Samsung Plasma 51F5500 Owners Thread /Reviews/Discussions!!

My toslink cable died on me. I am still waiting on cable to come from ebay. I plan to hook it up to my Z5500 (poor man's HT). Good thing about the Z5500 is I can have my PC input to analog and the TV to optical. Lets see how that goes cable should be here 2moro.

I request someone to share the settings they are using for the 3 video modes. If any links or config sheets are available please help me with that.

I was quite sad to see that the Television came with plastic base stand, I was shown the spider stand in brochure and same in online reviews... :( . Dont care much for the extra plastic remote as the smart remote works well for me.
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Hello Friends,

Glad to be part of this group; my first post...
I decided that I'd post here after owning an HDTV; so finally took the plunge and purchased the PS51F5500.
Things i recd in the package in addition to TV -
-Smart Remote with batteries(No standard remote)
- 2 3D Glasses with batteries
- Manual
- Stand
- IR extender cable

- Now, some questions to the guru's here ..

- This TV comes with a 15amps plug; didnt realise it until i opened the package and I have a 5amp wall plug. Now i need to either use an spike protector which has a 15amp plug slot or replace the wall plug with a 15amp plug. (for time being i am using spike)
Which one is a better option? Please suggest..

- I have an old gen Sony DVD player and home theater which has no Optical in; so to get the home theatre setup; is there any converter available that i can use? my home theater has only AV in ;-(

- The TV came with only smart remote? is that the norm ? i have seen in some reviews that there are 2 remotes. standard and smart.

- Has anyone checked the service menu to see the hours of usage?

Thanks you...

In my opinion I would suggest using the 15 amp plug as it completely depends on your calibration/settings how much power this TV will draw. The solution to your problem would be converting your wall socket to 15 amp. The reason why I am so specific about that is simply for safety.

Like when I am building PC's a low wattage PSU generally comes with 5/8 amps plug. However, anything like 650-700 watts above comes with a 15 amp plug because even at 80% efficiency and 90% load (basic 80plus ratings) it will be drawing 400-500 watts. You don't want that kind of power load on a 5 amp plug or wall socket.
I think the maximum power rating for 5500 is 300 watt or so. In that case, one don't need a 15 amps plug. In any case I have been using the same TV with the stock 5 amp plug alongwith a BDP and Set-top box all drawing power from an extension box and there is no issue whatsoever so far.
Hello Friends,

Glad to be part of this group; my first post...
I decided that I'd post here after owning an HDTV; so finally took the plunge and purchased the PS51F5500.
Things i recd in the package in addition to TV -
-Smart Remote with batteries(No standard remote)
- 2 3D Glasses with batteries
- Manual
- Stand
- IR extender cable

- Now, some questions to the guru's here ..

- This TV comes with a 15amps plug; didnt realise it until i opened the package and I have a 5amp wall plug. Now i need to either use an spike protector which has a 15amp plug slot or replace the wall plug with a 15amp plug. (for time being i am using spike)
Which one is a better option? Please suggest..

- I have an old gen Sony DVD player and home theater which has no Optical in; so to get the home theatre setup; is there any converter available that i can use? my home theater has only AV in ;-(

- The TV came with only smart remote? is that the norm ? i have seen in some reviews that there are 2 remotes. standard and smart.

- Has anyone checked the service menu to see the hours of usage?

Thanks you...


Could you please share the store and price details?
I think the maximum power rating for 5500 is 300 watt or so. In that case, one don't need a 15 amps plug. In any case I have been using the same TV with the stock 5 amp plug alongwith a BDP and Set-top box all drawing power from an extension box and there is no issue whatsoever so far.

Hi manzb,

Thanks for sharing your plasma experience. I am also planning for 51F5500
I didn't know it is with 15A plug. I have only 5 Amp wall socket for the TV. How are you connecting it to 5Amp wall socket? Which Stabilizer are you using with this Plasma?

not sure whats up but mine is with 5amp plug only:confused:...

Hi manzb,

Thanks for sharing your plasma experience. I am also planning for 51F5500
I didn't know it is with 15A plug. I have only 5 Amp wall socket for the TV. How are you connecting it to 5Amp wall socket? Which Stabilizer are you using with this Plasma?

Mine is with a 5amp plug. The cost 15amp plug and associated cables are twice costly if not more.

I am not using any stabliser for the tv. Here in Mumbai the power is quite stable. And I don't have stablisers for any of my gadgets including fridge , ac and tv.
Hello Friends,

Glad to be part of this group; my first post...
I decided that I'd post here after owning an HDTV; so finally took the plunge and purchased the PS51F5500.
Things i recd in the package in addition to TV -
-Smart Remote with batteries(No standard remote)
- 2 3D Glasses with batteries
- Manual
- Stand
- IR extender cable

- Now, some questions to the guru's here ..

