Samsung 2013 Plasma TV's

Will the F4100 720p be as good as a 5/6 Series LCD-LED on PQ alone?

They have mentioned 860x480 as resolution. It is almost like DVD resolution.

Viewing distance would be 8-10 feet.
Will the F4100 720p be as good as a 5/6 Series LCD-LED on PQ alone?

They have mentioned 860x480 as resolution. It is almost like DVD resolution.

Viewing distance would be 8-10 feet.
Which model are you looking at btw? I checked the samsung India site and even the 28" f4100 has 1366x768 resolution.
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This is the link to the 43" model.
Actually I don't want to spend more than 50k. In that budget LEDs are so-so. Content would be TV & rips.
Initially I was not so keen about plasma due to the reflection problem. I am thinking of going the plasma way to see the best I can get for the money.
F4100 : was the el cheapo model ~33.5k. But that resolution (852x480) was a shock!
This is the link to the 43" model.
Actually I don't want to spend more than 50k. In that budget LEDs are so-so. Content would be TV & rips.
Initially I was not so keen about plasma due to the reflection problem. I am thinking of going the plasma way to see the best I can get for the money.
F4100 : was the el cheapo model ~33.5k. But that resolution (852x480) was a shock!

That truly is a shocker! Dont waste your money if its this low res. It's 2013. Not 2003.
Yes, the F4900 is one shortlisted option.

Any expereince of playing 1080-rips on a 720p panel? How do they "feel"? I would be using a WDTV.

How are LG budget plasmas?

Samsung plasmas don't have the extended warranty. And the Sammy LCD/LED extended warranty is quite expensive compared with Sony. Am worried that I may eventually end up buying a EX650, with its extended warranty costing just ~4-5k, against Sammy's 16k! If we factor-in the extended warranty cost, Sammy becomes more expensive than Sony.
Have to see the costs of LG extended warranty now.....
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I think F4100 is only for OOH media display only. No point buying a tech which was 5-6 years old. It is strange that Samy is promoting them as mainline offering for retail public, may be show that they are providing a bigger display at cheaper cost, and also to wrest away some market-share from al-chepao TVs in the market.
Ken Ross compares the 2013 Samsung F8500 plasma with the Pioneer kuro and the sharp elite LED LCD and here are his thoughts(he owns all three of them).

Color- I think observed color is pretty much a draw, even though it's measurably better on the 8500. Here I'm using more of my experience with my Pro 151 Kuro, when I had it and the Elite at the same time, since I haven't seen the Elite & 8500 side by side. I suspect in rare situations, if you knew what to look for (hello low luminance cyan?), the color might appear more accurate on the 8500- Slight advantage to the 8500.

Black levels-To the naked eye this is also probably a draw in the vast majority of situations, though I haven't seen them both side by side in totally dark environment. The MLL is measurably better on the Elite, but still exceptionally good on the 8500. There might be some rare situations, in a totally dark room with very very dark material where the Elite may have a slight edge- Slight advantage to the Elite.

Sharpness- Also very close based on what I've seen. The 8500 is the first plasma I've seen that has that 'precise' look (for a lack of a better word) not unlike an LED. This one's a draw.

Brightness- For all practical purposes, in a well lit room, this is also really close, but measurably better on the Elite. However, ABL is non-existent on the Elite but not as aggressive as typical plasmas on the 8500. But you will still see occasional instances of the ABL kicking in, it just won't be as frequent or as severe as in other plasmas. Slight advantage Elite.

Motion- I know the knee jerk response here is that plasma is always better. Perhaps I'm not as sensitive to motion issues as some, but I always thought the motion handling on the Elite was excellent. Likewise, I found the motion handling on the 8500 just as good. This one's a draw.

Viewing angle- This one is clear cut, no close calls. Distinct advantage to the 8500.

Carefree viewing- How's that one for a category? Without any concern for IR, burn-in, station logos, tickers etc., the Elite shows the LED advantage. This is not to say that the IR issue can't be managed, it can. Nonetheless, Advantage Elite.

Overall PQ- I know this sounds like a cop out, but I think each one has its virtues. But if there was a gun to my head, based on such an advantage in viewing angle and other performance areas being so close, I suspect the 8500 would appeal to more people.


Reviewed by AVForums. Not as spectacular as VT65 :(

Samsung F8500 (PS64F8500) 64 Inch 1080p 3D Plasma TV Review | - UK Online

And so, Panasonic wins once again.

It incorporates a striking design with a cutting edge Smart TV platform and the kind of big and bright images that we never thought possible from a plasma. If youre looking for some of the best 2D and especially 3D pictures around, then you should definitely check out the PS64F8500.
Samsungs efforts in developing their Super Contrast Panel has certainly paid dividends in terms of screen luminance and even the PS64F8500s big screen could pump out enough brightness to compete with a lot of ambient light during the day.
When it came to 3D the increased brightness of Samsungs Super Contrast Panel really paid dividends, delivering some of the brightest 3D images that we have seen from a display and that includes LED LCD TVs.
- AVForums

Brightest 3d than any LED TV? awesome...
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Yes. Technically F8500 is not given the "Reference" status.
VT60 seems to bag "reference" status in almost every aspect of PQ viz. contrast/motion/black levels.:licklips::licklips::licklips:
Yes. Technically F8500 is not given the "Reference" status.
VT60 seems to bag "reference" status in almost every aspect of PQ viz. contrast/motion/black levels.:licklips::licklips::licklips:

ok ... some times I do feel that the performance measurements become insiginificant beyond some point. Panasonic might have got better black levels on test measurements, but the case may not be the same in real world. The reason is even the ANSI contrast measurement is not truly close to the real world replication. In real world where few movie scenes are with less MLL, we may end up seeing no difference between Panasonic of 2012 and Samsung of 2012. I have seen movies on Samsung Plasmas and at least in my eyes, I haven't seen any much difference between them and my ST50. Few experts still felt that Samsung was better in having true movie experience as it produced colors which are more natural. So I guess in 2013, test measurements may indicate that VT60 as a better performer, but I am sure Samsung will be on par in real world viewing. My personal opinion is we shouldn't give too much of importance to test measurements.
Yep, agree. A lots depends on real life viewing conditions (and the price).

GT50 was a good display. Amazing blacks but limited dynamic range in Cinema and Professional modes. Add DFC and IR. It was a let down experience. Glad I got my money back :)

Samsung and Panasonic are both good but somehow I liked E8000 over the GT50. Hope F8500 and VT60 are both on par. We consumers and enthusiasts don't stand to lose anything, do we?
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