friend first quote the message correctly, it creates a confusion while reading ...... dont take it other wise just make sure you quote the message correctly ...
Coming to your problem ..... resolution wise VGA would do the job, however there are other limitations. like no dual displays (which is what you want I guess) plus no HD passthrough etc.
If you have a Home theater and want a proper HD audio with sharp full HD video, better upgrade to a new mobo. You processor, RAM are ok, just find a compatible mobo that has a PCIE slot and get a new GPU. Thats all you need to do for now.
errrrr not trying to nitpick here VGA technically has no resolution limit. It can go up to 2048x1536p@85 Hz, however there are other limitations. Though theoretically VGA is unlimited but the effects of PI
filters, DAC bandwidth, cable bandwidth, connector quality, all play a part on the final image quality.