Well-Known Member
Diagonal view from Right
That is a nice rig you got there. I have some questions about the SVS. You can PM the responses or reply right here.
For how long have you had this sub woofer?
Purchase price?
Who did you buy it from?
I ask because a good friend and colleague had to ditch his SVS SB13 purchase due to their lousy Coimbatore distributor Audire. Audire may have a lot of respect here but when it comes to dealing with them on products that they distribute, they just do not know how to handle a customer. My friend took the sub woofer for a home demonstration and decided to buy the same unit on a big discount from the local dealer ARN Systems. ARN source SVS from Audire. The sub woofer failed after a week. ARN took the sub for a check up and identified that the amplifier had blown. Amplifier replacement was offered and Audire could supply ARN with a new amplifier unit. This took forever and there was no information on the status of the new amplifier shipment. The story kept changing each time. Sometimes it was, attempting to repair and then offering a new amplifier. Nothing happened for a week and that is when my friend decided to call it quits and return the sub woofer. ARN refunded the full amount but as with anything related to refunds that you need to deal with in this country, it required a little running around. I have seen a really professional side of ARN and then this instance which is not encouraging. I hope the good folk at ARN are reading this. I won't blame ARN entirely for this, however, they could have followed up more with Audire on what has to be done. My friend has decided not to touch SVS until and otherwise the distributor changes. SVS turned out to be the best sub woofer he had auditioned and he wants only that. You just can't risk buying one knowing that their distributor is like this. So he waits till a new distributor comes up for SVS.