Search for first Hifi-started with Floorstanders 2012


Apr 29, 2012
Hi Everyone,

First day of registration and my first post. Been an avid reader of various posts here though and really loved the way this enriched me. Long way still before I move up the audiophile curve..currently at 1/10. :)

Have recently started looking out for building my first Hi Fi i.e. a good system primarily dedicated to music...say upto 80%, with extended listening on weekends. Need the experts here to guide... Tried to keep the post to the point, with the essence of my experience.

So it is Stereo Amp + Speakers now and add a dedicated player or DAC later on.

Budget : around 60 -70 K - Speaker + Amp
Room size : 25X 12 Ft. Speakers would be placed on the 25 ft wall and therefore the front throw is 12 ft.
Source: DVD player/ Ipad/Laptop- CDs (10-20%), FLAC- 20-30%, MP3-balance. Though this would move towards CDs steadily once the system is home.

Logic till now : Have started auditioning with the assumption that need to reach a level to distinguish the various speaker signatures/sounds/empahsis' before moving to more subtle considerations on amp, connection wires et al.
Therefore all speaker auditions have been without much reference/stress to what they are connected.

Lessons till now : No speaker is perfect and it is only relative to other speaker that you can judge whether its 'bright' or 'warm' or 'tight' etc. I m therefore mentioning what each of these were played alongside to give a comparative picture to all who are on a similar journey

Key Tracks used (along with some others):
Rolling in the Deep -Adele - CD
Pour some sugar on me- Def Leppard- MP3
My Heart Will go on- Celine Dion-CD
The wonder of you- Elvis - CD
If I Die young - Band Perry- CD
Note:Not all are played on all speakers. My taste of music is varied- Indian classical, Western Classical specially piano (student of piano), Country, Pop, Rock, Hard rock, Blues, Bollywood, Jagjit singh and whatever my kids want to dance on!

Speakers auditioned

1. Kef Q500 : Played with Denon amp and alongside the Polks. These sounded less brighter than the Polk and therefore considered these to be warm and pleasant for extended listening. Liked the looks. Quoted 48 K.

2. Elac FS 58.2 : Played with Onkyo alongside Energy (cant recall the model) and Acoustics Energy Neo 3. Found these to be more natural sounding, though found very subtle difference with AE. Difference with Energy was stark and didnt find the Energy to be pleasing (say bright). Quoted 40 K

3. Monitor Audio BR6 :Played with Cambridge alongside Mordunt (cant recall the model) with Wharfedale 10.7. Found Wharf to be too bright in comparision ( this is despite having the impression created through various forums that Whafs are warm). Found Mordunt to be more pleasing compared to Wharfs. However when played alongside BR6, found them to be very subdued with clarity on vocals and strings going little amiss. However also important is the fact that these are atleast 10 K cheaper. Found BR6 best of the lot, very controlled bass, clear instruments and vocals (although a little subdued). Quoted 51 K and option of 42 K for an old but packed piece (3 year old).

4. Wharf 10.6 : Played with Yamaha alongside 10.5. Found 10.5 to be brighter and bit muddy. No quote rcvd since the main guy wasnt there... indicated around 45-50 K. Overall feel of testing conditions was poor and so was the experience on speakers.

5. Tannoy Mercury V4 : Marantz AVR alongside Definitive BP8. Found the sound to be very clean and pleasing although couldnt differenciate much between the two. But since the focus was Tannoy, liked it overall. Also checked Tannoy revolution, which also sounded good although only difference i would make out was better delivery of bass (say tight) and improved vocals compared to Definitive. Was quoted 32 K for V4 and 63K for revolution.

6. Quad 22L2 : Marantz AVR .Sounded like the Tannoys i.e pleasing sound. But out of consideration set. 77K

Would be auditioning EPOs, Acoustic Energy soon. Would test the monitor m4,m6 and BX5 as well.

Now each has been tested in different listening conditions with different comparisions, so therefore I consider my views being baised by my mood, explanation from the seller and faint (very faint, if at all) remembrance of previous auditions, budget (speaker for upto 50 K). But since I can buy only one and seems there is no one place where on a given time and space i can test all together, I have tried to rank the preference till now

1. Tannoy Mercury V4 - 32 K ( Revolution if budget was there)
2. Monitor Audio BR6 - 51 K ..
3. KEF Q500 - 48 K
4. ELAC FS 58.2 -40 K
5. AE Neo 3 - 35 K

Now this is 'Ear Rating' and not price rating and maybe it may change once i reaudition with final shortlist. Polks, Wharfs and Mordunt seem to be out as of now and I m unlikely to revisit these. Have also tried Bookshelves from B&W and found them to be flat and not to my liking.

