pre amp?? power amp??

Somewhat in line with Iaudio's comment, allow me to go a bit off-topic here...
Part of my professional role, involves reminding colleages to "follow the system /protocol /guidelines already declared". Despite this background I suggest the forum members to be on tolerant and "compassionate" side when we find another member asking questions that have been answered before.

Everyone may not have the inclination /patience to read thru posts and make conclusions out of it. Some threads on this forum have very organised structure, whereas some get diverted all across the world before they come back to point and give away some form of "conclusion".

So I suggest people with ready answers and time on hand may directly post the replies or suggest keywords that would make the search more focussed.

A curt /bursque reply may add a bad taste to a newbie's audio journey.

I don't intend to be preachy here... just a suggestion :)

Coming back to the main topic...
Hi Rijuc, I have no exp on this but you may read this link, maybe it helps >> Pre Amplifier vs. Integrated |


Arre bhai log, he is 'just confused' about pre and power amps! Why are ya'all giving him so much tenshun asking for specifics and budget?
i guess i had made a post which says i dont intend to buy the pre amp or the power amp... want to know their application... where does budget come into the picture here?

the question of budget came in because it appears from your earlier posts that you are feeling that you are missing something in your sound. If you were not missing something you would have never asked "Am i missing something?".

now obviously if someone is missing something,he will try to get that missing thing, which will come at a cost.
Everyone may not have the inclination /patience to read thru posts and make conclusions out of it. Some threads on this forum have very organised structure, whereas some get diverted all across the world before they come back to point and give away some form of "conclusion".

That is exactly why threads should not be started needlessly. Too many threads clutter forum structure. Needless posts clutter reading. I do not mind answering new questions, or helping someone new along. In fact, I got a lot of help from forum members to many of my basic queries here.

But if someone does not take the trouble to read/search before posting, then they should not clutter the forum with needless posts/threads. Not only because it wastes everyone's time, but also because we all would like HFV to be a neat, organised, readily available resource to current and future members. Needless posts destroy that resource. It is not a question of is a question of basic courtesy to the forum, its members and its knowledge base. I don't see any reason to have patience with posters who are not respectful to all the above. I know your heart is in the right place and I respect your views as well. I'm just putting forth mine. :)
i am not sure whether it applies to this thread, but often times a post is made because someone is desperate to get adequately informed before he makes a purchasing decision...since such decisions are time bound, he may not have the luxury to sift through countless posts-sometimes with confusing and conflicting arguments and counter arguments
and as with everything else on the internet, even here in this forum, information is getting multiplied each day and unless one has such high levels of motivation, it will be easy to get overwhelmed by the overload...
so i am in the camp that recommends willing members answer those specific queries, if they can or want, and once a specific conclusion has been reached and the OP reasonably satisfied, the thread be closed or deleted...
given the rising popularity of this forum, it is however quite inevitable that more and more people will be joining in and seeking specific information and not all would have gone through the rules about posting or even searched...
i am not sure whether it applies to this thread, but often times a post is made because someone is desperate to get adequately informed before he makes a purchasing decision...since such decisions are time bound, he may not have the luxury to sift through countless posts-sometimes with confusing and conflicting arguments and counter arguments
and as with everything else on the internet, even here in this forum, information is getting multiplied each day and unless one has such high levels of motivation, it will be easy to get overwhelmed by the overload...
so i am in the camp that recommends willing members answer those specific queries, if they can or want, and once a specific conclusion has been reached and the OP reasonably satisfied, the thread be closed or deleted...
given the rising popularity of this forum, it is however quite inevitable that more and more people will be joining in and seeking specific information and not all would have gone through the rules about posting or even searched...
This makes perfect sense moktan - I concur
Basic courtesy is sacrosanct ,a must ......not only in this forum..but in any communication

Look at our helpful Dr. Spiro's tone in the initial responce and later one ...he must have felt irritated..

now rijuc least respect the fact that a busy doctor spent some time on your extremity ambiguous query and come with some response...

and from the further communication of yours it appears that you have not taken pains to read and understand the concept ,otherwise you would have come with smarter queries in your later communication..

also not telling about your setup and ignoring some questions will not lead you anywhere..when you are saying you are missing something in sound ,i strongly feel culprit is your source ,if you are playing MP3s or FM from your mobile with 3.5 mm plug you will get trashy sound is called GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out!!!

Otherwise we found Norge is extrealy capable amp when paired with a decent are not reveling which norge you have ,which speakers and source you are using( Is this classified info?) you are posting on this forum I think you are able to read and write (or type as myself can barely write ) in English better than lot of people.

and pre and power are not magical devices in audio chain ,even your norge has pre and power circutry ,INTEGRATED in 1 piece ,so it is INTEGRATED ampo. some integrated amps have external connectors to attach external Pre/POWER so that a better one can be used,AFAIK norge does not have this facility.

And about courtesy and music remember what Confucius ,greatest thinker from China said When music and courtesy are better understood and appreciated, there will be no war
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"Good" is a relative term. A 2 wheeler owner will consider a Maruti 800 a good car, whereas someone who owns and Accent may not. Do a bit of reading on this forum and learn from what others have posted and then make up your mind.

