Pass B1

Good new!

Transformers will be ready by tomorrow or worst case by Monday evening. I will let you know price details after confirming shipping charges v/s weight. Please let me know who would like to collect it personally. I know Captrajesh and quad are collecting personally and stereorules can do it. For others shipping will be arranged.

  1. Gopib - 1 Nos 22-0-22, 30VA;
  2. Stereorules - 1 Nos 22-0-22, 30VA;
  3. Santhosh - 1 Nos 22-0-22, 30VA;
  4. jetlag - 1 Nos 22-0-22, 30VA;
  5. basawamin - 1 Nos 2X9-0,15VA;
  6. AudioDoc - 1 Nos 22-0-22, 30VA; 1 Nos 18-0, 30VA;
  7. cmsajith - 1 Nos 22-0-22, 30VA; 2 Nos 2X7-0, 10VA; 2 Nos 2X15-0, 10VA;
  8. Captrajesh - 1 Nos 22-0-22, 30VA; 1 Nos 34-0-34, 320VA;
  9. gobble - 1 Nos 22-0-22, 30VA
  10. quad - 1 Nos 22-0-22, 30VA;
  11. Omishra - 1 Nos 22-0-22, 30VA;

Prices I will PM individually. Keeping in mind business interest of source - by request.

Shipping charges will be approx Rs 70 + 20 (or at actual) packing/handling for all small transformer (except that huge 320VA).
For multiple items it will combined to save your money. So my brother will calculate last figure according to weight and destination.

All outstation transformers are dropped to EMS speed post. Local collection will be expected by individuals. I was dot correct on shipping and packing charges. Even my brother has seen how to make r-cores and enjoyed the quality demo at EMD facility.

the cab i have material for
13" * 10" * 65mm

please note : below breakup is tentative - im no good at estimation - this is the reason im actually making 1 cab to have an idea of the true cost

material for face plate,top bottom and back weighs 4kgs - aluminium cost for that is about 245rs/kg with slitting/cutting etc

side profile is a custom aluminum extrusion - this is not sold per kg - but on the whims and fancies of the person who has commissioned the extrusion - namely ME(can cost from 200rs to 1800rs per foot )
For this group initiative - i will not be charging

Labour and machining charges - estimate 800-900 rs - will know the true value after i complete the first build

1 volume control KNob - solid aluminium machined as shown in one of the last cabs i built
(however cab faceplate will not be recessed in this build) - 125rs
i have 6nos in stock left over from a batch i had made last month

power connector
option 1
rear IEC only -
taiwanese (90rs) OR MX (probably 30rs not sure since i havent ever used them)

front toggle switch
taiwanese 100rs OR MX ( dont know probably 30-40rs)

rear loaded IEC socket cum switch - check my last build -i think the entire assemble is 125 bucks- taiwanese
rear IEC connector with toggle switch seen here

feet -
option 1
normal rubber/plastic buffer feet - availble at any MX store - probably 20-30 bucks
option 2
aluminium cone feet ( 3 nos ) as used in my cabs posted earlier - rs 225rs (set of 3)

Anodising - options of silver black even champagne/gold - this is done at a very old and dear vendor - i will persuade him to do it at cost

Packing charges - include carton and some buffer materials like thermocol - estimated rs 80rs

Top plate air vents - i have omitted these from the build - the 3mm oval airvents machining just end up costing too much

Soundfoundations margin - priceless ( 0 )

Courier charges - whatever they are - professional courier is cheapest for 5 kgs packages i think 40-50 bucks/kg

if ive missed some piece of hardware that is required please let me know
e.g an extra toggle switch for the front or an extra knob etc

RCA holes will be 11.9mm
this is standard holes for most rca plugs -

location of swiches and RCAs knobs etc need to be finalised and a pdf should be sent to me

Note : above prices are for a group order only
I have not calculated profit since most of the users are old contributors to this forum

please note this is not a mass produced item due to which labour and machining charges are high- hence this cab cost cannot obviously be compared to mass produced offerings

Request to the Moderators
Normally i dont make any of my prices public since i have issues with dealers and direct buyers from whome i charge profit
I request you to please delete the prices once the group buy is over
i would not like to give the benefit for 1 off buyers

i request a moderater to confirm - otherwise i will be forced to edit the post above ( before the allowed 24hrs)

i have listed the above only for the benefit and convenience of members
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Thanks Magma. That was a very good description of your design.

You have provided quite a few options. I suggest that to make things easier for you, provide standard sockets for IEC and toggle switches as well other jacks etc as per OM's design. I would be comfortable adding
more as may be required at the back, which I could DIY...hopefully.. In this way the frontal cosmetics will not be affected. Regarding anodising etc, since your run is going to be a small one may be you could just stick to one type...reduces your burden again.

My 2c....

I am surely interested as mentioned in my earlier post. Please do PM me when ready.

Thanks Magma. That was a very good description of your design.

You have provided quite a few options. I suggest that to make things easier for you, provide standard sockets for IEC and toggle switches as well other jacks etc as per OM's design. I would be comfortable adding
more as may be required at the back, which I could DIY...hopefully.. In this way the frontal cosmetics will not be affected. Regarding anodising etc, since your run is going to be a small one may be you could just stick to one type...reduces your burden again.

My 2c....

I am surely interested as mentioned in my earlier post. Please do PM me when ready.


+1 Agreed with Gopib.

hi gopi

the options i had given are not for individual orders
they are options that all can consider and come to a consensus

in the end there will be only ONE final design using a certain quality of connectors
that is the only way i can keep costs low

color is the only thing i can offer individually

i need 6 to make this work

are you in mumbai ?
yes having the boards would help
A consensus is more important though due to varied assembly styles of varied users

wheres the vollume pot hole wheres the IEC , the switches the rcas etc
i need a PDF with dimns so there is no misunderstanding

jetlag - if youre in mumbai you can come when the trial cab in semi ready
we can mod it for your personal use if you like it

tomm i will get all the raw matl slit and milled to size
the day after ill do a dummy assemble
then i will need the PDF
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IMHO, the integrated IEC and switch to be located at the rear would make the work easier also leaving the face plate clutter free; adding the Aluminum cone feet would add a touch of class and anodising would ensure lasting quality finish whereas buffed aluminum would not last. Brushed aluminum would attract dust accumulation.
IMHO, the integrated IEC and switch to be located at the rear would make the work easier also leaving the face plate clutter free

that is correct

anodising would ensure lasting quality finish whereas buffed aluminum would not last. Brushed aluminum would attract dust accumulation.

very few people actually know this
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