahead with the group buy for the r-cores. I also wanted to know about the hookup wires as these are not available in Chandigarh. My cache of brass pcb mounts has exhausted can you guys help me in procuring the same.
Please go ahead with the group buy for the r-cores.
Tomorrow is promised date for delivery of r-core from EMD. Let's see. Still did not get price list after discount.
I also wanted to know about the hookup wires as these are not available in Chandigarh.
What wires you are talking? All over I used wires from CAT5 data cable. Some places I used that 5mm finolex cable for LDR ground and PS of source selector.
My cache of brass pcb mounts has exhausted can you guys help me in procuring the same.
Don't you have local h/w market there? Its easily available for Rs2/-each for 5mm and so on.
Checked the local hardware stores didn't find them. Purchased some plastic ones. Will try one more market this weekend. I have a large CAT 5 cable with cut that ope,. Won't it be preferable to use shielded wire.
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