Guys, thanks for the diagnoses and suggestions. Based on it all, I am currently hypothesising that the Valhalla 2 preamp (whose primary purpose is a headphone amp, but also has provisions to be used as a tube preamp) is not suited to be used with my SS Audiolab 8200A in power amp mode because Valhalla2 adds too much gain which the 8200A power amp is not able to handle causing it to frequently get into protection cut off.
So now, I think I have to start looking for a new preamp. I am quite clear that I want the tube sound - close to, or better than the current one. And my choices would be limited in terms of my budget. I need some suggestions on this, I have noted the Yaqin and Lyrita suggestions. But not sure how much they cost. Also, it’d be difficult for me to make the decision without trying how they sound in my system.
Schiit itself has a proper preamp now, the Freya, which has active tube, passive and JFET buffer stage options. The specs (attached below) show an output impedance of 210 ohms and gain of 5. Do you think, as per your analysis, this would match my Audiolab 8200A power amp section? What other factors I need to check to ascertain this compatibility? Would the problem I face with the Valhalla 2 be non-existent with the Freya? How can I ascertain this without an insystem trial (which I shall check with the authorised dealer if I can get - if they have demo piece and I can take my amp to check). I see the cost would be around Rs 70000, but I like the Schiit sound produced by the Bifrost DAC with the Valhalla 2 today, and imagine the Freya would be close to it, if not better (have to read the reviews in detail yet).
Another option for me is to replace both Valhalla 2 and the Audiolab with an integrated tube amplifier. Are there any good suggestions (sound and reliability wise) that come within Rs 100,000? Especially what I can audition in Mumbai. Please advise.
And, thanks!