I dont listen to Rock as much as I used to do back in the day. But one person whose music I never seem to tire of is Van the Man. There is a certain soulful magic in the voice of this brooding bard. I dont think there is quite an album like Astral Weeks.
But apart from his studio works the energy of Van Morrison is best captured in his live performances. His Caravan with The Band in their The Last Waltz is as well known for his crooning as his leg kicks and his nonchalant walk off stage which surprise even Robbie Robertson and his cohorts.
The pinnacle however of Morrisons live performances ( in venues in the UK and US) are showcased in his double album Its Too Late to Stop Now.
The synergy between him and the 11 piece The Caledonia Soul Orchestra is quite something.
Its no wonder then that some consider it to be the best live performance ever.
For the audiophile the sound too is top notch and a worthy tape to carry around for auditions.