Hi, lot of good suggestions already.
I envy your room; it is indeed made for a projector.
Since you have set three hard parameters (Soundbar bought, projector over TV, and budget locked at 1.5L), go for the TW9400.
Am however curious about how you will place your soundbar.
Alternatively, there are also other laser options available if you bump your budget a bit.
But since you have mentioned your work-life balance already, no harm in getting the Epson and getting started. Everything else will fall in place.
You can even start with throwing it on a wall! Just enjoy the downtime you get.
Only additional point I will add is this:
If you really enjoy your movies, just buy two screens, a fixed 2.35:1 from any decent manufacturer, and a retractable 16:9 screen that you can hang in front of it. TW9400 allows you to set aspect ratio in memory.
Or if you really, really enjoy your movies, you could write to these people to see how much it costs to get them to ship to India:
Cheers and regards