Samsung 32" LCD prices in Mumbai suburbs
As on 16th May, 2010, Samsung 32" LCD prices in Mumbai suburbs
1. Samsung 32C450 is for approx. 33K and 32C530 for approx. 37K at Samsung showroom near Nanavati, Vile Parle; post-bargain
They have 32B350 for 31K, 32B450 for 32.5K and 32B480 for 38K; post-bargain
2. At other chain stores: 32C450 is for approx. 33K and 32C530 for approx. 39K without bargain.
VS is giving Samsung DVD player free with 32C530 - is ready to rebate 2K for it; not all chains have both the above models
3. Hypercity is offering B 350/450/480/550 for 28/30/25/39 K
PS: Posting for first time in this thread; if this posting violates any of the forum rules, do let me know, will remove it
As on 16th May, 2010, Samsung 32" LCD prices in Mumbai suburbs
1. Samsung 32C450 is for approx. 33K and 32C530 for approx. 37K at Samsung showroom near Nanavati, Vile Parle; post-bargain
They have 32B350 for 31K, 32B450 for 32.5K and 32B480 for 38K; post-bargain
2. At other chain stores: 32C450 is for approx. 33K and 32C530 for approx. 39K without bargain.
VS is giving Samsung DVD player free with 32C530 - is ready to rebate 2K for it; not all chains have both the above models
3. Hypercity is offering B 350/450/480/550 for 28/30/25/39 K
PS: Posting for first time in this thread; if this posting violates any of the forum rules, do let me know, will remove it