- This TV comes with a 15amps plug; didnt realise it until i opened the package and I have a 5amp wall plug. Now i need to either use an spike protector which has a 15amp plug slot or replace the wall plug with a 15amp plug. (for time being i am using spike)
Which one is a better option? Please suggest..

- I have an old gen Sony DVD player and home theater which has no Optical in; so to get the home theatre setup; is there any converter available that i can use? my home theater has only AV in ;-(

- The TV came with only smart remote? is that the norm ? i have seen in some reviews that there are 2 remotes. standard and smart.

- Has anyone checked the service menu to see the hours of usage?

Thanks you...
I am having ST50 that is rated at 450W or something (full power mode). It runs on a 5A plug. Your TV is rated 299W. That is the power it will consume in full white screen mode. Under normal operation it will consume 60% of this power. Nevertheless, we shall use the full power rating and I will prove by an equation:

W = V * I * 0.6667, where 0.6667 is the power factor.

i.e., 300W = 230V * I * 0.67, so I = 1.96A

As you can see that 2A is the max current it will draw and hence a 5A plug/socket is more than sufficient.

... The solution to your problem would be converting your wall socket to 15 amp. The reason why I am so specific about that is simply for safety....

Like when I am building PC's a low wattage PSU generally comes with 5/8 amps plug. However, anything like 650-700 watts above comes with a 15 amp plug because even at 80% efficiency and 90% load (basic 80plus ratings) it will be drawing 400-500 watts. You don't want that kind of power load on a 5 amp plug or wall socket.

I would like to correct some basic miscalculations here, if I may. :)

One cannot simply replace a 5A wall socket with a 15A wall socket and expect that all will be well. The wires to the socket should be able to handle currents up to 18-20A. Builders/electricians save costs by using the right guage wire for the right electrical gadget/socket. Using large guage wire throughout the wire capable of carrying more than 15A current would be extremely safe but would work out costly.

For that matter, a 5A socket is capable of delivering 1150W at 100% power factor while 767W at a load factor of 0.66667.

Meaning no disrepect, please.
I am having ST50 that is rated at 450W or something (full power mode). It runs on a 5A plug. Your TV is rated 299W. That is the power it will consume in full white screen mode. Under normal operation it will consume 60% of this power. Nevertheless, we shall use the full power rating and I will prove by an equation:

W = V * I * 0.6667, where 0.6667 is the power factor.

i.e., 300W = 230V * I * 0.67, so I = 1.96A

As you can see that 2A is the max current it will draw and hence a 5A plug/socket is more than sufficient.

I would like to correct some basic miscalculations here, if I may. :)

One cannot simply replace a 5A wall socket with a 15A wall socket and expect that all will be well. The wires to the socket should be able to handle currents up to 18-20A. Builders/electricians save costs by using the right guage wire for the right electrical gadget/socket. Using large guage wire throughout the wire capable of carrying more than 15A current would be extremely safe but would work out costly.

For that matter, a 5A socket is capable of delivering 1150W at 100% power factor while 767W at a load factor of 0.66667.

Meaning no disrepect, please.

Great explanation, but that makes me wanna ask when do we exactly need a 15 amp plug then?:sos:
Great explanation, but that makes me wanna ask when do we exactly need a 15 amp plug then?:sos:

Actually around 1.5KW or more load needs 15 Amps plug and minimum 2.5 sq mm cables. The regular 5 amp sockets are connected with 1.5 sq mm cables and connected to the mains through a 2.5 sq mm cable.

Even a iron which draws around 1KW of power is given a 5 amps plug and TV ratings are far lower than an iron. So don't worry, you can easily replace the 15 amp plug of the TV with a 5 amp good quality 3 pin plug.
High power gadgets such as Storage Water Heaters, Electric Geysers, Ovens, etc. and typically those who draw more than 1.5 KW require high ampere rated wires, sockets and plugs. We Indians have messed up badly. No other country, as far those I have seen/visited, uses two separate plug/socket formats. In my opinion, we should standardize everything to 15A.
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Am not sure if this is the right place to post this query. Please excuse if it isn't.

What is the current price of 51F5500 Plasma in Karnataka. Any Diwali/ Dasara offers announced?
Am not sure if this is the right place to post this query. Please excuse if it isn't.

What is the current price of 51F5500 Plasma in Karnataka. Any Diwali/ Dasara offers announced?

When I have checked couple of weeks back it was around 76K in Samsung brandshop koramangala. It was not on display though.

As far as I know no offers announced now. I hope there will be some offers in Oct and Nov
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