Is that too much to ask???
someone here quoted a good pre/power to be in the range of a lakh and a half... so does that mean to have a good stereo setup one needs to have a budget of 4.5 lakhs?

Like I said earlier, what is the definition of GOOD?

Set a price band in your mind. Then choose what is the best in that price band. To me, THAT is good.
i guess i had made a post which says i dont intend to buy the pre amp or the power amp... want to know their application... where does budget come into the picture here?

Why am i responding to the post.

If this person wants to know the application, there is all the time in the world to search all the forums in the world.

If it is for knowing what is missing in the sound, difficult to help, unless one knows what is present.

My guess, given this person's listening skills and courtesy, is that he forgot to add the source to the amp and speakers.
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i am not sure whether it applies to this thread, but often times a post is made because someone is desperate to get adequately informed before he makes a purchasing decision...since such decisions are time bound, he may not have the luxury to sift through countless posts-sometimes with confusing and conflicting arguments and counter arguments
and as with everything else on the internet, even here in this forum, information is getting multiplied each day and unless one has such high levels of motivation, it will be easy to get overwhelmed by the overload...
so i am in the camp that recommends willing members answer those specific queries, if they can or want, and once a specific conclusion has been reached and the OP reasonably satisfied, the thread be closed or deleted...
given the rising popularity of this forum, it is however quite inevitable that more and more people will be joining in and seeking specific information and not all would have gone through the rules about posting or even searched...

This definitely does not apply to this thread as the OP does not want to buy anything and he is not in hurry. He is just Lazy. Remember Manu?how he was and used to start too many threads. Now he is a changed man and the change is for good.
i guess i had made a post which says i dont intend to buy the pre amp or the power amp... want to know their application... where does budget come into the picture here?

I think all of us are now confused as to what you want and what you are looking for. Since you have no intention to buy, I guess it is safe to assume you are just looking for information. But again, this also needs more elaboration. Do you just want to understand what are the roles of a pre and power, or are you looking for technical information?

I have explained this many times before, but let me give you a brief.

In a music system there are three parts - a source, amplification, and delivery that is done by the speakers.

Sources are CD player, DVD Players, Cassette Deck etc. All these players send signals out with very small energy - usually measured in millivolts.

This energy cannot be amplified nor can it be sent to the speakers. Thus the first step is amplification is to take this low energy signal and amplify it to a slightly more powerful signal - usually 2 to 3 volts. This is what a pre-amplifier does. It recognises the signals coming from different sources and executes the initial energy enhancement.

The output signal of the pre-amplifier that is 2 to 3 volts range is sent to the next amplification stage - power amplification. The power amplifier adds a large amount of current to the sound signal, enough to drive the speakers at whatever levels you want. As you turn the volume clockwise, more current is added. When you turn it anti clock wise, less current is added.

Each of these components has a specific task. In integrated amps, the pre and power are housed in a single cabinet.

For a more detailed and technical explanation, please see post number 19 in

If you have any more questions, please shoot after reading the link.

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Moktan you have very well elaborated further, considering yourself in the newbie's shoes. I also agree the issue of "basic courtesy" raised by other members. I would like to add "giving benefit of doubt" to the list of "Tolerance" and "compassion".

At times when I am waiting at a bus-stand , I ask a fellow passenger when a certain bus will arrive... and he immediately points behind me... and looking at rush I too rush to take the bus forgetting to say a quick "thanks". It doesn't take time, but in rush of moment I just forgot to follow the basic courtesy. In a reverse situation, I would give "benefit of doubt" reg courtesy to the person in hurry, if the same situation happened with me. So lets give it to others too, in this forum.


i am not sure whether it applies to this thread, but often times a post is made because someone is desperate to get adequately informed before he makes a purchasing decision...since such decisions are time bound, he may not have the luxury to sift through countless posts-sometimes with confusing and conflicting arguments and counter arguments
and as with everything else on the internet, even here in this forum, information is getting multiplied each day and unless one has such high levels of motivation, it will be easy to get overwhelmed by the overload...
so i am in the camp that recommends willing members answer those specific queries, ...
my apologies to all the people i have offended in this thread... i was just looking for an answer that was driving me up the wall for the past few months even after spending hours on google and wikipedia and few of the threads here...
but then some of the answers here have been so well put that i now feel dumb as to why couldnt figure out this simple thing...
thank you all again...
Rijuc, Lets put this all behind and you could even start a new thread with your specific queries/inputs on pre/power amps, which is clearly stated in the initial post, (rather than a couple of letters/words which are outnumbered by question marks:p guys, remember?).
Its very becoming on your part to accept and apologize.:)

Shailesh, So?
my apologies to all the people i have offended in this thread... i was just looking for an answer that was driving me up the wall for the past few months even after spending hours on google and wikipedia and few of the threads here...
but then some of the answers here have been so well put that i now feel dumb as to why couldnt figure out this simple thing...
thank you all again...

Can you divulge a national secret ie your system configration ,name and model number??
i think if you search in the other thread he has started, you would be informed that he has a norge amp and wharfedale bookshelves.
the source could well be a national secret....
Poor shailesh142 has been the most recent victim of the swamp of HFV where the numerous crocs & gators have been feasting for quite a while...

Carry on :D

Meanwhile awaiting for the next poor victim :rolleyes:
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