Your advise required:
1. Your ranking between Above 4 + EPOS (same budget range) + Acoustic (same budget range) + M6 /BX5
2. Recommended Stereo amps -Remaining amount would go for amp.

Would avoid going for other brands, since to my limited understanding this covers most well known and to my untrained ear, the loss on not testing another brand would be very little. May give a try to Paradigm or Heco or something extraordinary if some of the experts here are strongly recommending, else would give it a pass.

Request all the expert audiophiles for their advise in helping this newbie decide the final one (Most important variable post the audition and shortlist) and also hope my first post is helpful to other fellow community members on a similar sojourn.

PS: Checked the Bookshelves initially with Sub and found FS to be a much better option, therefore not considering BS at all. Next upgrade would be 3-5 years but would be adding a CD/DAC in near future.
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Experts where r u? Need help!

Checked on the EPOS speakers- epic 5, m16i alongside acoustic energy neo3.

Epic- well rounded and pleasing sound....still a newbie to comment on highs and low ,however found them to be in the league of tannoys.

M16i- found these to be very laid back. While I played Rolling in the deep and Pour some sugar, almost felt sleepy. Thought they were not bringing out the feel and energy of the song.

Acoustic Neo 3-cant say that they are very different from epic 5 but somehow liked these better and the bass was relatively easier ...compared to the epic.
All these were played with a Creek evolution 2.

Price- Epic 67k, M16i 77k, Neo 3 39k

One realization- it is difficult to compare one speaker to another without playing them side by side. Those who say they can distinguish and remember various speakers heard in different time and setting would simply be The Audiophiles. All newbies don't be too harsh on yourself in not being able to discern on the highs and lows and the mids and the muddys etc...

So the ranking i.e. buying preference post the tests, inputs from various sources and my own impression of the brands. But also seeking desperate help the experts on the doubts below each

1. Tannoy mercury v4- seems best value for money and sounds good

Would it be a good speaker for next 3-5 years...or the flaws, if any become too obvious very soon?

2. Monitor audio BR6

It's no longer in am I loosing the new model BX6 very different? Would buying a old packed piece at 40k be a good deal?

3. KEF, Elac and Acoustic energy- feel the need I audition these together again to rank..

Again pls advise if at 35 k is acoustic neo 3 a good deal compared to others considering it is also an old model?

Overall after auditions i m ok to have any of these as long as the reauditons don't through a surprise. All are European brands and the British seem to still rule the mind!

At the cost of sounding repetitive, the key factor now is Which one would be the best value for money considering 3-5 years.... My friends say I would have upgraditis in 2 years..I m not sure though

Please help...please...
Experts...pls help... Heard Dali Zensor5 ... Found it to be good with right balance for me except for the bass being not as crisp say an Elac 58.2? But good overall and would consider in final list.

Need help on the

AE neo 3- at 35k is it a good deal of a non production model
MA BR6- packed piece at it a good deal....mind says yes..wht do u say since it is again an old series.
How does it matter if Monitor Audio BR is OLD series or NEW?

Its not a software where new version may mean more fixes and old version = more vulnerable.

What sounds best to you, you should buy that.
If Tannoy it is, then Tannoy it should be ...

Anyway they have rave reviews in favor of them.

Tannoy, Quad, Wharfedale, Monitor Audio, Morduant Short are supposed to have the "British sound" - which means all frequencies are reproduces equally loud. And there is a slight roll-off (less volume) in the extreme ends. - this makes the midrange stand out.
But you won't sound as lively as the american sound.

On the other hand - the "American sound" = boosting the bass and treble ends - so that the music sounds lively at lower volumes, but it may sound fatiguing at louder levels.
So Boston Acoustic Towers are American Sound.

Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2
Hi Audiophiles... I am relatively new to this spectacular audio world. I auditioned Klipsch F30 Floor standing speakers and loved then to the core. What is your feedback on them and where can i find them for a reasonable price in HYD. Cinebels quoted me 63K. Is that correct price or can you suggest me some other place in HYD where i can find them a little cheaper. Please reply:)
Try the Monitor Audio M4 & M6 & if possible try to do comparison with Tannoy Mercury V4's
These should give you your answers.

On the other hand, ff you are happy with the BR6 sound, then @ 40k packed piece :rolleyes: is a good offer.
M series is positioned higher or lower than bronze?

Lower. Cabinets are cheaper in finish than the bronze series. Anyway target of M series is to tap in new hi-fi buyers....

Good stuff audiowise none the less.
I guess it all depends on what kind of sound you like.
I prefer vocals / mid range over other stuff and my Paradigm Monitor 7 V6 suited me the most. Although i did not have the pleasure to audition some better brands like Monitor Audio Bronze / Silver series, Dali, Kef, Klipsch, PSB etc. The other optuons i had other than paradigm were Polks TSi400, Jamo (C6???), Wharfedale 10.7, Elac FS, JBL Studio 180...
I would strongly recommend an audition of Paradigm speakers. Version 6 is now ohased out, so in version 7, you should have a look at Monitor9.

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@alpha- agree ur view on the european v/s American may not necessarily be country specific though, but in my newbie words the brightness of the higher frequencies I.e tweeter is a clear distinction. My bias is obvious...And thanks for taking some burden off on wondering old v/s new.

One learning I must share, and it surprised me that the highs, lows and mids and the distinction actually becomes visible after so many auditions... So all newbies, Audition, Audition! Audition and you do find the ears responding... as is happening with me delightfully.

Would try auditioning the tannoys again tomorrow with this new found ear and peg after that....

But since its gonna be only one, whats in my mind goes like this...

1. Tannoys mecury v4.....would want to stretch to rev dc6t
2. Monitor audio BR6....@40 k looks a good deal....would want to check alongside bx6.

@denom Have already checked bx5 and br6 without doubt sounded better, whathifi stars notwithstanding! Have checked m4..although m6 wasn't there for aud. As I said its all about wht u r listening alongside that a newbie like me is now able to bronzes were obviously much better..that was also the reason may be wharfs sounded too bright. Will try alongside tannoys if anyone keeps it. Thanks for the thumbs up for BR6'..the economics is appealing to me.

3. Dali sensor 5 & AE neo 3( again looks like a good deal at 35 k)

4. Elac..I checked on the Elacs 58.2 again and was surprised to note that after auditioning so many of the speakers, I could make the differences much better...played it alongside energy. Elacs have a very nice controlled...say tight bass in the lot and I loved it...but high were not so soft to my ears.

KEF q500 are in considertion set, but would rank them after reaudition since these were the first ones I checked and therefore need to recall what I heard with new improved ears.
Also tried finding out Q Acoustic 2050i....seems they're yet to reach Indian shores.

Ruled out- wharfs, polks, energy

@paritosh...did u play any other speakers polks..jamo etc...alongside the paradigms .i.e. side by side in same time and space so tht I can get the comparative.... My listening is varied and seasonal...currently the season of hard rock and seems like next would be Indian would try these

Need all of you to advise on the Amps for tannoys and monitor audio..pls
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@alpha- agree ur view on the european v/s American may not necessarily be country specific though, but in my newbie words the brightness of the higher frequencies I.e tweeter is a clear distinction. My bias is obvious...And thanks for taking some burden off on wondering old v/s new.

One learning I must share, and it surprised me that the highs, lows and mids and the distinction actually becomes visible after so many auditions... So all newbies, Audition, Audition! Audition and you do find the ears responding... as is happening with me delightfully.

Would try auditioning the tannoys again tomorrow with this new found ear and peg after that....

But since its gonna be only one, whats in my mind goes like this...

1. Tannoys mecury v4.....would want to stretch to rev dc6t
2. Monitor audio BR6....@40 k looks a good deal....would want to check alongside bx6.

@denom Have already checked bx5 and br6 without doubt sounded better, whathifi stars notwithstanding! Have checked m4..although m6 wasn't there for aud. As I said its all about wht u r listening alongside that a newbie like me is now able to bronzes were obviously much better..that was also the reason may be wharfs sounded too bright. Will try alongside tannoys if anyone keeps it. Thanks for the thumbs up for BR6'..the economics is appealing to me.

