SkyFall - The Official review

Skyfall - Rate the movie

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Watched the movie. Not very good. Particularly the climax (dont worry there is no spoiler), was not acceptable for a bond movie. Movie was like drama at some places rather than action thriller. But not bad to discard, worth a watch once.

First action scene was good. Those who have already seen telugu movie dookudu will find Bond chasing the bad guy in the same places where Mahesh Babu was chasing bad guy in Turkey streets and terrace.
Saw the movie today and it was a decent flick, i went with absolutely no expectation.Bond movies never have had decent story or plot or even screenplay and it will continue to be the same(if one expects other wise then it is a big mistake :)) but only this time the character of bond seems a little more acceptable then the earlier ones.

here is a nice article on the 50'th anniversary of bond.

50th anniversary of James Bond: Daniel Craig is unshakable as today's perfect 007 - The Denver Post
Watched it at a nearby multiplex today. No regrets. Predictable but enjoyable like most Bond films. Better acting than what you normally get to see in a Bond movie. Javier Bardem is excellent. Daniel Craig, Judi Dench and Ralph Fiennes have all done a good job. Characters are more fleshed out but the action sequences not as good as Casino Royale. The film is mildly introspective. It seems to be imbued with the knowledge that the glory days of the empire are well and truly in the past. The rain drenched old world architecture of London is in striking contrast to the bright lights and gleaming towers of Shanghai.

I think Daniel Craig is better than Sean Connery or Roger Moore. The earlier Bonds were better at delivering punch lines and humor but Craig is more intense, rugged and tougher looking. He brings a touch of Le Carre to the role where as Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan's Bond had a touch of Wodehouse.
I think Daniel Craig is better than Sean Connery or Roger Moore. The earlier Bonds were better at delivering punch lines and humor but Craig is more intense, rugged and tougher looking. He brings a touch of Le Carre to the role where as Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan's Bond had a touch of Wodehouse.

Very aptly put! I think Daniel Craig has allowed the Bond movies to evolve to a slightly different "color". Much more edgy and personal.

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If all actors acted Bond the same style, it would be boring and the newer actors would be criticized for lacking originality

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Watched it today in IMAX.Daniel craig is my favourite Bond.I feel the movie is more sentimental.I feel it was made to give a decent exit to Judie dench as M.
Although we enjoy Bond in the middle of action sequences, he was made to appear more reckless in the first action sequence in turkey(crowded places!).
It was more like reading a Bond novel.Very refreshing ofcourse.
As someone said earlier, watching the Bond movie is a tradition.Never miss to watch it.
The screen persona of 007 is more about style rather than acting. In a two hour film focusing primarily on thrills and spills there is very little time (or inclination) to flesh out a character. To understand James Bond one needs to go beyond the film. To the books which spawned these films in the first place. To the author (Ian Fleming) who gave birth to one of the best known characters in pop fiction.

Ian Fleming biography

Why it was Ian Fleming's wife who invented James Bond | Mail Online

When Ian Fleming tried to escape James Bond | Books | The Guardian
Any body yet to watch this,,pls watch it at URVASHI,,its way ahead of all other theatres here in bangalore in terms of projection and sound..:clapping:
Very aptly put! I think Daniel Craig has allowed the Bond movies to evolve to a slightly different "color". Much more edgy and personal.

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Thats is what D.Craig's Bong movie were labelled more as Born than Bond ,,,, but that ok with me, the character, movie maker have evolved with time, which is good as far as I am concerned ......
Any body yet to watch this,,pls watch it at URVASHI,,its way ahead of all other theatres here in bangalore in terms of projection and sound..:clapping:

totally agree with this... watch any movie in urvasi. I watched Dark knight rises. ultimate experience to watch English movies (4K projector and BASSSS.... its really superb).

But I never saw a trace of BOND style with DANIEL CRAIG.

SkyFall - I felt not worth watching in theater (wait to watch in TV :) ). no (James Bond's gadget man, Q") gadgets! no car! no bond gals! it was not even like a thrilled action movie :-(.

totally missing pierce brosnan's bond movies.. hopefully next bond movie will be better.
That they were trying to save money was evident from the first scene, nothing impresses, little scale, poor action, nothing fancy, no cool toys, like they are depending on bond to go hand to hand fight in this hi tech world, and in the whole movie they could not use it to their advantage.
Movie makes more fun of MI6 than any of the previous ones, we have idiots manning their systems who connect under observation systems to their own networks!! how intelligent.
One agent saving M when she is under direct attack, they must be joking.
Poor storyline, the worst bond film ever, watch it once you get DVDs if you really want to, I was terribly disappointed.
Too many anti remarks than good ones!
So, I opt to wait for the dvd view at home. Save some moolah too. Multiplex visit costs a bomb nowadays.
Here my small review as well...

Skyfall ..... To begin with if people are looking for Typical Bond Action/Gadgets .... they are gonna be hugely disappointed. Anyhow the gadget gimmicky that had plagued the pre Daniel Craig movies was already been slowly removed since the first iteration of Craig's 007, however what for me was more ; how shall I put it ; different was how low on action, and heavy on drama/emotions this movie was. I can positively say that M and Bond shared the most screen time in this movie, (and there was a reason, not spilling out here as a spoiler). Another thing typical of Bond trademark movie is the improvisation that was missing all together, sure he was able to device plans of escape but that didnt seem to be any thing special. Casino Royal nailed it with just the opening chase sequence .......

Coming to positives, ........ I likes the introduction of Q, and I was not surprised to see that the makers of this movie clearly knew that gadgets are no longers Bond's, virtue, with Q aptly and funnly putting .... "What do you expect, exploding Pens ........ we dont do that anymore" .... I personally enjoyed that. Next were the dialogues witty, charming and funny kept the whole premises interesting. Last but not the least, Javier Bardem as the villain, I enjoyed him, how ever again people who have seen him in No country for old men would agree that, as a villain here in Skyfall, director was not even able to touch 5% of his performance what he gave in NCFOM, there he is just phenomenal and send shivers down your spine with his chilling, cold and ruthless performance.

Anyway all in all it was not my one of the good Daniel Craig movies as Bond, but still worthy enough to applaud it.............6.8/10

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