SkyFall - The Official review

Skyfall - Rate the movie

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To be honest, I've seen much bigger budget films which didn't interest me nearly as much as skyfall did (Avengers & avatar anyone? I was falling asleep in avatar at the amount of reused designs from aliens and ridiculously predictable fight off invading force story. And avengers.... may as well not have had a script to begin with it, was that bad a story and that big a special effects fest. ...

Off topic. At last, I have someone to relate to. I too feel asleep while watching Avatar. ...

A kindred soul here. I hated both Avengers and Avatar.

... they couldnt capitalize on the great Anton Chigurh?...

This I agree with completely. The Bardem's Silva in Skyfall was definitely not even close to Bardem's Anton Chigurrh of No Country for Old Men. Now Chigurrh was a villain that was unvarnished evil. And one who dominated the screen every time he appeared. Can't say the same for Silva.
1 Word 'Pathetic'!!!

1 of the worst ever Bond flicks for sure. Instead of releasing it as a Bond Flick, it is a documentary of how NOT to make a bond flick!
To be very honest, its a waste of money & time :mad:
Long story short for me: best damned Bond movie I've seen in a long, long time.

I'm not much of a movie person and I watch movies more out of compulsion. However, this is a different Bond movie, shorn of most gadget-y gimmickries, rather delving into the core character of Bond the person. He is shown to be quite vulnerable, not the usual almost superhuman portrayal of earlier Bonds. He can be thrashed in a fight, he still feel the pain of the loss of his parents at an early age, and he still has problem with authority figures.

Earlier Bonds were never that fleshed out as persons. Yes, all did have their run-ins with M. But the persona of Bond in this iteration is compelling - a mix of vulnerability,age catching up (and the to-be M giving him a gentle reminder of that fact), hard charging, hard drinking, ruthless to his enemies, always grabbing the moment, always visceral in hand to hand combats (by comparison, earlier Bond hand to hand combats are very tame, IMO), brave, and, as always, out to save the world. And still womanising.

Further, Q as a computer nerd reflects the reality of modern espionage and cyber warfare.

If I have lots of time in the coming week, I may go for an encore at the IMAX at Wadala:)
Jensen, Hydra

Personally I do not view Bardem's No Country For Old Men or Skyfall from an acting point of view. These films have made him will visible to an audience which seldom travels beyond Hollywood but they are not a patch on the films he has made with Latin American directors like Pedro Almodovar and Alejandro Inarritu. Bond films follow essentially the same predictable pattern. The action is great but the acting is nothing to write home about. I feel that films like No Country and Kill Bill are an unabashed hymn to violence, warfare and weaponry. Mildly sickening rather than entertaining. Like most folks who watch cinema I do get a kick out of watching violence on screen, but I am happy when that violence is layered with human undertones and a message that AHIMSA is the final solution. But ahimsa dosen't seem to be much in demand with the creators and consumers of mainstream cinema. There are simply too many avengers and terminators trying to save the planet. Our planet would probably be a safer and happier place without all these super heroes. Formula films do not require much in the way of acting. Actors don a particular style and repeat a few over the top mannerisms but there is seldom any depth in the characterization. Anton Chighurh's haircut was pitched as the baddest haircut ever. Silva's haircut reminded me of another recently famous computer hacker. But a hair cut dosen't really have much to do with acting. To watch Bardem in his element, check out Carne Tremula and Biutiful.

'Biutiful' - The Trailer - YouTube
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While watching Casino Royale, i waited the whole time for the dialogue " The name is Bond, James Bond" and finally when it was spoken in the end, i felt relieved. For me it was a tradition about to be broken. But, what it did for me was set an expectation that the cheesy one line, is no longer going to be a punch line in the movies to follow. By the time i went to watch Skyfall, i wasn't even expecting the quote. For me Skyfall, is all about setting context to a whole new world for MI6 and i see it achieving just that. Yes, there will be a fall out of some loyalists in this process, however it opens a whole new world of possibilities that Ian could not have imagined in his time. Bond is evolving from Ian's alter ego to someone believable & acceptable.
one of the worst movies i have ever seen .stop daniel craig or bond movie sequels will die forever.

