sam9s HTPC Project! powered by XBMC!!

well how to configure XBMC to launch TMT for BDs is the trick poart here. I am not at home ATM, but will provide you the steps and details. Its just a matter of preparing a script and place it in the correct folder. Will provide you the details.
Hi just read first 3 pages and got XMBC to work. But how to configure TMT 5 with XMBC to play all mkv videos.
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Looks awesome dude!!! The only thing that i ont like xbmc vs vlc is that it does not have a volume boost.
Xbmc used to have this feature when it was an xbox1 exclusive dont know why the devs ripped it.
Hi just read first 3 pages and got XMBC to work. But how to configure TMT 5 with XMBC to play all mkv videos.

Sam, thanks it worked (as always) :). Next hurdle how to configure XBMC to start BDPs in TMT? Tried one Advanced Launcher add-on in XBMC, having trouble as it always refers to the BD drive.

we have a file named playcorefactory.xml that has the script that tells XBMC to launch TPP. Then we have to install slysoft virtual clone drive that would load the DB ISO, which TMT5 would use to play movies. This is how it should be done.

1. Create a folder on your HTPC drive that would contain all your BD ISOs.
2. Rename the ISO to something like <<name of the movie>>.BD.ISO e.g terminator.BD.ISO
3. Create a BAT file with any name. I created PlayBD.bat and place the following statement in to the bat file ...

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Elaborate Bytes\VirtualCloneDrive\VCDMount.exe" /d=0 %1
START "Total Media Theatre" /D"C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcSoft\TotalMedia Theatre 5\" /WAIT /MAX uTotalMediaTheatre5.exe P:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Elaborate Bytes\VirtualCloneDrive\vcdmount.exe" /d=0 /u

This is assuming that you have TMT5 (not TMT3) installed in the default location. You also have virtual clone drive installed .....

4. save the bat file in the same folder where you gave your BD ISO.

You have to set TMT5 which drive to act as default if you have multiple drives. Also make sure that you have auto play selected in TMT5 and always on top is also selected.

Now I shall share the playcore factory file.

<player name="TMT5" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
<filename>M:\XBMC_MOVIES\XBMC_BD_Disc\PlayBD.bat </filename>
<rules action="prepend">
<!-- Blu-rays -->
<rule name="Blu-Ray" protocols="bd" player="TMT5"/>
<rule filetypes="iso" filename=".*BD.*" player="TMT5"/>

Create a note pad file copy the contents and save it as .xml file. Save in the below location ...


In the play core factory file the below line would change as per indivisual ..


This is where you have all your BD ISOs and the bat file.

and thats it. open xbmc go to your BD movie. right click on the movie poster and choose play with external player and choose
TMT5. This would mount the image, open TMT5, make it full screen and start playing the movie, all automated. One you close TMT5, XBMC should be back again .....
sam, I need help on XBMC to launch TMT5 in full screen when I want to play a BDP instead of BD ISO and to start playback automatically.
both the setting should be in TMT5 itself. If it works for ISO it should also work for BD Disc (by BDP I suppose you mean BD Disc ??)
Hi Sam,
I am facing some difficulty configuring this since in my case I cannot right click on afile as I want to play entiore BB with all its menu etc, Please suggest what should be the changes in my case.
thanks sam9s for this thread that serves as an exhaustive guide. i have recently got hold of a 3D HD media player (Himedia HD 900B) and am still exploring its various uses, but thanks to your efforts in posting about your project in details, am really very excited and hopeful now towards building a HTPC sometime in the (near) future, and that time, i will be licking this whole thread bit-by-bit, as well as baijuxavior's thread too !

really thanks a lot :clapping:
Hi Sam,
I am facing some difficulty configuring this since in my case I cannot right click on afile as I want to play entiore BB with all its menu etc, Please suggest what should be the changes in my case.

which process are you following ...
which process are you following ...

I configured the batch file as you suggested in your last post, only excluded the virtual clone drive commands. However at the end of the xml file you have specified wildcard for *.iso so that on right click of iso file inside xbmc i get this custom playback option, however since I want to play BDs directly say from F drive what should be the wildcard and also inside XBMC what do I need to do to start this custom playback.
I am on beta2 and looking at the release notes I do see that except xbmc live iso installer (bootable) there is no significant update, specifically the HD Audio support. What I believe that they might hold this HD Audio support until the final release even if this is ready internally since that is the icing on the cake. So in my opinion to all beta users unless you do not have a serious problem with the beta version you are using, stick to it until the HD Audio version is out, that is what I will do for the time being.
Hi Sam/HTPC users through AVR
Did you manage to get the precise HTPC display on the TV through the AVR straight after connecting or did you have to tweak the TV/AVR to get the display corrected on the TV? What I mean is did the HTPC display borders overflow the TV borders initially? Trying to find out if the problem that I have (above) is inherent with the AVR or TV. I don't get the AVR in my list of devices in my sound menu like many HTPC users. I use a Yamaha RX-V863 by the way. GC is GT440.
Any inputs would be highly appreciated.
To get correct display out,one need to adjust overscan level in graphic card control panel.
When you connect AVR to graphic card,it may identify AVR as Flat panel display.
But if you check windows 7 settings,you can see your AVR name.

In playback devices,you can see Realtek auido & not AVR.
I tried the Eden beta 3 today. Bluray ISO works ootb with built-in player, no additional config needed. Have to check out other features and see if those are still working or not.
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