3. Dali sensor 5 & AE neo 3( again looks like a good deal at 35 k)

4. Elac..I checked on the Elacs 58.2 again and was surprised to note that after auditioning so many of the speakers, I could make the differences much better...played it alongside energy. Elacs have a very nice controlled...say tight bass in the lot and I loved it...but high were not so soft to my ears.

KEF q500 are in considertion set, but would rank them after reaudition since these were the first ones I checked and therefore need to recall what I heard with new improved ears.
Also tried finding out Q Acoustic 2050i....seems they're yet to reach Indian shores.

Ruled out- wharfs, polks, energy

@paritosh...did u play any other speakers polks..jamo etc...alongside the paradigms .i.e. side by side in same time and space so tht I can get the comparative.... My listening is varied and seasonal...currently the season of hard rock and seems like next would be Indian would try these

Need all of you to advise on the Amps for tannoys and monitor audio..pls

If you are also keen on auditioning a TL FS then you can also try my DIY speakers, check out the link for more details (currently is under prototype mode)
The journey is on...

Checked Heco VictaII 501 today and god, why was I stopping myself from auditioning these, I wondered. Very nice clarity and mids, loved them for it. Good bass...rock music sounds good. Very balanced speakers. The only shortfall was on highs being rounded...Played My heart will go on and when Celine dion goes up '...and u r here..', seemed like she is not singing in her full high as if someone was restricting her free flow going up!
But then played hotel california and WOW...what detailing!!
Overall pacakage very palatable. Played on Exposure 3010. Shortlisted at no. 5. Price 45 K +

Also auditioned Paradigm Monitor 7. Very nice mids, possible the most pleasant of all, decent but controlled highs... But where is the bass??. My overall impression- one of the better speakers for soft and extended listening, but not to my ears though. Price 45 K. Played with Pioneer AVR (was this the culprit for poor bass visibility??)

On Amps, Marantz 7004 seems like a good option. But it is still early for Amps though. You suggestions are welcome.
@alpha- agree ur view on the european v/s American may not necessarily be country specific though, but in my newbie words the brightness of the higher frequencies I.e tweeter is a clear distinction. My bias is obvious...And thanks for taking some burden off on wondering old v/s new.

One learning I must share, and it surprised me that the highs, lows and mids and the distinction actually becomes visible after so many auditions... So all newbies, Audition, Audition! Audition and you do find the ears responding... as is happening with me delightfully.

Would try auditioning the tannoys again tomorrow with this new found ear and peg after that....

But since its gonna be only one, whats in my mind goes like this...

1. Tannoys mecury v4.....would want to stretch to rev dc6t
2. Monitor audio BR6....@40 k looks a good deal....would want to check alongside bx6.

@denom Have already checked bx5 and br6 without doubt sounded better, whathifi stars notwithstanding! Have checked m4..although m6 wasn't there for aud. As I said its all about wht u r listening alongside that a newbie like me is now able to bronzes were obviously much better..that was also the reason may be wharfs sounded too bright. Will try alongside tannoys if anyone keeps it. Thanks for the thumbs up for BR6'..the economics is appealing to me.

3. Dali sensor 5 & AE neo 3( again looks like a good deal at 35 k)

4. Elac..I checked on the Elacs 58.2 again and was surprised to note that after auditioning so many of the speakers, I could make the differences much better...played it alongside energy. Elacs have a very nice controlled...say tight bass in the lot and I loved it...but high were not so soft to my ears.

KEF q500 are in considertion set, but would rank them after reaudition since these were the first ones I checked and therefore need to recall what I heard with new improved ears.
Also tried finding out Q Acoustic 2050i....seems they're yet to reach Indian shores.

Ruled out- wharfs, polks, energy

@paritosh...did u play any other speakers polks..jamo etc...alongside the paradigms .i.e. side by side in same time and space so tht I can get the comparative.... My listening is varied and seasonal...currently the season of hard rock and seems like next would be Indian would try these

Need all of you to advise on the Amps for tannoys and monitor audio..pls

I would agree with Paritosh. Paradigm Monitor 9 is an excellent buy. And as for your question i did compare Paradigm with Polk Tsi 300 or 400(not sure) which was of the same price with a marantz amp. Paradigm sounded way better. I would suggest you try out the Monitor 9 with Marantz PM6004 amplifier. You will like it...
The journey is on...