The box office says something completely different. Skyfall made some 27.5 crores in the opening week in India, the second highest of ANY Hollywood movie after it was released on 907 screens in multiple languages. In the UK, Skyfall earned $91 million beating Harry Potter, Dark Knight, and the Avengers. Across the world, Sony Pictures has earned $280 million against a production cost of $150 million. They are not going to listen to anyone including Rotten Tomatoes, Daniel Craig, or anyone else.

Skyfall is turning out to the biggest grosser of ANY bond movie. Daniel feels that he will not be a good Bond anymore. Sony and Broccoli do not agree and have forced him to sign for 2 more Bond movies.

@Ajay124, I did see Bardem for the first time in No Country for Old Men. Of all the movies I've watched so far, I don't think any actor has ever done justice to a villain like Bardem has to Anton Chigurrh.

I loved Biutiful. I like movies about inner turmoil and pain, and when certain and impending death gets thrown in, it makes for a heady mix! The movie was what I'd call achingly beautiful. Bardem was truly great in it.

I've not seen any of Bardem's other Spanish movies yet. I didn't know Bardem was in Carne Termula! I'd got as a part of Almodovar's work. It has been sitting with me for ages now (and so have more than 300 certain-to-be-good movies I'm yet to watch). I wish I could find the time to catch them all soon enough. Priorities for time-allocation have changed substantially over the last half-year or so, but I'm not really complaining about that! I'll fast-track this movie up my to-watch list, now that I have one more solid reason to watch it, heh heh.
Bardem was very good in No Country For Old Men and Biutiful but IMO both the movies were average at best. There are certain directors who try to force feelings and emotions into movies which don't appear to be natural,they are mostly revolving around or trying to portray negativity to attract the audience almost in all of their work.There are directors who also force violence and sex into movies which again does not feel right,all this could be part of movie if they blend with the screen play and not appear as an additional or stand alone element or a highlight to the viewer, both these movies are an example of the former.Alejandro Gonzlez Irritu always makes these kinds of forced attempts in his movies which to me always appears very artificial.

My favorite movie of Bardem has to be Mar adentro, i liked this movie directed by alejandro amenabar.
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Very contrasting reviews... one of the worst Bond films ever (denom) followed by one of the best Bond films ever in a long time (jls001).

Methinks people's perception of Bond is flawed. They see him as some womanizer who is also a gadget freak... and since both are missing the movie has to be bad.

Perhaps, if Bond is perceived as an assassin (a ruthless one at that) who does not trust women (hence views them as playthings) and since the time Daniel Craig has stepped in the Bond franchise has gone in for a reboot and is showing us how Bond was made (rather Bond became the Bond)... perhaps the movies would be better enjoyed? Perhaps not!

Personally, I find it funny that people blame Daniel Craig for destroying James Bond... truth is the character was destroyed when Pierce Brosnan became Bond and Judi Dench became M. Bond had a female boss, and was told to behave and the movies were made to be politically correct i.e. women should not be portrayed as only sex objects (which is what they have always been in Bond movies).

Personally I enjoyed the movie, it has some good action but focuses more on Bond's inner demons and his perception of himself. An excellent movie that I enjoyed and even the critics have enjoyed it given the Rotten Tomatoes 93% rating.

Thankfully, Craig is going to be back as Bond for another 2 movies... cannot imagine anyone else playing that character after Craig's last 3 outings as Bond. I will agree Quantum of Solace played more like a revenge drama than a Bond movie, but that's exactly what it was... Bond seeking revenge for the death of Vesper. All said and done Craig has been perfect in Casino Royale and now Skyfall and both of these movies stand as excellent movies in their own right.

