Right now I am listening to ...

Retro Sunday...

Videocon Walky - KT3114 (Given to me by my girlfriend in School back in 1997, we parted ways after college).
The Best of Sting - Fields of Gold Audio Cassette (Bought in 1999).
Sennheiser PX-100 II (Bought in 2015).

Cheers folks! :)
Wow, A walkman! :) And the source makes it doubly nostalgic!
Wow, A walkman! :) And the source makes it doubly nostalgic!

Thank-you my friend! You know this particular rig, when I listen to it always manages to take me back to my school years in the 90's! The love for music, saving up pocket money and shelling out to buy that "one more cassette", heck even sharing the price of a cassette or Audio CD with a friend... will forever miss those days. Life was sweet back then. :)

On topic:

Thank-you my friend! You know this particular rig, when I listen to it always manages to take me back to my school years in the 90's! The love for music, saving up pocket money and shelling out to buy that "one more cassette", heck even sharing the price of a cassette or Audio CD with a friend... will forever miss those days. Life was sweet back then. :)

On topic:

Yeah, Those cassettes were too costly at that time. I remember I had a group of 4-5 friends, We would buy one pre-recorded original and 3-4 blanks and than record those blanks from original in one friends double deck! That way, we could bring the cost a bit down.

Also, there was super joy of your mix tape getting recorded as per your list at those places. :cool: Those were days of struggle full of fun.

Now we have problems of things aplenty.
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We would buy one pre-recorded original and 3-4 blanks and than record those blanks from original in one friends double deck! That way, we could bring the cost a bit down.
Ah, the good old days full of generosity, sharing, and nostalgia. And no one called anyone a pirate!
There were so many moving parts. All of them user serviceable with a pencil or a Reynolds pen, cello tape, a small screwdriver, scissors..,,our physical engagement and interaction with music was at its peak; and I don’t mean just dancing!
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