To be honest, I've seen much bigger budget films which didn't interest me nearly as much as skyfall did (Avengers & avatar anyone? I was falling asleep in avatar at the amount of reused designs from aliens and ridiculously predictable fight off invading force story. And avengers.... may as well not have had a script to begin with it, was that bad a story and that big a special effects fest. ...
Off topic. At last, I have someone to relate to. I too feel asleep while watching Avatar. ...
A kindred soul here. I hated both Avengers and Avatar.
... they couldnt capitalize on the great Anton Chigurh?...
This I agree with completely. The Bardem's Silva in Skyfall was definitely not even close to Bardem's Anton Chigurrh of No Country for Old Men. Now Chigurrh was a villain that was unvarnished evil. And one who dominated the screen every time he appeared. Can't say the same for Silva.