For anyone still in two minds... never mind the negative reviews... go ahead and watch it and you'll enjoy it. Just go with an open mind!
personally, i never cared much for Bonds gadgets. i do care a lot about story line though, it has to keep one engaged. all bond movie previous to this had great intros and poor endings - from that perspective alone, Casino Royale had to be the best, most satisfying movie, all the way till end.

if one were to sit back and think what skyfall was all about, im sure it'll draw a blank.

Sam Mendes is a genious - this is just not his forte though. i wish they give the next franchise to someone like Guy Ritchie or a Tom Tykwer or Steven Soderbergh
The rain drenched old world architecture of London is in striking contrast to the bright lights and gleaming towers of Shanghai.

Quite a critic here! Bravo!! If Sam Mendes intended this, he could retire peacefully knowing that the message has reached well. Having walked gloomy, overcast streets of Britain for years myself, the attempt to compare them with oriental incandescence is irresistible. Well spotted.

You got it right. From IMDB trivia,

Scriptwriter John Logan wanted to use Shanghai in China as a filming location because "What we were looking for was opposition to London. We wanted exotic locations that seem so unlike the world that he grew up in, the world that he functions in, in a way trying to find places for Bond to be uncomfortable."
Had this being released as just another action/drama film, then I won't have had any issues with it. Yes, the Bond films of yore have spoilt me as they have been created based on a character created by Ian Flemming, not some body else. This whole interpretation of going back to the start/how it all began somehow does not work after Bond has come this far. This is my personal opinion, just as the others have theirs.

Have no issue with Daniel Craig playing bond, just the weak story & limited budget which has forced the movie to be sans any typical 'Bond Action' ;)
Lots of goof ups also. The Bike chase is bleh & in 1 shot can be clearly seen that the whole thing is superimposed. Another glaring goof during the scene where bond is chasing the bad guy on the train, the earth movers/excavator are shown chain lashed earlier & when Bond enters the Excavator, it suddenly has no lashing??? Come on!

Waiting for next installment now.

One more grudge of mine is that of Skyfall showing Bond's beloved Aston Martin being completely Mutilated & R@ped :mad:
Re: SkyFall - The SBG'sl Rating

SBG's review is when the movie is watched in the Theater only.
SBG's Rating scale:
1. Came back home to watch another movie - Why was this movie made.
* ( single star for creating the hype and make me step into theater)
2. Stepped out of the theater quite often - Making reality checks - is there a headache, go home?
3. watched the compete movie - still have headache.
4.Ok watched the compete movie - No headache.
5.Watched the compete movie - No headache and came home to discuss few things with wifee.
6.Watched the compete movie - No headache and came home and my wifee says I'm acting strange - still empathizing with one of the character.
7.Watched the compete movie - No headache but hanging around the booking counter and contemplating one more show. Driving home - feel like the "Two wheeler" has suddenly become an Aston martin.I feel elated for no reason.
mmm... did I see few girls chasing me:indifferent14:

Skyfall: ***
One of the worst movies ever, does not hold good as a bond movie and fails miserably as an Action flick, wish i had actualy given the 600 bucks to a charity then to watch this loser of a movie.
Methinks people's perception of Bond is flawed. They see him as some womanizer who is also a gadget freak... and since both are missing the movie has to be bad.

Perhaps, if Bond is perceived as an assassin (a ruthless one at that) who does not trust women (hence views them as playthings) and since the time Daniel Craig has stepped in the Bond franchise has gone in for a reboot and is showing us how Bond was made ...

Well said. Pretty much sums up the new Bond.
However I do think that the new Bond is still evolving.
The movie was very good. But we audience went to see a James Bond movie not any ordinary movie. Since childhood we have seen Bond armors as woman,gadget and Martini. I have never seen Bond drinking beer. So I missed the old bond-ness in the movie.
I have just returned from the cinema. In my opinion, this ranks as one of the top Bond movies of all times, not as good as Thunderball or Casino Royale, but up there. The last one was, not to put a fine point on it, was quite silly. Revenge is one of the oldest motive of thriller plots. So without going into spoilers, I will recommend it. Don't go expecting gadgets, women, etc. Go if you like a story.

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