Well-Known Member
But sheer loudness was not the only aspect in which the SMSL was beat to my ears. The Marantz simply sounded more musical. Maybe it was that the Marantz simply had more body in the mid range and mid bass which made the SMSL seem lean in direct comparison. While detail retrieval is good on the SMSL which was aided by the slightly lean character of the midrange, the Marantz was up there but had a much more rounded sound plus a larger and wider soundstage.
So are entry level Class D amps at the same level of performance as entry level class A/B amps? More appropriately, are these giant killers? I think not, not yet at least in my experience. And their power ratings do seems to be a bit exaggerated as well.
And to my mind, class A/B integrateds are still a better bet for a bit extra and for many, the last amp you'd need unless your use case scenario, as in mine, requires otherwise.
P.S.:- I also have a higher powered Class D amp in the Crown XLS1502 and while it has infinite power, the Marantz still comes out top trumps on the SQ aspect subjectively. And the Crown costs almost as much as the Marantz while being entirely barebones on the features front when compared to it.
Speakers used for the comparo were the KEF Q350, Boston Acoustics A26, Klipsch RP600M and PSB Alpha P5.
I completely agree with you, its not only the Marantz but the Class A/B architecture which sounds sublime.
My friend had got his NAD 3020 v2, which is a class D amp. It had the same noticeable traits of the typical Class D, but I loved the form factor.
I even had done a comparison once

Class A/B vs Class D amplifiers
Hello everyone, I have been experimenting few things in my chain, trying different pre amps, power amps and new ways of listening music. Not that I am not satisfied but wanted to learn and feel how each change in a chain affected sound, in a good or bad way. I have a Class D Crown XLS 2002...