Sir Garrard 401 has Arrived!!

Rega arm holes are about 25 mm diameter. You will need to drill a 25 mm hole from top to bottom, assuming the tonearm cable in not the removable type. Measuring the pivot point is straightforward - measure 222 mm from the center of spindle to appropriate location. Mark a dot at 222 mm (or was it 223 mm?), and this dot becomes the center of the arm hole to be drilled.

For alignment, the best would be a Rega protractor. Do look around for that. If you can't find that, I will scan and mail you the protractor of Origin Live arm, which uses the Rega geometry (AFAIK). It will be the second best option.

Thanks Joshua. Yes the arm hole diameter is 25mm and distance is exactly 222mm. And yes the tonearm cable is not the removable type.
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Photos of the Rega R200 Gents...






Guys I had a couple of more doubts:

1. Once the 25mm hole is drilled, how does the bolting work?

2. How do I know what height is required here. Should I just go ahead and mount it on the plinth as is and if additional height is required, just use washers to increase height?
Looks in real good nick. When I was setting out to consider tonearm options, I came across the R200. The seller was pitching it as the best budget tonearm in the world during the 1980s. I was really interested but settled for the Jelco as it was brand new and somehow, it looked good aesthetically, to me. I was also offered a Rek-O-Kut Micropoise S260, a 16inch broadcast tone arm but when my friend examined it, he found it to be in rather battered condition. Hence I backed out.
Guys I had a couple of more doubts:

1. Once the 25mm hole is drilled, how does the bolting work?

2. How do I know what height is required here. Should I just go ahead and mount it on the plinth as is and if additional height is required, just use washers to increase height?

Use this idea:

You'll need to measure the height of the tonearm starting from the base (the portion that is just above the plinth) to the centre point of the arm bearing. Then, measure the height of the 401's platter with a record on top, from the plinth. The 301 and 401 both have a higher than average height of platter, which almost always means that you'll need a shim to raise the height of the arm. With the SME 3009, I've used a spacer of about half an inch in height.

Alternatively, if your RB 200 allows you to raise the arm pillar by up to an inch in height from base position, you could probably manage without a spacer.
You may need to use shims to adjust the height if I remember right. The tone arm needs to be parallel when the tone arm with stylus fitted is placed on the platter with a record on it while determining the height of the tone arm.
Just remembered. Rega tone arms do not have VTA adjustment, even the R200 which was made by Acos of Japan, unlike the RB 250 and RB 300 which were British designed and manufactured. You've no choice but to use spacers.

The manual for the R200 is available on the vinyl engine site.
Thanks for your inputs gents. I was out last week on a trip to Pondi and back with some serious Tan :).

I will be starting with the drilling of holes for the 2nd arm this week. As G401 mentioned, I will need a spacer. I've got some spare marine ply that was used for the plinth and I intend to use the same for a spacer.

Will keep you posted.
Gents - I am yet to complete this. Sparing time for this is becoming quite difficult these days due to work picking up quite a bit a office. On weekends I really need to relax as its quite tiring. I am so close to closure but really need that extra time and I hope I close this soon. DIY projects are quite a task me friends :).

Once done, I hope all the efforts pay off on the 401. Really want to see the 401 singing.

So that said, I think I will just wait for the primary arm to come in and once and for all install both the tonearms. Maybe try taking a couple of days off midweek and close it.

Gents - I was working from home today and was looking at the 2nd arm which will be installed on the 401 and when I rechecked the 222mm I realised once this is installed I will not be able to use the dust cover. It will knock the arm :(. Plus the arm hole will be very close to the edge of the plinth. This does not work and will scrap the plans of installing on this plinth. Anyways it would have been a headache drilling an arm base when the plinth is already done. I had initially planned only for one 12" arm. I have a slate plinth in mind at a later stage and will plan a much bigger plinth then.

Guess I just need to wait for my primary 12incher to come in.

The workmanship on your Garrard is fantastic and who says that the 301 looks better than the 401. I love the looks of the 401.

I can't wait to see how my 401 and L75 builds will turn out, from a cosmetics perspective.
The workmanship on your Garrard is fantastic and who says that the 301 looks better than the 401. I love the looks of the 401.

I can't wait to see how my 401 and L75 builds will turn out, from a cosmetics perspective.

You bet. I am not being biased, but I honestly do prefer the aesthetics of the 401 over the 301.

Also Reuben, I am very very particular on the workmanship, I need everything to be a 100% in quality and finish. A simple thing like wires popping out can really get to me and spoil my listening session ;).

Eagerly waiting for your L-75 and 401 builds to complete. What's their completion status? Any photos?
You bet. I am not being biased, but I honestly do prefer the aesthetics of the 401 over the 301.

Also Reuben, I am very very particular on the workmanship, I need everything to be a 100% in quality and finish. A simple thing like wires popping out can really get to me and spoil my listening session ;).

Eagerly waiting for your L-75 and 401 builds to complete. What's their completion status? Any photos?

Yes, I and my wify too are very very particular about cosmetics especially on brand new stuff. I drove my builder up the tree on this front and when he failed to deliver, we gave him a torrid time.

On the 401 and L75 build, my wife and I have been engaging in lengthy debates about how it should look and I've been engaging with Mr. Kuruvila on these. I hope all's incorporated.

Like you, even if I see a corner pealing off or a speck on the veneer, etc, I get quite annoyed and cannot continue. I have another "bad" habit as well. When I buy something pre-used, I ensure that I preserve exactly how I got it. This will include the scratches, nicks and dings as well. When buying new stuff, it should look brand new, or else I don't buy. Interestingly wify has the same habit :D

Last report I got from Mr. Kuruvila is that the L75 plinth is done and the 401 plinth is on the verge of completion. I think he's now focusing on the dust-cover. He shared a pic from the workshop, shall post it tomorrow.
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