Checked Heco VictaII 501 today and god, why was I stopping myself from auditioning these, I wondered. Very nice clarity and mids, loved them for it. Good bass...rock music sounds good. Very balanced speakers. The only shortfall was on highs being rounded...Played My heart will go on and when Celine dion goes up '...and u r here..', seemed like she is not singing in her full high as if someone was restricting her free flow going up!
But then played hotel california and WOW...what detailing!!
Overall pacakage very palatable. Played on Exposure 3010. Shortlisted at no. 5. Price 45 K +

Also auditioned Paradigm Monitor 7. Very nice mids, possible the most pleasant of all, decent but controlled highs... But where is the bass??. My overall impression- one of the better speakers for soft and extended listening, but not to my ears though. Price 45 K. Played with Pioneer AVR (was this the culprit for poor bass visibility??)

On Amps, Marantz 7004 seems like a good option. But it is still early for Amps though. You suggestions are welcome.

I would agree there is not a lot of bass in Paradigm Monitor 7. But, when combined with a sub woofer, it sounds out of the world. So, if you're willing to buy a sub, go for M7's. Otherwise, it will lack bass. About the pioneer amp, i'm not very sure but i think its the speakers lacking bass not the amp. If you consider monitor 9, keep in mind that it too will not score very great on the bass part.
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Also auditioned Paradigm Monitor 7. Very nice mids, possible the most pleasant of all, decent but controlled highs... But where is the bass??. My overall impression- one of the better speakers for soft and extended listening, but not to my ears though. Price 45 K. Played with Pioneer AVR (was this the culprit for poor bass visibility??)

On Amps, Marantz 7004 seems like a good option. But it is still early for Amps though. You suggestions are welcome.

If you want bass, please check Monitor 9. Pair them with Denon/Marantz AVRs for a better pairing. I have heard (pun unintended) that Paradigm's also go well with NAD amps. But yet to audition the combo in person.

Edit: If you felt that the highs were left wanting in Monitor 7s, I believe Monitor 9s will address that too.
@ak47 & milestone- couldn't audition monitor 9 but did hear monitor 11. The bass much better of course, but still felt a little better management of lows is what the ears demand. Not given a choice, paradigms are a good buy and least likely to cause post purchase desonance...but then 'yeh dil manage more'. But Im still open to all influences and who knows how the things change by the time I finalize in another 2-3 weeks! To my mind may be the avr wasn't the right piece to assess these.

Would be going for reaud of Kef and klipsch today.

@ milestone-Tannoys could get only one place at jayanagar but would want to hear these again at some other settings...
any ideas on tannoys audition at Bangalore apart from the jayanagar guy..
Wish I could compare them with monitors alongside!
I admit Tannoys are not exactly easily available for audition here at Bangalore (except for htstore). So not much help there.

As for the left wanting for better bass management, I would say look no further than PSBs T5/T6. T5 are 59k while T6 are 79k (I think so). Superb set of FS, with very clean sound (no coloring). Drive very well with NADs. The only reason I didn't go with T5 was that it was just too much vis-a-vis my budget. Plus my 1911 would be left short of breath for T5s, leave alone T6.
Went for Klipsch audition-Rf62 & 82. The results as per my newbie assessment
1.bass is overpowering and takes away a lot at the cost of clarity. It all sounds muddled up.
2. The highs have a good range and I could feel Adele singing at the top of her voice, without issues
3. These are good options for someone who loves and is permitted by neighbours to play loud music!
Priced at 68k don't think these are real value for money. Someone considering these should do a comparative alongside Polk, Elac and Wharfs.

Played with marantz 7004. Seems like this would be the amp to my liking.

Did a test of Jamo D590- seemed like a mistake for everything after that was substandard. They sell at 98k for a pair. Amazing clarity, control, highs, lows...everything the way I would like it. But then these are in different budget range and haven't really heard comparatively with many similar priced speakers. Nonetheless this gets full marks on my likeness scale. Much out of my budget though. Rf82 is similar priced....but they don't even come 50% close to D590.

@milestone where is ht store..pls give the nos. also whr to aud PSB
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